Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, January 2017

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Western Double-Standard:
Why No "Je Suis Mohammad Salihi"?

By Mahmoud El-Yousseph

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, January 20, 2017

Palestinian Muhammed Al-Salihi was killed by Israeli occupation soldiers in his home in front of his mother, in Fari'a, Nablus, January 10, 2017  

On January 11, 2017, Berlin and Paris displayed the Israeli flag for armed soldiers but nothing for the unarmed Palestinian young man murdered by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in a raid- Why?
It was saddening and heart-wrenching to read about the cold-blooded murder of a 33-year-old Palestinian by Israeli soldiers during a  2 a.m. raid on a refugee camp near Nablus. The victim was Mohammad Salihi. His mother stated that on January 10th, Israeli soldiers surround her house. After the mother and her son suddenly heard a noise in their house, both left their bedrooms. As soon as the mother saw the soldiers, she stood between them and her son, who was recently released by after serving three years in jail.
One of the soldiers ordered the terrified mother to set down and forced her to sit on a plastic chair, pulled out a gun with a silencer and fired five bullets at Mohammad at point-blank range. Mohammad died instantly in front of his mother's eyes after the bullets penetrated his neck and chest. He was her only child and the family breadwinner.
Only hours before Mohammad was murdered by the Israeli soldiers, the Israeli flag was projected onto the facade of the Hotel del Ville in Paris and on the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin in a tribute to the soldiers killed on January 8 attack in Jerusalem. 
There was no "Je suis Mohammad" slogan to show solidarity with the Palestinian victim of the Israeli terrorism. Facebook users around the world have not paid tribute to Mohammad by changing their profile pictures. No condemnation from world leaders and western media  acted as a mouth piece for the Israeli Foreign Ministry by blaming the victim of this heinous and repeating in their headline: " Israeli troops shoot dead knife-wielding Palestinian attacker". 
 Mohammad and his mother do not need fake and artificial sympathy, they need justice,the soldiers responsible for this ugly crime be held accountable and an end to the Palestinian suffering. Rest in peace Mohammad! 
Mahmoud El-Yousseph
Retired USAF Veteran


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