Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, January 2017

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Britain Pulled the Strings Behind Anti-Settlement Resolution 

By Gilad Atzmon

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, January 4, 2017

Teresa May  

Ten days ago, pretty much out of the blue, British PM Theresa May announced that she decided to accept the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism and to integrate it into British law. Jews in Britain and all over the world were over the moon.  Tonight we learn that May’s declaration was a preemptive move. It was Britain rather than the USA that had been pulling the strings behind the anti Israel Security Council resolution.

Haaretz reports tonight  that it was actually the Brits that “encouraged New Zealand to continue pushing for a vote even without Egyptian support.” Israeli diplomats say that from information that reached the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, British legal figures and diplomats had been working directly with the Palestinians on the wording of the resolution even before it was distributed by Egypt the first time on Wednesday evening.

The suspicion in Jerusalem is that the British had been working during all those days for the Americans to make sure the “resolution was to U.S. President Barack Obama’s liking, but without the need to intervene directly in formulating it.”

“We know how to read Security Council resolutions," a senior Israeli diplomat said in the most non-diplomatic manner. "This is not a text that was formulated by the Palestinians or Egypt, but by a Western power.”

Western diplomats have confirmed to Haaretz that there is“no proof that it was the U.S. administration that was behind the whole move.”

Zionists all over the world praised Theresa May in the passing week for adopting the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism. The notoriously imbecilic Zionist Manfred Gerstenfeld wrote in the Jerusalem Post  “in the definition text it says that it is anti-Semitic to apply double standards by requiring of Israel a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.” The truth of the matter is that Theresa May has managed to single out the Jewish state and its criminality.  Gerstenfeld thought PM May was about to shatter the BDS once and for all. The fact is that the recent security council resolution has achieved far more than the BDS ever dreamed of.  

I guess the Jewish Lobby here may gather it by now—their only potential ally within British politics is Jeremy Corbyn and what ever is left of the Labour party.

P.S my son this evening: “She already stole Corbyn’s left-wing rhetoric, can’t she let him keep the anti-Israeli mantle at least?”


UN Resolution 2334 Is good For Israel

By Gilad Atzmon

On 23 December the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) voted to adopt a resolution condemning Israeli settlement activity as illegal, and demanding that Israel "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem".

For once, the USA decided to join the rest of humanity and didn’t veto the resolution.  The message is obvious: if Zionism was a promise to make the Jews people like other people, its failure is colossal. The Jewish State and its lobbies are people like no other. 14 out of 15 members of the UNSC voted against Israel, the US abstained. In the most clear terms, the UNSC denounced the Jewish state’s treatment of the Palestinian people. If Israel would be an ordinary state, as Zionism initially promised,  it would take some time to reflect on the resolution and consider the necessary measures to amend its public image. But as one would expect, the Jewish State did the complete opposite. It took the path of the bully and decided to punish the world. 

In his first reaction to the resolution Israeli PM Netanyahu told his followers that the Security Council’s behaviour was “shameful.” He also harshly denounced President Obama's choice to abstain. A list of American elected spineless characters were quick to cry havoc and promised to correct the damage.  Netanyahu has instructed Israel's ambassadors in New Zealand and Senegal to “return to Israel for consultations.” A scheduled visit of the Ukrainian PM in Jerusalem next week was cancelled.  Netanyahu also ordered to block the shekel pipeline to some UN institutions. 

But things may be slightly more complicated than they look at first glance.  If the One (Bi-National) State is an existential threat to Israel being the Jewish state, then the recent UN resolution is obviously a last attempt to revive the Two-State Solution. It, de facto, legitimises the existence of the Jewish State within the pre-1967 borders. The resolution provides Israel with a practical and pragmatic opportunity to dissolve the West Bank settlements. Banks and businesses may start to refrain from operating in the occupied territories. Israeli military personnel serving in the occupied territories are about to become subject to the scrutiny of international law. Netanyahu, so it seems, made a fuss about the resolution, but the resolution plays into his hands. It provides him with an opportunity to break the stalemate with the Palestinians. Netanyahu knows it. President Obama knows it, the president-elect will be advised about as soon as he takes some time off Twitter. 

But if the resolution serves Israeli national and security interests, why did Netanyahu react like a bully? The answer is simple. Bibi is a populist. Like president-elect Trump he knows what his people are like. He knows what the Jews and the Israelis seek in their leader. They want their king to celebrate Jewish exceptionalism. They want their master to perform contempt towards the Goyim. PM Netanyahu knows very well that David Ben Gurion (the legendary first Israeli PM)  dismissed the UN, famously saying “it doesn’t matter what the Goyim say, the only thing that matters is what Jews do.” 

It is far from clear whether Ben Gurion was really dismissive of Goyim. However, he was loved by his people for conveying the image as if he did. Bibi follows the same rule. In the public eye, he is dismissive of the UN, he is full with contempt to the nations and Goyim in general. But in practice he knows that the resolution is essential for the existence of the Jewish state. It is probably the last opportunity to scale down the pretentious Zionist dream and make it fit with the reality on the ground.  Let me reassure you, I don't hold my breath. In reality it is actually the Israelis who don't miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. 




Identitarians vs. Patriots - Elaborating on Progressive duplicity and the Rise of the Right (video)

In this Manhattan gathering I examine the ideologies that were set to divide the  working people and their ability to resist Globalisation. I point at the bond between the New Left and Jewish progressive intelligentsia.  

Those who are interested in my work may find this talk very interesting.


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