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Arab People Strive for Political Change and New Leadership By Mahboob A Khawaja Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, April 18, 2011
Arab people are ancient, civilized and appear
highly motivated to challenge the neo-colonial established tyranny of
oppressive rule across the The Authoritarian Arab Rulers are Bitten by Greed and Ignorance Islam enriched the Arabs
with knowledge, divine guidance and global leadership but the oil
exporting prosperity shelved them back to the age of ignorance and
greed. For over 60 years, the Arab rulers have been beaten on all the
major fronts of political and strategic endeavors involving their
primary national interests. Foremost, the sudden economic boom derived
from the petro-dollars had adverse social, moral and political impacts
across wide range of the Arabian lives and traditions. The illusion of
economic prosperity undermined the Arab thoughts, culture and Islamic
belief and values. In the process of sudden transformation, they lost
the essence of Islamic THINKING and moral and political identities. Once
the Arab civilization was the most powerful force contributing to the
European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution. John Draper (History of
the Intellectual Development of Europe, 1876), describes how the Arab
civilization advanced the European and American human progress. The Arab
achievements were the direct results of Islam as system of life for 800
years in Al- “Most Muslim countries are governed by power groups which consist of people who do not know or understand Islam and have abandoned it. They are people who have established themselves in advantageous positions often by repressing and exploiting their own peoples with the help of the dominating foreign powers. They are usually educated in the West or in the Western style and their business, cultural and political interests are intimately connected with the West. They cannot possibly be said to represent the people” The contemporary Arab rulers, the outcome of the neo-colonial THINKING and culture, encounter serious crises in defining their own cultural-based identities and relevance to the people they claim to govern. Across the Arab world, Africa, Asia and beyond, the European planned and administered coerced European thoughts, laws and traditions to eradicate the centuries old established Islamic cultural values, principles of legal justice, education, social and moral system of governance, dedicated to the recognition of God as the supreme authority and law-giving power in the Muslim societies. The British, French, Italian and Dutch imperialists imposed their own distinct cultures, languages, laws and educational system to dismantle the Islamic institutions of education and human development, finances, moral and political governance. The imperialistic transformation was achieved by military crusades, massive killings and displacements, coerced occupation through historical intrigues, treacheries and forced laws and divides and rule strategies. The planned scheme of European terrorism that destroyed the Islamic culture and civilization in the Arabian peninsula, southern Europe, Asia and Africa but nobody is willing to speak in the emerging political corridors of the US led political hegemony in global affairs. Consequently, millions opposing the European conquests were massacred and their habitats destroyed and overtaken by force and flourishing human societies destroyed by the colonial powers now claim to be civilized nations at the beginning of the 21st century. What rational criterion is being used to claim this concept of civilization? Perhaps, the former colonial
masters would have difficulty in explaining to the mankind that a little
while ago they lived in the dark ages of barbarism, they held Roman
coliseum entertaining people with wild beasts killing the human beings
and tried to subjugate the morally and culturally rich Islamic world by
and brutal force, not by the persuasion of
democratic principles and exercise of the free and rational choice. The
ruling Arabian elite, now enriched with oil exporting earnings, do not
view these historical record as its irony will render judgment which
might go against their own interests and political survivability. The
phenomenon of CHANGE is the most important factor that the Arab ruling
elite seem to ignore and hate to discuss in any public forums. The Arab
people are not part of the authoritarian rules in their oil riched lands
operated by the Western establishments. The rulers live in palaces and
people live in distant dust covered clans and tribal locations. There
are varied cultures and time zones involved in-between the Arabian
ruling elite and the people they claim to govern. The laws and public
institutions date back to the European imperial time and order. The Arab
rulers occupying the political powerhouses for over half a century would
have difficulty to face the mirror. All the mirrors appear dusty covered
with the illusion of the oil-based economic prosperity whose strings are
within the control of the Sheiks-the Arab rulers for the time being.
Paul Craig Roberts (“Muslims are their own Worst Enemies” March 02,
2010, ICH), offers the following
candid observation:
“Muslims are numerous but powerless. Divisions
among Muslims, especially between Sunni and Shiites, have consigned the
Muslim Middle East to almost a century of Western control….Muslim
disunity has made it possible for Israel to dispossess the Palestinians,
for the U.S. to invade Iraq, and for the U.S. to rule much of the region
through puppets. ….Egypt receives $1.5 billion a year from Arab People Look for Political Change to articulate a New World The neo-colonial rulers
think that modernity will change the people to adjust themselves to the
requisites of economic prosperity. The masses believe a return to
originality of the Arab-Islamic culture will free them from the bondage
of modern slavery of the coerced materialism.
it be an intellectual evolution or a political revolution in the making
to bring about the much desired change across the oil exporting Arabian
landscape? The irony of human tragedies is manifolds. Some of the
largest military goods and weapons are purchased by the Arab rulers but
there are no Arab armies to make good out of it. In the post colonial
period, the Arab leaders have not won any wars with favorable outcomes.
There are no Arab Generals to fight for Islam and to free the occupied
The critical issues call for
critical analysis and change and new ideas to phase-out the old and
obsolete thinking and obsessed values flourishing across the How could the Arab leadership failure be turned into change and reformation of the neo-colonialism and to revive the cultural presence and visionary leadership role in the global political arena? The 21st century is more enlightened and an age of information and knowledge-driven global culture of creativity, effective leadership and human progress. It is not reasonable for the ignorant to inherit kingship or a leadership role to be successful. The emerging and complex political imperatives call for the new generation of proactive educated and intelligent people to be in the leading role of planning of change and reformation of the old and obsolete inherited infrastructures of political governance unto new sustainable system of institutional development and nation-building and to be people-oriented and represent the Islamic interests in a rational manner. The hard facts of life speak for themselves. There is not a single Arab-Muslim country to present a credible intelligent leader to the international community. The Arab elite are operative from a position of moral and intellectual weakness and deprivation, not of political strength. To change the naïve political governance, Muslims in general and the Arabs in particular, must develop public institutions of the citizenry participation as Islam emphasizes the concept of “Shura”- consultation an important principle for societal decision making, of law, justice and leadership accountability. Muslims as one Ummah could well have a common currency, economic productivity, an international organization - “Ummah Council” responsible to develop policies and deal with issues of security, peace and conflict resolution, and to represent the unity of the Muslim Ummah as an agent of influence to strengthen the Islamic perspectives and workable policy stance in a constantly changing and challenging global political culture. In Search of Political Imagination, State of The Arab ruling class faces
multiple issues: (1) lack of proactive leadership to provide a
sustainable vision and hope for the future, (2) lack of institutions to
THINK and PLAN for peace and conflict management, and (3) to offer any
concerted plan of action for manageable political CHANGE in the Arab
world. The single most vital failure of the Arab rulers is self evident
in failure to deal with the state of Israel and to resolve the Palestine
problem in a way suitable to the human rights and dignity of the
indigenous Palestinian people displaced by the creation of the state of
Israel. For over 60 years, the Arab and Israelis have been talking about
peace and fighting to achieve it. None of them seem to have the upper
hand in dealing with a peaceful resolution of the problem. There is a
conscious indifference and neglect on the part of the Arab rulers in
dealing with Whether fair or foul, Arab
rulers are always ready to enter into negotiations for peace, the
Western entrapment and outcomes favor Israel, not the authoritarian Arab
rulers as they do not know how to deal with Israeli politicians and the
changing patterns of global politics. The Israelis have
institutionalized presence across Western Europe and The oil-based economy is not
for ever and peak oil stage is already in place. Therefore, the illusion
of prosperity is seen as short lived concept of the few living in
palaces not viable with the people. History tells us that all the Arab
glory and progress was intermittently linked with the message of Islam
and following the Divine system as a way of life. That led the Arabs to
achieve success in Southern Europe for more than 800 years of the
Islamic civilization in Al- One of my recent articles “Global Peace and Conflict Resolution: How the Arab, Israeli and the Western Leaders Duped the Humanity?” 06/2010 makes the following observation: “The prosperity fantasy bubble is fast approaching to an end with the peak oil forecasts as a visual reality in- waiting. Power, prosperity and poverty are all trials in human affairs and transitory phenomenon. Was the discovery of oil a conspiracy (“fitna”) for the Arabs to change the originality of their thinking, beliefs, values and passion for Islam as successful system of human life?” The Arab masses long for political change and a promising future based on peaceful co-existence with others. But the rulers continue to live in a dream world that is no longer relevant or sustainable to the changing perceptions, global challenges and aspirations of the Arab people. The new educated, proactive and informed generation of Arab leadership with an inward eye not merely on the petro-dollars transitory economy but craving for realism and workable solutions for the purpose of building a different and promising future for the people-oriented Islamic governance, transforming the cruelty of authoritarianism into a functional democracy for the best interest of the people - is the real challenge with an opportunity. Change will lead to durable and peaceful future when political governance will ensure respect and recognition of the rights of the people that Islam has assured, freedom from neo-colonial exploitation and their active participation in making the political governance a reality. The bewildered rulers rely heavily on borrowed weapons, tanks, guns and bullets to silence the people’s voices of reason for change and peace. The Divine Revelation make it clear that “intelligent people always readily accept advice” If there are any Arab rulers eager to LISTENING and LEARNING as part of the changing leadership role and to seek peaceful CHANGE for the FUTUREMAKING, the criterion for peaceful CHANGE is logically defined and diagnostic formula is readily available (Al-Qura’an: Surah Al-Noor: verse 55, translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali)): “Allah
has promised to those Among you
who believe and work Righteous
deeds, that He will of a surety Grant
them in the land, inheritance (of
power), as He granted it to those before them, That He
will establish in authority Their
religion- the one Which He
has chosen for them; And that
He will change (their state), After the
fear In which
they (lived) to one of security and peace.” Dr. Mahboob A.
Khawaja specializes in global security, peace and conflict
resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures
and civilizations, and author of several publications including:
"Muslims and the West: Quest for Change and Conflict Resolution",
University Press of America; How America Lost the War in Iraq and
Afghanistan and Mujahideen Won, VDM Publishers, 2009; To America and
Canada with Reason, VDM Publishers, 2009; “President Obama – War is War,
Not Peace”, 2009; “ Global Peace and Conflict Management: How the
Arabs-Israelis and the West Duped the Humanity?”, “President Obama and
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