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No Politician With 'Anti-Zionist Mindset' Could Dream Of Living In White House, Says Naseer Aruri in an Interview With Kourosh Ziabari Eurasia Review, April 18, 2011
What follows is the complete text of my exclusive
interview with Prof. Naseer Aruri in which we discussed a variety of topics
including the prospect of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the role of the
United States in the solving the crisis in Palestine and the performance of
PLO as the de facto representative of the Palestinian nation in the
international level. Kourosh Ziabari: Dear Prof. Aruri;
there are various interpretations regarding the truth behind the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Both sides of the conflict cite claims over
the land which is known as the Land of Israel. So, from an impartial and
objective point of view, which side is the righteous? Which of them tells
the truth? Naseer Aruri: This is not a conflict
between two equal claims. The Palestinian population is the indigenous party
living on the land since the days of the Cana'anites. Their presence as the
dominant party was interrupted by the Crusades but it was restored by the
Islamic conquest of the 7th century A.D. When the Zionists received the
Balfour Declaration from Britain in 1917 the Jewish population constituted
less than 7% of the population. It was an unauthorized promise made by an
imperial power to a colonial settler movement at the expense of the Majority
(the indigenous Palestinians). By World War II the Jewish population had
increased to one-third mainly as a result of colonial settlement. This
minority was in possession of less than 6% of the land. Today it controls
all of historic Palestine through the force of arms, an illegal phenomenon
under international law. KZ: You’re said to be an outspoken critic of the Oslo
Accords and described it a cover for territorial conquest. Would you please
explain for us the reasons you oppose Oslo Peace Process? Given that the
Declaration called for the withdrawal of Israel Defense Forces from parts of
Gaza Strip and West Bank and facilitated the creation of a Palestinian
National Authority, what are your reasons for contesting the Oslo Accords? NA: The Oslo Accords constituted an act of surrender by
Yaser Arafat, whose movement was facing economic, diplomatic and leadership
crises, and having recognized Israel in 1988, it took the easy way out by
concluding an unauthorized deal with Israel in 1993 in which Israel did not
cede any bit of sovereignty whatsoever not only in historic Palestine but
even in the West Bank, which constitutes 22% of historic Palestine. The
phrase “external security” was the corner stone of the document and it
served as a euphemism for sovereignty, which remained in the hands of
Israel. Oslo has also negated the culture of the Intifada, which was based
on voluntary maxims and associational values In brief, Oslo created a facade
of equality when Israel was an occupant within the meaning of International
law, while the Palestinians were occupied rather than co-equal. Under such a
cover, Israel was given license to expand its territorial conquest even
farther and this added territory was acquired under presumed “peaceful
conditions.” Colonial settlements in the occupied territories have more than
doubled since 1993 and they continue to constitute the single most
intractable obstacle to a diplomatic settlement until this day. Technically,
Oslo was an agreement to reach agreement, but better yet, an agreement to
obfuscate an equal settlement and an honorable and principled compromise. KZ: Although the Palestine Liberation Organization has
recognized Israel’s right to exist, accepted UNSC resolutions 242 and 338
and made several concessions during its interactions with the State of
Israel, the United States still considers it a terrorist organization.
What’s your viewpoint regarding the performance of PLO? Has it succeeded in
representing the Palestinian people and defending their demands? Recently
leaked documents show that the PLO under Mahmoud Abbas had agreed to
Israel’s sovereignty over nearly all Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem.
What’s your take on that? Palestine NA: I think that the answer to your question is embedded
in the question itself. Moreover, the PLO should have never accepted the
stipulation that it is a terrorist organization which must “renounce” and
not “denounce” as Arafat had attempted unsuccessfully and reminded about the
crucial difference between the two concepts. The assumption that the US was
a judge and jury while at the same time a chief armed supplier, bank roller,
and diplomatic backer was unfortunately accepted by the PLO leadership since
the 1980s and should not have been a surprise when the so-called Palestine
papers were released and leaked out quite recently. Under both Arafat and
Abbas, the PLO concessions were bottomless and these concessions had only
encouraged Israel to throw more obstacles to peace and to encourage
Washington to act as a “Dishonest Broker.” KZ: Some commentators refer to Israel as an artificial
state and believe that it was created through the efforts of politicians and
leaders who wanted to sympathize with and satisfy the expansionistic demands
of the Zionists in Europe; however, there are a group of thinkers who
believe that to the extent that Israel is an artificial state, countries
such as United Arab Emirates or Kosovo should be considered artificial as
well, because they lack a historical background as independent nations.
What’s your estimation of these viewpoints? NA: It serves no useful purpose to debate the moot issue of whether Israel, UAE, and Kosovo are artificial states. The important thing is that they are de facto states which through admission to the UN become de jure states. Irrespective of who wins the argument, Israel is a
state, but the important thing is what kind of a state? A state of its own
citizens? a state of all Jews in the world? A state of the Jewish people in
historic Palestine? What are the boundaries of this state? Is it not an
apartheid state as it exists at the present? These questions are far more
important than whether Israel is artificial or natural? The UAE, the rest of the Arabian Gulf states as well as most Arab states were created by European colonialist powers on the basis of divide and rule, and to facilitate the establishment of the Zionist entity to act as a long arm for their colonialist ambitions in the Arab homeland; so neither these Arab “statelets” nor the Zionist entity are natural states… they are artificial. KZ: The Stance of President Bush Sr. on the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict had convinced many international observers that
the pro-Israeli era of Ronald Reagan was over. On May 22, 1989, Secretary of
State James Baker had told an AIPAC audience that Israel should abandon its
expansionist policies. On his part, George H. Bush had indicated that he was
under the pressure of Zionist lobby by saying to reporters on the sidelines
of an AIPAC summit that “I’m one lonely little guy” up against “some
powerful political forces” made up of “a thousand lobbyists on the Hill.” He
was forced to apologize consequently; however, he was opposed to grant a $10
billion loan guarantee to Israel as long as Israel continued building homes
on the Palestinian lands. What’s your viewpoint regarding Bush’s Israel
policy? Why did his son adopt a totally opposing stance on the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict compared with that of his father? NA: True, there is a vast difference between the
policies of the two Bushes. Bush senior had a major conflict with Israel and
its Zionist lobby in Washington. He and his Secretary of State James Baker
challenged Israel’s settlement building in occupied territory, particularly
Jerusalem and its environs. Israel and its minions in the U.S. such as
former Senator George Mitchell objected to the assumption that Jerusalem is
“occupied” territory. Perhaps Bush, Sr’s Iraq policy illustrates the major
differences between the father and son. If one looks at the Israeli press
during the summer of 1990 when U.S. forces were in Saudi Arabia while Saddam
Hussein’s army was occupying Kuwait, one finds an important reality: Bush
was in effect telling Israel that, we the U.S., as the sole super power, are
in charge of security in the [Persian] Gulf region and in the whole Middle
East.. Consequently, Israel has nothing to worry about and it must come to
terms on the Palestine question knowing that Washington is in charge of
security. That was probably the closest that the U.S. had ever come to the
concept of an imposed settlement in which Israel must abide by Washington’s
will based on its national interest as a super power. But the plan did not come into fruition particularly
when Bush was defeated in the presidential elections by Bill Clinton, who
derailed Bush’s diplomatic train and diverted it to Oslo instead, hence the
end of Bush, Sr’s designs. When Bush the son came to the White House, the
neo-conservatives had managed to secure a position of power and station
themselves strategically around the New President who had to shoulder the
whole issue of “terrorism” after September 11. These developments hastened
the penetration of Bush’s policies by neo-conservatives, hence the
difference between the two Bushes. KZ: Upon taking office, the Presidents of the United
States conventionally make trips to Israel and pay homage to the Israelis by
saying that they are committed to the security of Israel and that they will
try their best to serve the interests of the Jewish regime.
Is the Zionist lobby so influential to prevent from
coming to power a President who has an anti-Zionist mindset? Is it ever
possible for an anti-Zionist politician to rise to power in the United
States? NA: The answers to both questions are yes and yes.
No politician with an “anti-Zionist mindset” could ever dream of living in
the White House. The American political system has institutional and
constitutional barriers against anti-Zionists winning the U.S. presidency.
Take for example the Electoral College by which Americans elect their
presidents. The EC stipulates that a candidate to the presidency must gain
plurality and the winner takes all. These two factors (plurality and winner
takes all) tend to polarize the system and promote the two party system. In
that setting, there is no place for a minority, which is likely to be the
anti-Zionist mindset. Rather, the system would promote two polarities and
avoids the diffusion of power. In the US, minorities which are cohesive and
disciplined can easily develop factions such as Afro-Americans or Zionists
who would give their votes to their co-nationals and insure the victory of
disciplined, single-minded, and organized constituencies. In such a
political system, anti-Zionists could never aspire to win a senatorial or
even a lower House position, let alone win the Presidency. That is an
impossible task. KZ: What’s in your view, the source of Zionist lobby’s
enormous power and wealth? You may admit that the majority of mainstream
media in the United States are being run by the well-off Jews and that the
Zionist lobby plays a central role in the decision which the U.S. congress
makes. What is the source of this power and influence? NA: The sources of Zionist power
in the US stem from superior organization, good finance, a ready-made
“defense” of their cause such as “anti-Semitism,” which serves as a
sort of black-mail and a barrier against valid criticism of policies. While
the public can criticize Obama and his policy and expect no retribution,
that same public cannot criticize Israel in the same way. Look at what
happened to Helen Thomas, the dean of the White House journalists since the
1950s when she dared to express her opinion on the Israeli theft of
Palestinian land, ongoing since the 1940s. Senators and Congress people have
been dumped by the Lobby upon the first sign of dissent and deviation from
the delivered wisdom and accepted orthodoxy on Israel. In short, the Zionist
lobby is fortified by a shield which enables it to suppress dissent in a
democratic nation. KZ: As my final question, I would like to ask you to
propose your solution for drawing an end to the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. Do you champion a two-state solution? Do you believe that the Jews
should be returned to their original homelands in Europe? What’s your
viewpoint in this regard? NA: As for the ideal solution, I am afraid no just and lasting solution seems to be on the horizon at the present time. Israel and its supporters have stood firmly during the past four decades against the global consensus which demanded withdrawal from occupied territories and a just resolution of the refugees problem in accordance with UN resolutions and the general principles of international law– a resolution based on the principles of equal justice, equal protection of the law, and an end to apartheid, which now prevails throughout historic Palestine pre and post 1948. As for the two-state solution, there is no such a thing. It is already too late for that, as the entire spectrum of Israeli politics allows no sovereignty on any piece of land lying between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. That leaves one just solution: a single state in which Muslims, Christians and Jews can live together on the basis of equal justice and equal protection of the law. *** Naseer Aruri is Chancellor Professor
(emeritus) of Political Science, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth.
He is president of Trans-Arab Research Institute in Boston. Prof. Aruri is
the a contributor to the book “Iraq Under Siege: The Deadly Impact of
Sanctions and War” by the South End Press and the author of the book
“Palestinian Refugees: The Right of Return” published by the University of
British Columbia Press in 2001. Prof. Aruri is on the Advisory Board of the
Council for Palestinian Restitution and Repatriation. Aruri has also written the book “The Obstruction of
Peace: The U.S., Israel and the Palestinians.” has described this
book “a Palestinian perspective on the peace process in his Middle Eastern
region which provides a different view for the reasons behind
Palestinian-Israeli impasses.” According to Wikipedia, Aruri contributed to the foundation of the Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR) in 1983. From 1984-1990, Aruri was elected to three consecutive terms on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International, USA, and served on the Board of Directors of Human Rights Watch/Middle East from 1990 to 1992.
Kourosh Ziabari is an Iranian media correspondent, freelance journalist and interviewer. He is a contributing writer of Finland’s Award-winning Ovi Magazine and the the Foreign Policy Journal. He is a member of Tlaxcala Translators Network for Linguistic Diversity (Spain). He is also a member of World Student Community for Sustainable Development (WSC-SD). Kourosh Ziabari's articles have appeared in a number of Canadian, Belgian, Italian, French and German websites. He can be reached at [email protected]
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