Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, April 2011


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Stand Up for Democracy, Save American from the War-Economy Disaster

A  Statement By the Muslim Peace Coalition USA

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, April 11, 2011


The Muslim Peace Coalition believes that war, terrorism, and Islamophobia form a dangerous nexus that is dragging our nation backward. It is not only our economy and constitution that are under attack because of this set, but our very spirit and morale, thus diminishing our standing as the world's leading nation.  

Here are four reasons why 100 Imams from New York are calling all Muslims to join 500 other organizations of our neighbors to stand together. Hate is rising in the country. It's about time that forces of peace and justice speak up: 

Standing up for our Democracy:

  • Every person under U.S. jurisdiction or control is entitled to Bill of Rights protections. However, PATRIOT ACT is undermining our constitution and our justice system.
  • 700,000 Muslims have been interviewed by FBI
  • Latinos and other immigrants are routinely subject to unconstitutional searches
  • People are being asked to defend themselves while they are told their evidence is secret. How can one defend himself or herself while his evidence is secret.           
  • The country cannot be made safer by sacrificing some rights for all or part of its population.

Saving America from War-Economy Disaster:

  • The cost to NY State this year for war will be $15 billion according to the Government Accountability Project. 
  • This is while NY State has around a $10 Billion deficit causing layoff of state workers, wage freezes and cut to social services, education, etc.
  • We are competing with China for trade, investment and natural resources. China is welcomed everywhere despite its totalitarian system while we are hated despite our democracy.
  • London has replaced New York as the financial capitol of the world since we have become an unwelcoming nation

Fighting hate in America:

  • The number of armed militias has doubled (Time magazine)
  • President Obama is receiving 400% more death threats than President Bush did (Secret Service)
  • The number of active hate groups in the U.S. topped 1,000 for the first time. (Southern Poverty Law Center "2010 - The Year in Hate & Extremism")

Standing up for our rights:

  • 13 states are considering anti-Muslim laws
  • 30,000+ Muslims have been detained; mosques across the country have been checked for nuclear bombs
  •  28% of Muslim students in New York Public Schools report being stopped by police as a result of profiling in New York (Columbia)
  • 7% Muslim students say they have been physically assaulted (Columbia)

Muslim Peace Coalition invites Muslims to work with millions of our neighbors who are fighting for peace and justice against wars and Islamophobia.   

Muslim Peace Coalition's Positions

  • We actively oppose war
  • We repeatedly condemn terrorism
  • We fight Islamophobia
  • And to do that we stand with those who stand with us
    • In coalitions with peace movement, labor & interfaith
    • In peaceful struggle for civil & human rights for all

Muslim Peace Coalition is composed of Muslim Americans in 15 states who are committed to the principle of standing up and speaking for justice (Quran 4:135) not only because of their desire to uphold the principles of their faith, but also out of deep concern and commitment to our country.

5 Things You Can Do Today for Peace & Justice 

  1. Forward this email: You have your friends and contacts. Please write a short note inviting them to join the rally as you forward this email to them.
  2. Please share this newsletter with your facebook account
  3. Please call ten friends reminding them that it is our Islamic duty to stand up against injustice. We must stand with those who stand with us. 500 non-Muslim organizations are calling for this rally along with 100 Imams. It is our patriotic duty to speak up when trillions of dollars are lost at war instead of jobs and education at home.
  4. Have a family gathering tonight to discuss why the rally is being organized. Please read to them the statement of 100 New York area imams. It is important for the whole family to attend the rally.
  5. Call your Masjid to make sure that your imam is giving khutba on this topic and asking all Muslims to attend this rally

Muslim Peace Coalition USA

The Muslim Peace Coalition USA is a grassroots alliance that has spread to 14 states since its inception. The Coalition's mission is to work closely with the peace movement and civil rights organizations to oppose war, terrorism and Islamophobia.





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