Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, January 2013


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Israeli Elections:

A Choice Between Right-Wing Politicians and Extreme Right Wingers

By Mazin Qumsiyeh

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, January 16, 2013


Some of what is in this week’s email is summarized in this paragraph. We had snow in Palestine (in the Galilee, Jerusalem and even here in Bethlehem).  It was very cold and our thoughts are with the nearly one million displaced and refugee Syrians and millions of refugee Palestinians (some now also displaced from Yarmouk refugee camp).  Our thoughts are with all the homeless and poor people (most of it is man-made injustice). 

There is an upcoming elections in Israel and the choices are between right wing politicians and extreme right wing and ultra extreme right wing (plus the small but moderate Arab and Meretz parties).  Some honest and conscientious Israelis are doing the right thing by symbolically giving their votes to Palestinians who do not vote (we are natives who mostly live under colonial apartheid rule, as refugees, and few as 10th class “citizens” in the “Jewish State”). There is also an interview with me about life here done in French about what is going on here. There are two videos of the Bethlehem area for those of you who could not join us for Christmas.  There is an action for US citizens to write to their senators and congressman and support nomination of Chuck Hagel for US Secretary of Defense (opposed strongly by the Israel-first lobby).  And there is a letter we sent to the German foreign minister about the unfair and illegal Israel-EU partnership.

European citizens should lobby their governments on this.

Action: Israeli citizens give their votes to Palestinians: You can help

Une Voix de Palestine: Mazin Qumsiyeh


O Little Town of Bethlehem

Beit Sahour, a living heritage

Action for USA cItizens: Action: Call to support Chuck Hagel for US Secretary of Defense

To: Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle ([email protected]) Markus Löning, Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights ([email protected])

I write as chairman of the Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People.  We as Palestinians living in the shrinking ghetto/Bantustan of Bethlehem ask that the German government apply its laws with regards to protection of human rights. Germany’s obligations is to adhere to laws pertaining to not supporting countries that engage in violations of human rights, and even the EU-Israel Association Agreement that commits all parties to respect human rights.  We refer to the German federal law, the EU human rights convention, the German adopted UN Declaration of Human Rights. Israel persistently violates human rights as testified to by all human rights organizations (Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, Physicians for Human Rights, and even Israeli groups like B’Tselem) as well as by numerous UN Reports. We ask you to push for suspension of the EU-Israel trade agreement until Israel complies with International law and all human rights conventions.


Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

Professor, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities Chair, the Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People Bethlehem Canton, Occupied Palestine




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