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No Other Country Threatens the World Like Zionist Israel 

By Fernando Guevara

Redress, July 7, 2019 



The hidden role of Zionism in your (s)elected government


There are regimes as cruel as Israel’s. But our governments do not support them to the detriment of our own nations. We are not punished for refusing to serve those regimes or commit treason against our own countries in their favour. Only Israel occupies our governments that way. And our minds. 

Meticulously planned control of public officials, vetted and monitored behind the scenes, ensures that democracy does not occur in the West. In an article on Redress Information & Analysis, Eve Mykytyn made the point very well in the title of her article, “Americans can criticise America. But not Israel“. Similarly, Britons can criticise Britain, but not Israel. Germans can criticise Germany… and so on.

What does this tell us? It tells us that, in spite of how Britons, Americans or Germans vote, they are not free to form their own governments. There is a non-elected government that controls the UK Parliament, the US Congress, the German Bundestag, and many other legislatures. It is a foreign reign of terror run by Israel and its Zionist networks. Have you wondered why so many members of the US Congress have Israeli citizenship? Or why a US citizen in Texas has to pledge allegiance to Israel (promise to refrain from participating in the boycott of Israel) in order to keep her job in Texas? Over 50 per cent of US states, including Texas, has anti-BDS legislation.1

The laws vary from state to state, but anti-BDS legislation has been widely challenged on legal grounds, and with good reason. Without going into the specifics of the various anti-BDS laws, it would suffice it to say that unless Israel is officially a part of the US (or vice versa), state enacted anti-BDS laws violate the US Constitution by engaging in foreign relations (granting political privileges to Israel) – a right reserved for the federal government. Moreover, whether state or federal law, prohibiting boycotts is a violation of the US Constitution’s First Amendment – the right to free speech and the right to political boycott. 

In the US, as in all Western nations, “elections” and governments have become institutions of Zionist vetted and sustained selections. Yet, we falsely believe thatweexercised choices; that there werechoices to exercise. If you live in a “Western democracy”, your government supports Zionism, at least in the sense that it has buckled under to it. Look at what happens to rare conscientious objectors, like Jeremy Corbyn in the UK and Represnetative Ilhan Omar in the US. My hat goes off to those honourable human beings for what they have endured in their attempts to pursue justice. We might not all have the intellectual or emotional capacity of Corbyn and Omar, but we can surely all pull our weight. We mustn’t get intellectually lazy.   

When a country acts against its own interests in favour of Israel, what does that mean? Does it mean that Glasgow, Vancouver, Milwaukee and Bonn are Israeli territory? Your guess is as good as mine. One of the five criteria for being a country is having borders. To the best of my understanding, Israel has never established borders. Therefore, we don’t exactly know where it is. The USA has military bases in over 130 countries – some sources say over 170 countries. But since Israel controls the US to the extent it does, the US is not a sovereign nation. It would be more accurate to call it the USI. No – Israel is not a country like any other, it is the world’s largest and oldest terror network, and it has achieved territory, noy borders. We can call it Terror Without Borders.

In the run up to the recent Israeli elections, we saw Binyamin Netanyahu forming a partnership with Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power, a group that openly advocates the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. 2

Jewish Power, whose leaders have a long history of expressing support for the persecution of the Palestinians, the expulsion of Arabs from Palestine, the banning of intermarriage and sexual relations between Jews and Arabs, proudly call themselves disciples of Meir Kahane. Similarly, Netanyahu’s primary challenger, former Israeli army chief Benny Gantz, broadcast a promo bragging about how much killing and destruction he committed in Gaza in 2014, in a series of campaign videos for his political party, posted on YouTube and social media prior to the elections.3

The Israeli New Right’s co-leader, Ayelet Shaked, performed in an advertisement where she sprayed on perfume from a bottle labelled “Fascism”, proclaiming that it “smells like democracy to me”. That sort of thing works in Israel – a country where well over 90 per cent of the voting population have chosen to support ethnic cleansing. For over 70 years!

You can’t say that about the population of Saudi Arabia or any autocratic country. You can’t even say it about the 12-year autocratic rule in Hitler’s Germany. Hitler was a crazy despot who, somewhat democratically elected, became a genocidal maniac. 

In Nazi Germany, you could be killed for being Jewish. Or Roma. Or homosexual, etc. 

In Israel, you can be killed for not being Jewish. 

Zionism’s claimed raison d’être is that Jews from anywhere have a right to “return” to Palestine/Israel after thousands of years. 

The logic changes in mid-sentence: Palestinians – although their right to return to identifiable properties can be verified (many families even retain keys to homes they were expelled from) – must accept “the realities on the ground”, after 70 years.

We are all Palestinians. The statement is not to be construed as cheapening the suffering of the Palestinians. It is said to indicate that we all run the risk of the destiny that is theirs, if we don’t start resisting, like they have for over 70 years. “We are all Palestinians” is also not to be construed as indicating that Rwandans, Sudanese, Congolese, the people of Yemen or any other people are not equally deserving of protection. “We are all Palestinians” simply signifies that we are subject to the exact same dynamics of Zionist pursuit as the ethnically diminished Palestinians. Just at an earlier stage. 

Zionist greed isn’t a legitimate cause, nor is the freedom to perpetuate it at everyone else’s expense. Yet, the infliction of intellectual anaesthesia, alternated with threats, that we endure to prevent us from realising this, and from rising up against the obliteration of democracy is forceful, repeated, and often accompanied by popular symbols of freedom. Anything to create a total chaos in the mind. Chaos and fear. Or simply exhaustion. What levels of brainwash will we accept before taking back reason and humanity? How much corruption of the minds of our children and ourselves are we willing to accept from institutions of learning or from “news” outlets? 

This article addresses some of the reasons that our overriding pursuit of democracy needs to be concerned with, first and foremost, throwing off the multi-level terror of Israel. The issues of this article will be roughly divided into the following four subsections (although they overlap to a large extent):

  1. Democracy presupposes informed consent of the people to be governed.
  2. How and why are people “educated”?
  3. Is it a matter of opinion or fact whether the World Trade Centre exploded or imploded?
  4. Punished for noticing the largest scale holocaust in known history

1. Democracy presupposes informed consent of the people to be governed

Democracy (people power) is a term derived from the Greek demos(people) and kratos(rule). Democracy can exist only with the informed consent of the people, the governed. Consent is meaningless unless it rests on relevant information. Democracy does not exist where votes are either obtained by fraud or embezzled after the ballots are counted. Democracy dies where information is suffocated.

What happens to your vote after the poll count? Does it die behind closed doors? If the decisions that impact the “represented” are made behind closed doors, as a result of so-called lobbying that is inserted between the voter and the decision-maker, the vote is effectively cancelled.4

Israel sports an unbroken legacy of generation after generation of democratically elected genocide. To achieve the Israeli brand of democracy, however, the population – the demos — had to be replaced, with Zionists. The result is an ethnically cleansed democracy – voilá! That is Israel, or occupied Palestine or whatever you choose to call it.  

As Israel has no borders, its brand of “democracy” affects a few other countries as well. How do other Zionist-ruled countries replace the demos and its natural choices with Zionists, ruling in ways that go against the interests of the majority of people? It is not necessary to replace every non-Zionist by eliminating them physically in all countries. It often suffices to eliminate their ability, or their courage, or just their energy to think. Was it Steve Biko who said that the most powerful weapon in the hands of an oppressor is the mind of the oppressed?That is pretty incisive and succinct. 

To confuse us from seeing clearly, Hitler ramrodded down your throats throughout our educational captivity. We are simply not told that Zionism is older and more organised than Nazism. That that’s how it has had the time to achieve such depth and magnitude, to become even more deadly, more culture-suffocating. In order to prevent us from noticing a holocaust even huger than Hitler’s mind-boggling genocide of Jews and Roma and many others, almost everything we have heard about Israel in school consists of outright fabrications. I’m not just talking about how we were deceived about Israel’s “inception” or the 1967 war. I’m talking about almost everything we are told about Israel in school. Or did your teachers tell you that the plans to ethnically cleanse Palestine and replace the population with immigrants started in the 19thCentury? 

Yet, we are compelled, by subtle and not so subtle terror permeating all areas of life, to reason and act against our better judgement. The terror is executed, for instance, by attacking access to facts; instilling fear of retribution for asking questions or analysing; creating emotional exhaustion by ignoring obvious truths, making people prove self-evident things ad nauseum. Let’s have a look at how we are “educated”.

2. How and why are people “educated”?

Let’s start with the question of why anyone who has the power to influence education would want to educate people about anything. The reason is likely to compel them to act in a certain way. 

It has been explicitly stated in various terms that perception management and, where that doesn’t work, action management is at the core of Zionist goals. The Oded Yinon Plan and the Project for the New American Century are but two chilling examples. How are such plans implemented in daily life? How can the mind and its perceptions be controlled? One has to rinse the brain of competing impulses, including the impulse to question. 

Hijacking and loading the languageis a favourite means of controlling people’s thoughts and actions. Ponder the term “holocaust denial” its expanding definitions, its application and who is excused from its reach. Another perfect example of this type of brainwash is the term “diaspora”. It implies a right to “return” to a place, i.e. it presupposes dispersement from a common geographical origin. How about the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict”? I’m particularly impressed with that deflection. How about “conspiracy theorist”? Am I a conspiracy theorist? I understand the term “conspiracy” to refer to the planning of a crime by more than one person. Do I believe that more than one person is involved in the biggest heist since white supremacy – Zionism – which is expanding to new depth and magnitude as we speak? Yes. I will explore the term anti-Semitismin a separate article. For the time being, I will work with the following definition: I understand the term “anti-Semitism” to be limited to include any person or notion that does not support Jewish supremacy, as naturally manifested by the right of Zionist Israel to create a Jewish democracy that has a right to defend itself against discomfort in any form by eliminating the suggestion of any threat to its way of life, by any means necessary, limited to the territory of Israel Without Borders. 

While blackmail, extortion, racketeering, bribery, murder, money laundering, embezzlement, arson, robbery, dealing in obscene matter, etc. constitute prohibited acts in most or all legal systems, Zionist terror networks need not fear the application of these prohibitions to them, anywhere in the West. In the US, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act (RICO) is a federal law that provides for severe criminal penalties and civil causes of action for mafia-like tactics and organised crime which affects interstate or foreign commerce. RICO covers the aforementioned crimes and others, when performed as part of an ongoing criminal organisation, and provides that leaders of a syndicate can be tried for crimes they have ordered. We know that RICO is not enforced against the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) or similar networks. Instead, these entities’may, and do, offer all-expenses-paid trips to Israel to each member of the US Congress, while enjoying the privilege of “legal” backing by a system that has “found” these trips to be educational. This is a result of brainwash, as well as of subtle and not so subtle coercion of law-enforcement agents, including judges. Law-enforcement agents have been carefully educated in what they can and can’t “find”.

Similarly, acts of extortion, harassment, slander, libel, sabotage, persecution, including threats to life and livelihood, are determined to be “lobbying” if done by a Zionist. Let’s compare the benign term lobbyingto the knee-jerk term terrorism. Obviously, if a Muslim engages in these practices, they are to be labelled “terrorism”. Stated differently, the terms “lobbyism” and “terrorism” are interchangeable to a large extent,distinguished only by the identity of the actor, not by any element of the act. 

Please folks, please, stop calling these acts “lobbying” – reinforcing the smoke screen plays right into the hands of the vilest terrorists on record.

Let’s consult the experts on how education works practically on an ongoing basis. How do you go about information-suffocation, including culture-suffocation, with the aim of achieving reality replacement and maintaining self-censorship among the masses? Following is a selection of means for Isra-Zio occupation of mind territory.

a. Israel’s internet-Invasion – Google, Wikipedia, the “Anti”-Defamation League, etc. 

It is increasingly difficult to find certain relevant information on the web, even when you know it is there, including things you have viewed before, or even published yourself. It is obvious that algorithms are re-set to catch what suits Google, the ADL, AIPAC and their ilk, while they simply remove a lot that threatens to shed light on Zionist terror. See, for instance, the video “Keeping Wikipedia and the internet more “Zionist and balanced in nature”.Naftali Bennet, on ArutzSheva TV,, said:

[inaudible], in conjunction with My Israel, has arranged Instruction day for Wiki editors. The goal of the day is to teach people to edit in Wikipedia, which is the number one source of information today in the world… We wanna be there. We wanna be the guys who influence what is written there, how it’s written, and to ensure that it’sbalanced and Zionist in nature (emphasis added).

b. AIPAC and campus control

One avenue of culture strangulation enforced cultureis the concerted threat-mechanism that has been part and parcel of Western campuses for a very long time. One example is the onslaught on University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) students who voted in favour of the boycott Israeli products campaign, BDS. UCLA students have told me that one student received a phone call in which he was informed that if he voted for BDS, he “will never go to med[ical] school, you’ll see”. Another student received a death threat around the time of the vote, but was not able to determine where the threat came from. In the following clip from an AIPAC conference, AIPAC tells you in its own words how it replaces people who don’t agree with Israel (in the United States government and on campuses):

AIPAC student outreach:

A short version of AIPAC’s announcement of how it will take over student governments can be seen here:

c. Presstitution and the role of mainstream media

The above explains how the same blatant fabrications can come at us from hundreds of media outlets simultaneously, giving the illusion that so many reports must be based on actual facts or events. When “investigative” journalists of almost all media outlets collectively lose the drive or the courage to investigate, they fall in line with official narratives that couldn’t be true by the laws of physics. How many suspect that something is wrong with, say, the official 9/11-narrative? Why do they choose to remain silent if they do suspect? Could it be that the overwhelming majority of journalists accept, or even agree, that it is necessary to keep the essential truths from the readers,to keep them voting for forces that bring about their destruction? Is the press one of these forces? Does the press aim at subjugating us into thinking the government’s thoughts for it? Is the Press, like the legislature, the judiciary and the executive, and arm of the government in Western “democracies”? 

If almost all “investigative” journalists are entirely without opinion, or integrity, in relation to the issues they spend their careers writing about, why do we keep calling them journalists? Shouldn’t they be referred to as presstitutes? 5

It would be less confusing. The alternative would be to declare almost every journalist of a mainstream “news” outlet mentally and emotionally unequipped to understand the results of what they write. That might be preferable, since it clears them of responsibility for complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity, namely, aiding and abetting the most sinister and well planned world war in our documented history. There are a precious few conscientious objectors among mainstream journalists. For example, Marc Lamont Hill. Look what happened to him. 

3. Is it a matter of opinion or of fact whether the World Trade Centre exploded or imploded?

The reason I address this issue here is that the official 9/11 story has become one of the most devastating devices of deception that Zionism uses to gear the masses towards accepting endless war. It is deception management at its finest.

The Official 9/11 narrative is one of those issues (mentioned below) that come to us in sealed envelopes, permitted conclusions provided within. Questioning any part of it invokes reprisals; suggesting it was an inside job is taboo.

I have been called a “conspiracy theorist” for disbelieving the official narrative of how the 9/11 bombings against some of the most surveilled places in the world were planned and carried out by a man operating from a cave in Afghanistan, probably while on dialysis. (What do you call someone who believes it?) I have been met with angry responses like “Are you a holocaust denier as well?” “Are you anti-Semitic?” My initial reaction to these responses was to wonder what kind of somnolent mind would jump to that impression from what I said. However, I had to reflect anew when a very intelligent, honest, and well-educated friend recently stated that her main reason for believing the official story of 9/11 was that she couldn’t believe that so many people would be able to remain silent about what had actually happened. She said that people in the know would not be able to keep quiet about it; that if there were people other than Muslim terrorists behind the bombings, they would start talking about it. They do talk about it! But she is justified in not knowing that people go to great lengths, confer and compare notes, to pursue fact-finding on 9/11. Most media outlets never touch the matter. Even more interesting, in a sense, is that most media didn’t question who did it even in the very beginning. So, they didn’t have any questions to start with? Now, that chills me. 

No, truth isn’toptional. There is a wide spectrum of room for opinions, but it is not a matter of opinion whether the World Trade Centre exploded or imploded. Ask any engineer who hasn’t sold his or her mind. Or just ask any person who has seen an implosion. 

The official explanation we receive for the collapse of the Twin Towers is that they exploded as a result ofbeing hit by jets. Yet, this doesn’t explain why the third tower of the WTC (Building 7) imploded in the same manner after not being hit by a jet. Does it? 

The 9/11 example highlights the compelling need for history laws (discussed in the next section) in order to prevent our minds from wiggling about in the pond of knowledge. Perception managers will have you believe that it is your extremist leanings that lead you to doubt the official account.

4. Punished for noticing the largest scale holocaust in known history

We are in the midst of the largest scale holocaust in our known history. Over 40 million Muslims, and counting, have been ethnically cleansed as a direct and intended result of meticulously planned Zionist-operated wars. 

But we don’t have a name for this holocaust. It is a matter of no mention in every major news outlet.All focus must be reserved for the German holocaust. Let me rephrase that. We must focus on the part of the German holocaust that targeted the Jews. I just referred to that holocaust with a lower case “h”. Definitely anti-Semitic. We have laws against “holocaust-denial”, which includes asking questions about the German holocaust. What happened? How many died? You can go to prison for asking questions like that in Europe, and you are pretty much guaranteed to lose your job. Not in 1619. In 2019. In other words, these history laws criminalise research and the broadcasting of information about the German holocaust. The idea is that we don’t need to ask questions, because all legitimate questions have already been asked and answered by the relevant authorities. The questions have been served upon us in sealed envelopes, permissible conclusions provided within

In a message on YouTube, Gilad Atzmon argues that history is the attempt to narrate the past as we move along. Accordingly, he says, history becomes a meaningful adventure once we revisit and revise the past. He indicates that when history becomes a sealed, untouchable, chapter, it is to be equated with a religion and, when this happens, we have the right to be agnostic. I note with sadness that not only do we lack the freedoms of information, thought, speech and press, but also the freedom of religion.

Germany has an anti-Semitism commissioner, and other countries have similar governmental posts. To protect Semites? Hardly. Only Jews (I should sayallegedlyto protect the Jews) – Semites or not. So, what are these commissioners expected to monitor, and to prevent or punish? Xenophobia? Or research and analysis? What I see is that we are punished in many ways if we notice the unparalleled genocide unfolding before us. In the Western world we are fond of boasting that we have democracy. But we persecute those who try to enjoy it, by attempting to silence them with blackmail, threats and slander, or other methods that are formally illegal in every system of nominal democracy. 

Danish journalist Poul Osmundsen is a case in point. His published article, “Asmaas holocaust-porno [on] Facebook“,6 took issue with a photo gallery that Asmaa Abdol-Hamid posted on Facebook, which features photographs of the Nazi and Zio holocausts. The title of the photo gallery translates as “the holocaust of our time”. Osmundsen dedicated his entire article to what he called “holocaust porno” and “anti-Israel death-porno”. He went on and on with variations on that theme. Untroubled by facts, Osmundsen was unmoved by what he saw in the photos. That shocks me. I was very disturbed indeed by what I saw. But Osmundsen was outraged that Abdol-Hamid dares to equate the Nazi holocaust with the Israeli holocaust. I use the present tense about the gallery, because it is still available to view. Osmundsen complained about the site’s 5,000 followers. At the time of writing it had 10,845. His main complaint concerned the fact that pictures from the Nazi extermination of Jews were coupled with corresponding pictures from the Israeli-Palestinian “conflict” (sic). He ranted about the distasteful anti-Israeli propaganda of equating Israel’s “policy” (sic) towards the Palestinians with the Nazi extermination of Jews; was outraged by the temerity of likening Palestinian deaths to Jewish deaths, of calling the Zionist holocaust planned. He considered the photo of a dead Jew to depict the holocaust. A similar photo of a dead Palestinian to depict “Palestinian death-porno”. The mendacity of his article was outshone only by the intensity of his hatred, possibly paralleled by a perplexing stupidity. His revelling in terms like “porno” (the article was replete with sexual innuendo) is interesting. When I read his rantings and ravings, I felt a sense of embarrassment for witnessing what was nothing short of an onanistic frenzy of narcissism. One does wish that people would do these things in private.

Osmundsen asserted that Israel practices self-criticism, that it punishes those who persecute Palestinians, but that the media fail to report this. Osmundsen explained that, “in Arab culture”, no distinction is made between Israeli and Jew – they are all guilty. In “Arab culture”, theyfail to distinguish the guilty from the non-guilty. The article was supplemented by shocking outpourings of raw hatred, in the comments section. Shocking outpourings. 

And Zionism is to be treated as a political ideology? Not by definition a manifestation of mental illness? Only in Israel. Osmundsen refers to Israel as “the only democratic legal system in the Middle East”. He gripes about reprisals against those who mention the elephant in the room, where Muslims are concerned. He complains about hate speech. Yet, we must give credit where credit is due. Osmundsen was correct about one thing: equating the Nazi with the Zio holocaust isunfair. It can’t be right to compare a 12-year rule by a crazy despot to a country where the majority chooses ethnic cleansing for seven decades. And claims that 70 years of genocide is legitimate self-defence. That comparison really is unfair to the German people.

It is a complete waste of time, of course, to discuss anything with any avid Zionist, as with anyone else severely afflicted with narcissism and delusions of grandeur, not to mention sociopathy. The trouble with Zionism is that these ailments are prerequisites for becoming a Zionist. All analyses of relevant matters should therefore be geared to educating sane people about Zionists. Or those able and willing to be cured, who just happened to get caught in the crosshairs of hasbara(Israeli propaganda) and been confused by it.

I hesitate to call the current state of affairs World War III, because to my way of thinking, World War II didn’t end. There were regroupings and new methods of pursuing Western supremacy, now with Zionism leading the charge. But I haven’t seen a decrease in violence or ethnic cleansing since World War II supposedly ended. On the contrary.  

These are some of the reasons why it is more important to oppose Zionism and Israel than any other country or entity. 

NONE OTHER threatens the world like Zionism and Israel do.


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