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Congressional Junkets to Israel
By Stephen Lendman
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, August 15, 2011
Eighty-one House members, one fifth of the chamber, will visit
Israel during the traditional summer recess, instead of addressing festering
local issues at home during the nation's gravest economic crisis too serious
to ignore. Arriving first were 26 Democrats together, including
Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (MD). Another 55 Republicans will follow in two
groups, including 47 freshmen. Heading each are House Minority
Leader Eric Cantor (VA) and House Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA). Spouses are also
going at an estimated cost of $8,000, including business-class flights,
first-class hotels, meals, transportation, side trips, guides and
incidentals. Red carpet treatment is assured along with considerable
pro-Israeli messaging, especially for new incoming freshmen. They'll meet
with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres, as well as PA
President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in Ramallah.
Legitimate Hamas leaders are excluded. Their entire week is
choreographed and full, from early morning to late evening, including
breakfast and dinner speakers, as well as meetings with other government
officials. For security reasons, their schedule isn't known, but
while there, they'll get walking tours of Jerusalem's Old City, the Western
Wall (Wailing Wall or Kotel), as well as visits to Masada, the Dead Sea,
Holocaust memorial, Golan, Lebanese border, and Tel Aviv, with moments to
relax by the Mediterranean. Most of all, they'll get intensive
pro-Israeli messaging to assure one-sided support, reinforced by party
leaders back home. At the same time, out of sight and mind will be:
-- daily Israeli state terror; -- its planes bombing Gaza;
-- extreme unaddressed needs of over 1.6 million besieged people; --
fishermen interdicted and, at times, shot at sea; -- Israeli snipers
murdering farmers in their fields; -- regular security force
incursions into Palestinian communities; -- almost daily arrests,
detentions, and horrific treatment in Israeli prisons; -- children
beaten and arrested; -- peaceful protests attacked viciously;
-- bulldozed homes and dispossessed residents; -- Israel's
Separation Wall, stealing about 12% of Palestinian land when completed; and
-- severe repression, poverty, and misery of millions of Palestinians
whose only offense is not being Jewish. Whether or not they know or
care, If Americans Knew Executive Director Alison Weir said not every
congressional member is enthused about going. One congressional wife, in
fact, who's been there before, said she and her husband never before
experienced such pressure. Another representative's staff member
said those invited had no choice. If they don't go, AIPAC will target them
for removal, and most likely succeed. "The staffer said that the Israel
Lobby is far too powerful to ignore and that American voters have no
knowledge of what's going on" because major media reports won't say.
The Jerusalem Post covered this story. So did Lebanon's Daily Star, other
foreign media, Commentary magazine, and the Los Angeles Jewish Journal,
explaining the elaborately planned "dog and pony show" messaging.
In contrast, it was practically ignored by America's corporate media,
including The New York Times. The Washington Post discussed it on page 13,
omitting important details. It's typical of how America's media diss
their regulars, excluding everything they most need to know. At
issue is why congressional members are in Israel or heading there shortly,
on expense-paid week-long junkets, funded by an AIPAC affiliate - the
American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF). Created in 1990, its
web site says it "provides grant monies to educate opinion leaders about the
US-Israel relationship, to expand public awareness about issues affecting
the Middle East and to encourage participation in public affairs, especially
by students on college campuses where anti-Israeli propaganda is rampant."
In fact, nowhere in the world is pro-Israeli propaganda more
scandalously intense than in America, especially from distorted one-sided
major media reports, leaving Palestinian issues entirely excluded.
Mondoweiss co-editor Philip Weiss said pro-Israeli "liberal foundations"
fund organizations like AIPAC and its AIEF spinoff. For example, the Kimmel
Center gave AIEF $3.5 million in recent years, according to its Form 990
filings. Weiss said his research "shows that AIEF is getting tons of
money from the same people who fund good liberal institutions," including
universities, the arts, and issue-oriented groups like the Center for
Reproductive Rights and ACLU. AIEF also gets generous contributions
from right-wing organizations. "And that's the point," says Weiss. "When
you" examine who's paying for one-fifth of the House to visit Israel, it's
coming from rich and powerful pro-Israeli foundations, "know(ing) which side
their bread is buttered on," wanting Congress in tow supporting them.
At a time when millions of Americans are in dire need, Weir noted how angry
they might be to learn that Congress gives tiny Israel "over $8 million per
day of American tax money" during the nation's greatest ever economic
Depression when all available resources should stay at home helping them and
ending it. It's why America's media are silent, betraying their
loyalists instead of serving them, especially on war and peace, corporatism,
lawlessness, domestic repression, and all issues affecting Israel.
It's why everyone needs alternative sources to stay informed and join the
fight for justice. It's the only way possible to get it.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at
[email protected].
Also visit his blog site at and listen to
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