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Zionist Evangelicals Are World-Class Censors of Truth About Jewish Supremacist Control

By Rev Ted Pike

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, May 15, 2012


The Bible and western civilization are dedicated to a simple affirmation, enunciated by Christ: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” God offered the Hebrews the law, with its promise that truth is enlightening, redeeming and cleansing, that it will help people of goodwill to create happy, wholesome lives. The Greek philosophers also agreed that the whole truth could be discovered, banish superstition and create progress. In this article I discuss the evils of censorship, particularly by leaders of the pro-Zionist religious right. Such routinely keep from their followers vital truth about Judaism, Jewish control, and Zionist abuses in the Mideast.

To be a Christian and heir of the truth-seeking legacy means one abhors censorship. Of course, we are not obligated to provide a forum for lies or defamation. Government must restrict speech in wartime, because of national security, or to save human life. Generally speaking, however, all men should have free access to truth and follow leaders who speak it. It is an assault on God’s law and human freedom to censor vital facts and information, even for ostensibly “good purposes.”

Censors believe people can’t be trusted to make the best choices. Wise gatekeepers should limit access to information. The masses should only receive what is “constructive.” A perfect example is Europe’s harsh penalties for those who question facts about the Holocaust. Such inquiries are considered so damaging that they must not even exist. To evangelical Zionist leadership, it is also constructive to strike down all criticism of Israel or the fact of Jewish supremacist control.

We usually think of totalitarian governments as the great censors. Liberal media is also recognized for its biased gatekeeping of information. But evangelicals rival all other censors regarding facts about Jews and Israel. Evangelical news sources and Christian “watchdog” groups allow no hint of the true nature of modern Talmudic Judaism, Jewish control, or Zionist oppression against the Palestinians. There are several reasons. First, evangelicals are afraid of spreading the toxin of “anti-Semitism” to suggestible listeners if they speak any truth. Second, evangelicals fear being judged by God for “cursing” Jews with criticism. Third, evangelicals live in a culture so dominated by Zionism that they resist even considering the darker truths about Judaism for themselves, and certainly would not speak it out for fear for their reputation, friendships and social power. The price for “anti-Semitism” is so high that it functions like an intellectual checkpoint, bristling with machine guns, blocking the way to even considering the whole truth—much less passing it on.

Therefore, Christian media affirms by its actions that rigorous pro-Zionist censorship—by both Christian and secular media—is necessary and good. Truth about Talmudic Judaism’s teachings against Christians and Gentiles or about Israel’s ongoing genocide against the Palestinians is “bad truth.” They believe God Himself supports shielding society from this “bad truth.”

Yet where, I ask, in the Bible or in the great professions, such as law, science, literature, philosophy, the arts, is it accepted that there exists truth so incompatible with human knowledge that it can be called “bad” and kept from members of that profession? Instead (despite the tyrannies of liberalism and evolution in these disciplines) it is taken for granted, at least outwardly, that while lies, distortions, and half-truths exist there is no such thing as “bad truth.” There are no facts that should be excluded from examination. Rather, all ideas should be allowed to exist and see the light of day. This is so evil ideas can be rejected and true ones embraced. To facilitate this, God has endowed most of us with minds and consciences equal to the task. We are not inferior to our censors.

Evangelical Censors are Self-Protective

Christian Zionist censors also fear the whole truth because, if truth is allowed, the flimsy house of stacked cards they inhabit will fall. People armed with all the facts will perceive the censors as self serving. People will realize they have been deprived by leaders of one of the few things that should be guaranteed unconditionally: access to all truth. What would happen if evangelical censors spoke the whole truth about Judaism? Only good. Truth redeems and orients its listeners. At last enlightened, they could restrain non-Christian hearers of such truth from extremism and anti-Semitism. Truth united with Biblical balance would return Christians to a New Testament, not Zionist-created, approach to Jews. Christians would understand that the historic “Jewish problem” does not exist because Gentiles are irrationally anti-Semitic nor because Jews are evolutionary misfits, innately degenerate (a truly anti-Semitic belief). Instead, it exists because their forefathers rejected Jesus and followed the Pharisees who crucified Him. As a result of moral failing Jewry has sunk into deepest spiritual darkness, causing many Jews, as Scripture says, to become “corruptors” (Isaiah 1:4). Yet the whole truth as Scripture declares it mollifies any real hatred of Jews. It provides a glorious light of redemption at the end of this dark tunnel. A remnant of Jews will repent at Christ’s coming and be restored to divine favor. The whole world will be at rest for a thousand years.

These simple biblical conclusions, the result of seeking and finding the whole truth, are the basis for all anti-Zionist resistance at The furthest thing from anti-Semitism, they are the result of discovering the truth of Judaism and applying it from a truly Christian perspective. As a result, the truth at is not confined to Christians but radiates out to moderate those who might abuse it. We give back to the church and world what “Israel-first” Christian media has taken from them: a balanced, biblical view of reality.


Censorship of facts necessary to make informed judgments about the great issues of our time is never authorized by God but is an abomination. It opposes Him because it puts mankind under the guidance not of Himself and the broad and varied influences of reality but of the notions of what is safe and constructive according to a small-minded editorial elite. It doesn’t matter how altruistic the censor claims to be—even claiming, as does Christian media, that it censors in order to keep the Jews from returning to the ovens of another Holocaust. Censorship is always injurious because it confines to a few the precious truth God intends for the many men and women of good intention in every age who will not abuse it.



By Rev. Ted Pike 15 May 12


CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) is a bill that would take away a very great freedom: privacy on the internet. It would make federal spies of pro-Zionist Jewish internet giants such as Google, Facebook, Verizon, Comcast, and Time-Warner Cable.

These federal informants would receive “wish list” requests from the government for information on internet users. In return, internet moguls would supply to the government (without our consent) our names and information about us free of any possible liability.

The Anti-Defamation League has long coveted the role of providing to the government and its internet spies the pivotal definitions which determine which ideas are a “national security threat.” Should CISPA pass, ADL wants to be in firm agreement with the government and internet industry on exactly who will be reported as an internet hater, anti-Semite, security threat or possible domestic terrorist.

In an article titled “ADL Teams with Internet Industry Leaders to Convene Cyber Hate Working Groups,” ADL’s Abe Foxman says:

"Internet hate continues to have a global impact on civil society and a transparent process to respond to it will lead to reviewability and consistency.  We welcome the commitments of Google and Facebook to participate in this dialogue to combat online hate speech, Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism. Working alongside the Internet's leaders will allow for the development of industry standards that balance effectiveness with respect for the right to free speech.  

[ADL's] ICCA resolution was prompted by a desire of industry leaders, including Google and Facebook, to maintain a continuing dialogue with nongovernment organizations on best practices on combating Internet hate and to promote transparency on how online hate is addressed.

The "Anti-Cyberhate Working Group" will be comprised of industry, academics, NGOs and others to "build best practices for understanding, reporting upon and responding to Internet hate." The resolution calls on ADL to convene and move the working group forward…."

Christopher Wolf, chair of the ADL Task Force on Internet Hate, stated:  

"This represents an unprecedented opportunity to have the industry's leaders come together with non-governmental organizations, academics and other interested parties to develop a collaborative approach to Internet hate.  The Internet has been infected with the virus of hate since its inception, and the Task Force is proving to be one of the most effective mechanisms for developing voluntary efforts to disable the virus."

How do we block ADL’s plans to provide the government’s internet spying Gestapo with twisted and persecutive definitions of “hate” and "anti-Semitism"?

Make sure CISPA doesn’t pass! Take this link for the toll-free numbers and names of crucial Senate Judiciary members who may decide if CISPA goes forward or dies.



Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog organization.

TALK SHOW HOSTS: Interview Rev. Ted Pike on this subject. Call (503) 631-3808.

The freedom-saving outreach of Rev. Ted Pike and the National Prayer Network is solely supported by sale of books, videos and your financial support. All gifts are tax-deductible.

NATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015





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