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Chuck Hagel Nomination: Stakes Are High, But Far From Over
By James Zogby
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, January 16, 2013
In the lead up the President Obama's
announcement, there was an intense debate over former Senator Chuck Hagel's
potential nomination as Secretary of Defense. At times Hagel's opponents
became a touch hysterical, indulging in excessively harsh rhetorical
attacks. At first, they charged that he was not sufficiently pro-Israel or
hawkish enough on Iran. But then, as is often the case, Hagel's opponents
began to hyperventilate, upping the ante by claiming that the Senator was
anti-Semitic or "obsessively addicted to dialogue" with Islamic extremist
Hagel was, to be sure, vigorously defended by stalwarts in the foreign
policy establishment. In the end, despite the virulent attacks emanating
mainly from the leading lights of the neo-conservative movement and right
wing pro-Israel groups, President Obama did, in fact, nominate Chuck Hagel
to be his next Secretary of Defense.
I know Chuck Hagel. He is a thoughtful and sober advocate of the realist
approach to foreign policy. His priority has always been to defend America's
interests in the world through diplomacy and, only when absolutely
necessary, to commit American forces to combat missions in defense of those
interests. By disposition, he has an aversion to ideologically-based
reckless behavior. His criticism of the war in Iraq, his opposition to the
reckless use of force against Iran, and his critique of Israeli actions that
impede peace are well-known. So too was his refusal while in the Senate to
participate in AIPAC's frequent "hoop jumping" exercises. He resisted
signing, as he termed them, the pro-Israel lobby's "stupid letters."
There were moments when I expected the Administration to avoid further
conflict by throwing Hagel overboard and moving instead to a "safer" pick
for Secretary of Defense. That the president offered a strong endorsement of
Hagel and then proceeded with the nomination was a very good sign. But it's
not over yet.
Republicans see the possibility of further weakening and distracting the
president by "roughing up" his nominee and will in all likelihood subject
Hagel to tough grilling when he finally appears before the Senate Armed
Services Committee for confirmation. Their questions will, no doubt, focus
on his support for Israel and his attitudes toward Iran. They will try to
beat him into submission, forcing him to use the very shopworn language
found the AIPAC letters he refused to sign when he served in the Senate.
They will want him to demonstrate that he is more committed to Israel and
more hawkish on Iran than he has been in the past.
While I certainly hope that Hagel won't fold under the pressure, I am
bracing myself for a degree of disappointment. And while I believe the
president is committed and will fight for his nominee, I am also prepared to
acknowledge that Hagel's confirmation is not a sure thing.
What is at stake for Republicans is far more than just Israel and Iran. It
is the entire neo-conservative enterprise that led the U.S. into two failed
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (which they cannot admit were failures) and has
them still advocating for more aggressive military engagements in Syria and
A U.S. national security team led by John Kerry and Chuck Hagel will not
only be more compatible with President Obama's world view, but will make
possible a dramatic departure from the foreign policy that neo-conservatives
have promoted and maintained for the past decade. A confirmation of Hagel
will open the door to debate allowing the opportunity for realists to put
American national security policy on a more sober and less ideological
A Hagel confirmation, especially if he is resists embracing language that
demonstrates subservience to Israel will also represent a threat to the
power of the pro-Israel lobby to use intimidation to dictate Congressional
One thing should be clear, however, and that is if Hagel is confirmed there
will not be a radical change in this Administration's approach to Israel or
an American acceptance of an Iran with nuclear weapons. Hagel and Kerry,
like Obama, are supporters of Israel. The Administration will continue to
support that state's defense requirements and, in all likelihood, will not
rush headlong into a new Middle East peace initiative since they appear to
believe that conditions for that simply do not exist. At the same time,
Israel will continue to face the U.S.'s growing displeasure with its
occupation and settlement policies. And the Administration will not end its
pressure on Iran to be more transparent with its nuclear ambitions and agree
with international community's insistence that they forsake advanced
enrichment. But the Obama Administration will now be fortified by a team
that understands that engagement and not foolish adventurism is the best way
to resolve the standoff while insuring that we not be dragged into another
potentially devastating Middle East war.
At this point, we know what the stakes are, but have no way of knowing how
this will play out. Will Hagel fold? Will Obama surrender to pressure and
pull his nominee, risking defeat and embarrassment? Or will the Senate
defeat Hagel's bid for confirmation? Any of these would be a setback of
substantial proportions. On the other hand should Hagel stay the course,
making clear his support for Israel while asserting his freedom and
independence to criticize Israeli policies when necessary, and should
Democrats decide to choose to support their president instead of the lobby
and the pressure from the neo-cons, then we might well be on our way to a
healthier political environment where realism trumps ideology and where
honest political differences can be debated in our government without fear
of retribution.
The stakes are high, but the outcome is far from certain.
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