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Opinion Editorials, February 2018 |
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Humanity Is Much Older And Far More Important Than Capitalism Capitalism, the globalised economic system that has ruled the world for hundreds of years, seems to have entered a stage of steadily expanding and faster collapse than is usually the case nationally, let alone on a global basis, though this is hardly dealt with by any news or commentary in the capitalist world. And since there is no other world but that, how can anyone arrive at such a conclusion? Possibly by paying closer attention to the material reality of that system rather than continuing to accept a religious theory about it that only makes sense in the way the divine birth and resurrection of Jesus, Moses being in direct contact with, and Mohamed being directly contacted by, the deity, and other foundations of the Abrahamic religions which, however minority created and preached still make sense for billions of people. Faith can be our salvation at times, but as an ex-clergy member has said, only gravity works all the time. Groups of humans calling themselves secular and science based who still accept private profit in a market place as the Credo in Unum Deum are frequently much closer to religious fundamentalists in accepting as foundational universal truths the material results of earth, air, water, fire and humans being treated as market commodities.
This political economic system has been incredibly rewarding to much
of humanity, while causing untold suffering and devastation for a
majority who have been forced to absorb the loss so that others
might profit. Even the Abrahamic faiths contain teachings and
proposed actions that work against the acceptance of poverty,
wealth, and the collection of interest. Islam does not allow
interest collecting, or at least tries to forbid it before banking
and finance make it nearly impossible, and Christianity once forbade
it completely. In fact, one of the Jesus stories has it that he and
his radical band of rabbis attacked the moneychangers and
moneylenders at the temple. Whether they did so because it was seen
as evil in and of itself or only so if taking place at the temple is
up to the interpreters, but there might be a lesson there that
humans, at least some of us, were in open rebellion against minority
profiteers even while the groundwork was being laid to make
religious teachings the handmaidens of capital at its earliest
Presently, while an American elite is trying and seems almost
successful in hysterically mobilizing a defense of the system by
attacking the reckless if honest pinhead who won the presidency
despite all the owners of the nation’s political process did to
prevent it, the signs of breakdown are not just mental for those who
can afford it but more physical for those unable to find solace
through therapy, drugs, religion, or as John Lennon once put,
through sex and tv. The marketing of aspects of this breakdown are
further signs of its desperation, but also its malevolent power to
cloud people’s minds in myth, legend, propaganda and lies, through
the “branding” of manifestations of its deadly flaws with product
names like “climate change” and “military defense”, the first an
aspect of capitalism treated as a mysterious aspect of “our”
treatment of nature, the second a much older enforcer of minority
power now, in a nuclear age, threatening all life on earth rather
than simply those of one or another people or nation.
While the evidence of breakdown is global, the source of the
political economic power that has brought it about is regionally
western and specifically American, though certainly not uniquely so
as newer entrants into the capitalist market madness are part of the
problem, though not nearly as menacing as the originals. Russia, and
even more so China, are creating inequality and destroying the
environment in the necessary fashion in order to create great wealth
for some while robbing others, but their approach is relatively
progressive, to use an overworked word loved by liberals, by
comparison to the powers that have brought us closer to world
disaster in their terrible treatment of people and earth itself. The
global realities of capitalism that shrank the world of numerous
nations into one of a massive market, spoken of by Marx and Engels
more than 150 years ago, have become the global mall in which
workers are dumped from one nation to another based on the financial
loss of keeping them in one place or profiting from their cheap
labor in another, have become massive problems of relocation and
misery for some and wealth and profits beyond belief for a tiny
minority of the planet’s people. This is tearing nations apart as it
adds to the divisions of manipulated populations into fighting one
another over seemingly diminishing wealth, under capitalist
“austerity”, a process which is only applied to and
experienced by common working people – the overwhelming majority –
while incredible wealth beyond what past charlatans and hustlers
called royalty once amassed creates a sub-market for excessive
riches which trickle down to their servant class as money for their
pets. When a civilization (?) is reduced to spending more on war and
domestic animals than it does on the well being of some, really most
of its humans, globally, blaming that on lazy workers can only cover
reality for so long, even among a people fed a diet of fast food,
fake news, and political lies. Humanity has not survived and evolved
for millennia to wind up vanishing due to a political economic
system calling itself democratic, which is like calling rape an act
of love. Although it can look that way if we only peek at material
reality behind blinders and wearing head phones which allow only
news of the most trivial, useless, consumptive and bestial products
to seep through. We are better than that and need to begin acting
like it before ruling minorities bring us, and everything else, to a
crashing end. Can we?
*** ***
Depending on whether the science is materially based religious or
religiously based immaterialist, we’ve been around for more than
100,000 years originating in Africa and in a form close to our
current bi-pedal carbon based creatures of hopefully advancing
consciousness. Some estimate capitalism may have roots in biblical
times, though most agree that the industrial form from which present
reality evolved began in the 17th century and came to
full domination of the globe in the 19th. Clearly, humans
have been through a multitude of social, anti-social, communal,
anti-communal, organized and disorganized methods of species
continuity as can be imagined since our origins. That recent
capitalist history of maybe 500 years, a very tiny fraction of the
time we’ve been around, based on a foundation of private profit
motivation can represent the highest point of human progress
attainable is most obvious to confused people with objectively
opposing thumbs but subjectively empty heads, even while possessing
overstocked arsenals of the most murderous weapons ever created.
Such people – sadly, all of us who allow a rich royal minority to
rule – have reached a point of endangering our race in the most
menacing way known, at least to recorded history under whatever
system of domination controlled the history writers. It is likely a
frozen earth that became a watery earth that became a drier earth
and cradle of something called civilization experienced many
cataclysmic disasters, but most of those happened l0ng before humans
were around and certainly not in our present form. But our
supposedly highest developed animal ruler of the planet status has
brought us to a crisis which demands the race and the place we call
home no longer tolerate minority rule of the royal rich and take on
the emancipating burden of creating a system of democratic rule
dependent on as many of us as possible before all of us suffer
catastrophe. We may survive for many more millennia, but without
radical change in the organization of our lives, that may be as
something other than the human race as we know it now. And good,
sublime, bad or worse, that’s all we know and what we ought to care
about saving for just that reason. Transforming capitalism into a
humanitarian democratic system previously unknown to humans may not
solve all our problems but it will definitely solve most of them,
especially the most threatening to our only-one-in existence race.
America recently celebrated a great leader but organized by our
rulers to narrow the broad scope of his social criticism and fit it
into a non-threatening form which has reduced him to an almost
mythic figure celebrated for only one aspect of his charge to the
nation by exclusion of his larger message. When Martin Luther King
began publicly expressing his criticism of the capitalist system by
saying things like this he may have signed his death warrant.
evils of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are all tied
together…you can’t get rid of one without getting rid of the others…Why
are there forty million poor people in America? When you ask that
question…you are questioning the capitalist economy.”
These days it isn’t as dangerous to make such
statements but sadly no public figure with the stature of a King is
yet offering leadership for system change. Bernie Sanders struck
some fear into fundamentalist capitalism with his call for a return
to the social democratic capitalism of the post world war two “new
deal”, but the owners and operators of the nation were far more
concerned about one of their own taking power. Thus the ongoing
assault on Trump, deemed far too unbalanced and outspoken in his
egotistical dedication to the greed and disregard for humanity that
must be smothered in platitudes such as offered by the Clinton-
Bush-Obama servants to empire in order to be accepted by the people
under a wealthy minority’s consciousness control apparatus of mind
managed surreality.
But the short comings of an anti-democratic system ruled by a
minority but passing for a democracy among those subdued into
calling junk food a gourmet diet and mass murder a humanitarian
policy are piling up faster and in such deadly fashion that many
are beginning to act in opposition like a united race and not a
divided group of market clones programmed to think that people who
have different skin tones or sexes are actually members of a race
other than human. That large divisive force among people, created by
their rulers to keep them apart, continues to menace but as King and
others long, long before him understood*, it cannot be changed in
isolation but only as part of a larger change in the system that
created that lie – and many others - to separate us from one
*“The emancipation of the producing class involves all human beings
without distinctions of sex and race” Karl Marx
There is no race but human, with cultural, physical, genetic,
geographic and national differences among us but none as significant
as those between the sexes which are absolutely necessary for the
perpetuation of the race, present marketing standards to the
contrary. Same sex love is probably as old as humanity, but the
perpetuation of the race demands opposite sex coitus, even if
reduced to purchasing anonymous sperm or renting an unknown womb.
Capital has reduced all human relations to market forms of commodity
consumption, including birth, death, marriage and divorce, which all
play a major shopping-buying-selling role in happening and
un-happening. Love can – and should -be beautiful but just as love
for a pet cannot produce a human, love for the same sex can be
poetic and spiritual, but no more capable of producing new life than
a man falling in love with a refrigerator or a woman having an
affair with a can opener. It can be said that the capitalist market
has advanced humanity in this area by making same sex love a
product-commodity now finally in the open, but it can also be said
that capitalism played a, if not the, major role in forcing such
love into the shadows in the first place.
It is highly doubtful that our earliest ancestors were much
concerned about who loved whom and how or why, given the far more
important survival needs for food and shelter. The need for those
things are still absolutely essential, and they are becoming more
difficult for many to acquire in a world where a handful of
billionaires own and control more wealth than several billion of us
put together. And whether those billions are light or dark skinned,
male, female, tall, short or other, we are all members of a human
race which must come together to transform reality, not just for
some of us but for all, with much less regard for real, implied or
frequently imagined differences between us.
The ocean on which we sail is dangerously poisoned by capital and our crippled ship is in danger of going down into that muck, whether we are among the minority profiteers or majority losers. We sink or swim together or not at all. That means confrontation with, and transformation of the system that is the major cause of the pollution of that ocean and our minds. And as someone once said long ago, Das Kapital. *** Share the link of this article with your facebook friends
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