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Opinion Editorials, August 2014


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A Response to Critics of the Nazi-Zionist Analogy

By Khalid Amayreh

in occupied Palestine

PIC, Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, August 18, 2014

‎The crimes of the Israeli occupation in the State of Palestine killing children

اللغة الانجليزية
Children killed by the Israeli occupation in Palestine. Gaza
اللغة الروسية
Дети погибли в результате израильской оккупации в Палестине. Газе 
اللغة الإسبانية
Los niños asesinados por la ocupación israelí en Palestina. Gaza
اللغة الرومانية
Copii uciși de ocupația israeliană în Palestina. Gaza
اللغة التركية
Filistin. Gazze'deki İsrail işgali tarafından öldürülen çocuklar
اللغة العبرية
ילדים שנהרגו על ידי הכיבוש הישראלי בפלסטין. עזה‎




"The Nazis of our time won't be able to silence the voices of truth"

I have been receiving of late several email messages, especially from North America, all critical of my propensity to compare the manifestly genocidal Israeli crimes in the Gaza Strip with Nazi atrocities in the course of the Second World War.
Many of these messages came from recalcitrant Zionist supremacists who think the entire world must move according to the Zionist compass.
Other messages, however, were sent by apparently ignorant and naïve non-Zionists, seemingly brainwashed by protracted Zionist-Jewish propaganda. As we all know, Zionist-Jews more or less tightly control the media discourse in North America and to a lesser extent in Europe and Australia.  This is  one of the main reasons behind the unrestricted and often blind backing of the evil Zionist enterprise by most western governments, especially that of the U.S.
One of the critics of the Zionist-Nazi analogy wrote: "You call the Israelis the Nazis of our time. You clearly have no knowledge of history. Let's take one example; at Barbi Yar in the Ukraine the Nazis slaughtered 30,000 Jews in one operation. 100,000 over a period of time. If the Israelis were the equivalent of Nazis neither you nor any other Palestinian would exist in what you call Palestine.  If ever there was the big liar, like the Nazis, it is you. I hope the PA comes for you again and puts you back in a deep hole."
Palestinians don't have to lie to promote their cause
Well, as Palestinians we don't accuse Israel of murdering six million Palestinians, although Israel would have annihilated (physically) our entire people a long time ago had the circumstances been more "conducive" to the perpetration of such a genocide. 
It is for this reason that instead of committing a single-event mega-genocide, the Zionist entity resorted to carrying out a series of genocidal atrocities, spread out overall several decades. This way the Zionists calculated the genocidal episodes would look less dramatic and world reactions would be muted and desensitized.
None the less, the ultimate Jewish-Zionist goal remained unchanged, namely the obliteration and physical annihilation of the native Palestinians in order to take over their country.
So the Palestinians are not inventing a "holocaust industry" to voice their plight and incriminate Israel. In fact, Israeli behaviors and actions are more than sufficient to condemn Israel. To put it very simply, the Palestinians don't need to lie to expose Israeli Nazism and evilness.
Israel, its Talmudic doctrine, and the Zionist ideology in general do exude a clear mental willingness to embark on such a diabolical crime. Any honest observer can easily reach this inevitable conclusion by merely thoroughly examining any religious edicts, statements, lectures and speeches by numerous Israeli politicians and religious leaders.
So we are by no means making any hyperbolic or far-fetched claims here.
In fact, genocide by Jews against non-Jews is perfectly compatible with Orthodox Judaism, Talmudic doctrine and Jewish history. In any case, what is practiced in reality remains more eloquent an expression of Jewish Nazism than all the books and edicts.
Here is a testimony by Nurit Peled, daughter of Matti Peled, an Israeli Major-General, a celebrated Israeli military commander and war hero who describes Gaza as a concentration camp.
Numerous rabbis, past and present, made unequivocal and unmistakable statements enthusiastically supporting the notion of genocide against the Palestinian people. A few years ago, a Jewish settler leader affiliated with the messianic Jewish movement "Gush Emunim" was quoted as saying  that "the proper way to deal with the Palestinians is the Biblical way," an allusion to  genocide. (See this:
More to the point, there is more to Jewish Nazism than just the sheer number of its Palestinian victims, although the numbers are not small by any means. Take for example the 2000 Palestinians murdered and the estimated 11000 maimed in the ongoing Judeo-Nazi blitzkrieg against Gaza so far. In proportion to the size of population, this would be like having about a million Americans murdered and maimed, and this happens during just "one military operation."
Besides, Nazism, whether Jewish or Aryan, is not only about the sheer number of victims. It is also about a mental depravity, a criminal mindset, an evil intent, a barbarian value-system and a satanic ideology. Just watch how Judeo-Nazi Israelis are now celebrating the mass murder and mass destruction of Gaza. (See this:
In fact, there is a striking similarity between the various aspects of Jewish Nazism and Aryan Nazism. The Germans had the Mein Kampf, the Judeo-Nazis have the Talmud, the Chesront Shas and the Tanya, and the Germans had the Ubermenschen and the Untermenschen while Jews have the goyem concept, which dehumanizes non-Jews in a nefariously shocking manner. The Germans had the Lebensraum concept and the Zionist Jews have the settlements. The German Nazis taught that non-Aryans were lesser or infra-humans, while synagogues in Israel and around the world shamelessly teach that the lives of non-Jews have no sanctity. 
Needless to say, this evil Talmudic indoctrination functions as the ideological underpinnings of the genocidal crimes being perpetrated by the Nazis of our time, the Israelis. This is the reason that makes thousands of Israeli Jews, gleefully and sadistically, celebrate the mass murder of Palestinian civilians.
I don't know when the world can ever call Israel “Nazi" after all that Israel has done and is doing.
The unspoken words of many Zionist Jews would suggest that the world must refrain from calling Israel Nazi unless Israel murders six million Palestinians?!!!!
But this is an expression of absolute evilness by every standard of imagination. In the final analysis, if Israel were to suffer even a fraction of what it has inflicted on the Palestinians, Israeli leaders would not hesitate to call it a holocaust and pathological Jewish liars like Binyamin Netanyahu and Elie Weisel would  immediately invoke Auschwitz, Bergen Belsen, Dachau and Mauthauzen.!!!
In fact, they are already doing this although less than ten Israeli settlers have been killed.
In light, it is perfectly legitimate to call Israel the Nazis of our time, if only because Israelis are thinking, behaving and acting in Nazi-like manner.
As victims of Jewish Nazism, we Palestinians are not going to die quietly in the uninterrupted Jewish holocaust against our very existence. We are not going to behave meekly at the Jewish slaughterhouse in deference of Jewish feelings.
Let the shipyard dogs of Jewish Nazism, from California to Sydney, let them bark as rabidly and uncontrollably as they could, but they won't be able to suppress our voices.
Don't tell us Israel has many Nobel Prize winners and talented doctors and scientists. So what? The Nazis, too, had many talented doctors and scientists! We all know the rest of the story.




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