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Israeli Freedom Flotilla II Terrorism
By Stephen Lendman
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, July 4, 2011
Daily, Israel keeps proving its lawless rogue credentials,
notably by blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza. As a result, it finds new ways
to show contempt for human rights, rule of law standards, civility,
fundamental Judaic tenets, and its very legitimacy as a nation state,
established by mass slaughter and displacement of indigenous Palestinians
from their homeland. Today, its war against humanity dirty
tricks/state terrorism arsenal includes propaganda, intimidating lawsuits,
pressure on other governments, sabotage, subversion, cold-blodded murder,
and whatever else it takes to ruthlessly commit slow-motion genocide against
nearly 1.7 million Gazans, besides daily crimes against others in the West
Bank and East Jerusalem. No wonder growing numbers of fed up Jews
are leaving, voting with their feet, including studies showing half or
more there actively consider it, and why not. Israel is an armed
camp, a warrior state, a modern-day Sparta, institutionalizing militarism as
a way of life. Young children are taught this ideology in school, including
to hate, not respect non-Jews, especially Muslims as violent enemies and
human rights activists supporting them. Freedom Flotilla II
participants are among them - vilified, sabotaged, delayed, and now blocked
from departing by Greece's complicit rogue government, after agreeing to
surrender its sovereignty to Western bankers despite mass street protests
against it. In fact, Greece's Washington embassy published an
"Announcement on the Flotilla," accessed through the following link:
In part it says: "Prohibition of the departure of ships with
Greek and foreign flags from Greek ports to the maritime area of Gaza
today." In other words, Gaza-bound ships in Greek ports are
prohibited from sailing because Israel and Washington demand it - a clear
international law violation. Moreover, "all appropriate measures are
taken for the implementation of the said decision....Furthermore, the
broader maritime area of eastern Mediterranean will be continuously
monitored by electronic means for tracking, where applicable, the movements
of the ships allegedly participating in such campaign." On July 1,
the International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) headlined, "Greek cabinet
votes to stop Flotilla as US Boat to Gaza forced back to port," saying:
Its planned departure already delayed over a week, "the US Boat to Gaza
decided Friday to challenge" Greece's government by leaving Athens without
permission. However, before reaching international waters, Greek Coast Guard
vessels forced it back to port and arrested its captain for leaving port
without permission, disturbing sea traffic, and endangering the lives of his
passengers. In other words, when no legitimate charges exist, rogue
authorities invent them. Moreover, Greek officials told Canadian
boat participants that "the Office of the President has demanded the seizure
of their boat." At the same time, Greece's cabinet voted to keep
participating boats from leaving, succumbing to Washington and Israeli
pressure to block them. Free Gaza Movement (FGM) founder Greta
Berlin issued a statement, saying: "Israel is doing its very, very best to
make sure we don't get out of port," stooping to any depth to do it with
help from its Washington paymaster partner, equally contemptuous of human
rights and rule of law standards. In fact, Obama provides daily
proof of his out-of-control lawlessness, showing perhaps he's America's
worst ever president, a hard-earned distinction given challenging
competition for top honors. Regularly, however, he's outdistancing
the pack, including his rogue predecessor, multiplying his wars by three,
continuing his criminal policies, and adding new ones of his own.
Possible US/Israeli Sabotage Suspicions are that US Navy Seals
and/or Israeli Syayetet 13 commandos sabotaged one boat for Greek, Norwegian
and Swedish passengers by cutting off its propeller shaft, and disabled an
Irish one altogether in Gocek, Turkey (MV Saoirse), forcing it to abandon
its mission but not its determination to try again. Why not despite
Senator Mark Kirk's (R. IL) early June statement saying America should:
"should make available all necessary special operation and naval support to
the Israeli Navy to effectively disable flotilla vessels before they can
pose a threat to Israeli coastal security or put Israeli lives at risk."
In a free democratic country, those remarks would minimally get him
censured, vilified and disgraced. in fact, he should be banned from
government service and prosecuted for supporting sabotage and harm to
humanitarian passengers, punishing him for supporting crimes against
humanity and perhaps war. However, he's not alone. Besides Obama,
Clinton and other administration rogues, as well as legions of them in
Congress, Texas Gov. Rick Perry asked Attorney General Eric Holder to take
legal steps to stop US participants and prosecute them if they refuse.
Perry, in fact, is a right-wing extremist with presidential ambitions,
hoping to do to America what he's done to Texas, governing it like George
Bush. IMEMC also headlined another July 1 article, "Free Flotilla
activists: 'Gaza blockade has been extended to Greece,' " saying:
Two boats were sabotaged, one disabled, another forced back to port after
sailing, and Greek police boarded the Canadian vessel (the Tahrir), blocking
its departure, making Greece complicit in Israeli/Washington crimes against
humanity, what their street brutality does daily against angry citizen
activism. At first, "port authorities (tried) to take the Tahrir's
official transit logs (required for sailing)." However, passengers balked,
demanding an explanation why. "When authorities (got) photocopies," they
lost interest in the originals. According to organizing committee member
Irene McInnes: "The government of Israel, shamefully with the tacit
support of (Canada's) Harper government (a willing co-conspirator), is doing
everything in its power to maintain the blockade. Yet we will persevere in
our attempts," no matter what rogue governments do. "We have a legal
and moral obligation to challenge the blockade, given the failure of the
international community to act," said committee member Dylan Penner. "This
is why we must continue our attempts to sail to Gaza: to challenge the
illegal and immoral blockade," and Canada's criminal support along with
America's and Israel's. They may win the battle. They've already
lost the war, creating a worldwide cause celebre, shaming them for denying
humanitarian justice. If Flotilla II vessels reach Gaza, it'll be a bonus,
what criminal governments are too blind to see. According to Reuters
on July 1, Flotilla vessels will sail next week, "a spokeswoman said on
Friday," adding: "We want to move the boats by July 5 to get to our
rendezvous point no later than July 6 or 7....We will go with what we have,"
hoping to defeat dirty tricks trying to stop them, including by suing to be
allowed to sail. Netanyahu and other Israeli officials call the
mission "provocative." They lied, an Israeli specialty, disgracefully
replicated by Washington, Canada, Greece, and other complicit governments,
shooting themselves in the foot in the process. In spite of
determined efforts to stop them, activists hope to sail anyway. Perhaps
Greece's Coast Guard will use "gunboat diplomacy" or worse to stop them,
violating international law brazenly like rogue pirates, complicit with
Israel and Washington ready to deploy commando killers against unarmed
humanitarian activists. US Boat/Audacity of Hope lead organizer Col.
Ann Wright (a former State Department official who protested the Iraq war by
resigning) said: "We could see the handwriting on the wall, that
they were going to try to shut down all the ports across the Mediterranean."
As for Greece, she added: "It's not surprising (they) succumbed to the
pressure," but lost what's left from its soul in the process, destroying its
remaining credentials as democracy's birthplace. After more a week
blocked in Greek ports, every ship still can't sail, showing how far its
government will violate international law for Israeli and Washington
criminals. On June 30, Netanyahu thanked Prime Minister Papandreou
and other world leaders for acting "against the provocation flotilla."
On July 1, IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich claimed Tarek Hamud,
son-in-law of Khaled Mashal (Hamas' Damascus-based head) was a leading
Flotilla organizer when, in fact, participants say they never heard of him.
Nonetheless, an agitprop Israeli press release said: "According
to Israeli military intelligence, the terrorist organization Hamas and
several organizations behind the 2011 Gaza flotilla have similar funding
sources. Three Islamic charity funds from the Hamas-affiliated Charity
Coalition directly fund Hamas and some of the organizations connected to the
2011 Gaza flotilla." With no corroborating evidence whatever, the
statement is a bald faced lie, common Israeli/Washington fabrications to
support their terror tactics. In fact, Hamas spokesman Izzat al-Risheq
emphatically said Hamud "has nothing to do with the flotilla in any way. He
is in his house right now in Damascus. This is a lie by the Israeli Army
aimed at getting people to oppose this humane mission." The
Flotilla, of course, has nothing to do with Hamas. Like earlier missions and
others to come, it's about breaching Gaza's siege as a first step to ending
it and liberating Palestine altogether. Because of growing support
worldwide, sooner or later it's coming. A Final Comment At
the same time Israel suffocates Gazans and blocks vital humanitarian aid,
Obama's war on terror lawlessness persecutes innocent Muslims at home,
prosecuting them for crimes they never conceived or committed. An
earlier article discussed entrapping innocent Muslims, accessed through the
following link:
Another discussed the Newburgh 4, accessed through the link below:
Every case involves manufacturing homegrown threats to incite fear as
justification to wage global wars against nonbelligerent countries, posing
no threat to America or their neighbors. On May 20, 2009, four New
York men were bogusly charged with planning to bomb a Bronx synagogue and
community center, as well as implausibly shoot down Air National Guard jets
with stinger missiles. Prosecutions and convictions followed. Then
on June 29, the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York
said three of the four got 25 year sentences even though there was no plot
or crime. The fourth defendant will be sentenced later. At issue was
lawless entrapment, involving an FBI sting against unwitting victims - in
this case, four poor black Newburgh, New York men who converted to Islam,
two while in prison for unrelated minor offenses. A Pakistani man
named Shahed Hussain (aka Malik) was a paid FBI informant, facing prison
and/or deportation on dozens of fraud counts. In return for leniency, he was
enlisted to cooperate and well paid for his efforts. He's the same
man used earlier for four separate stings, Yassin Aref among them, another
innocent man, entrapped and victimized, now serving a 15 year prison term
unjustly. In post-9/11 America, they're among many Muslim victims
of police state justice. They've been targeted, persecuted, arrested,
imprisoned, kept in isolation, denied bail, tried on secret evidence on
trumped-up charges, convicted by juries too intimidated to acquit, and
sentenced to long prison terms for being Muslims in America at the wrong
time. Others were targeted for their environmental and/or animal
rights activism. Washington calls them "ecoterrorists." It went on under
Bush and now Obama. He's also waging six global wars simultaneously, as well
as funding, arming and supporting Israeli terror against nonviolent
Palestinian civilians for being Muslims, not Jews. A web of lies and
international complicity sustain this, harming millions of victims globally,
including in America and Israel, paying for their governments' crimes.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at
[email protected].
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