Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding |
Opinion Editorials, December, 2016 |
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Calling government charges of a Russian conspiracy to elect an American
president " a clear and dangerous policy designed to strip our
movement of its supporters" , 911 Truther Inc. , a subsidiary of Galaxy
Conspiracies Corporation , introduced a libel suit against the "far out
fanatics of the CIA and major media fake news who think their story of
Russian infiltration of our electoral system is on a par with our story of
unspeakable, unknowable, unexplainable and unintelligently brilliant
plotters who magically took down the twin towers and convinced several
billion morons to believe it was done by terrorist "Arabs from
caves" can stand up to logic, reason and other stuff we learned at
community college and used to prove beyond any semi-reasoning creature
with brains larger than a spider's genitals doubt." Share the link of this article with your facebook friends |
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