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Genesis of an Empire's Implosion:
US and its Saudi Protectorate
By Ben Tanosborn
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, April 11, 2011
This week Americans heard the news from a trusted commentator
of old, Tom Brokaw, that the Saudis are so unhappy with Obama that they
have sent emissaries to China and Russia seeking “enhanced ties.” To
me, it had the tone of a medieval ballad with lyrics of little kingdoms
paying tribute to larger, more powerful ones. My first thought was
of King Ramiro (Spain, c. 850 AD) saying enough to the “maiden tribute”
(100 virgins per year) payable to Abderahman II, as had been done by his
predecessors. Just what’s with the emissaries… what has poor Obama
done now?! That’s quite a headline, one worth analyzing in two
distinct areas: (1) who those Saudis are, and (2) what the enhanced ties
they are seeking might be. We’re starting to see the aftereffects
caused by that upheaval going on in North Africa and the Middle East.
The Saudi government – and those are the Saudis that Brokaw refers to –
has been able to keep things stable and steady by virtue of some
“affordable benevolence”… a few billion dollars thrown to the people in
jobs and housing in order to calm them down. Affordable benevolence,
since the increase in the price of crude during a few months of turmoil
will go a long way in paying for the 500,000 low-rent apartments promised
and the salaries of 60,000 men to be added to the security force whose
mission and sole purpose is the continuation in perpetuity of this Islamic
absolute monarchy. It was rather easy for the ruling House of Saud
to quell the “day of rage” in the kingdom a month ago, with not a riyal
spent or promised to be spent having to come out of the monarchy’s private
coffers. So now we have a better idea of “who” the Saudis are; the
Saudis Brokaw was speaking of… not so much a people, but rather a clan of
folks divinely given a blue tint in their blood: King Abdullah and his
extended family. But why the need for enhanced ties with Russia
and China… that is something else! Although the Saudi government can
keep the reins of the country tight and straight, the blue-bloods there
know quite well that they cannot be an island. If the political face
of North Africa and the Middle East changes, regardless whether the
eventual regimes follow democratic or religious paths, chances are that
the Saudi rulers will have their days numbered, particularly when foreign
workers in Saudi Arabia represent almost 20 percent of the population,
most of them from Arab countries, but not necessarily Sunni. If
the Saudi royals blame Obama for the current state of affairs in the two
regions, they are being totally foolish. The situation has little to
do with idealism emanating from the present White House. Obama has
enough problems of his own. America, whether we care to acknowledge
it or not, is financially and politically bankrupt and there is little
that Obama can do to keep America’s old friends, whether brutal or
benevolent tyrants, in power. Those “protective” days are gone, not
because Americans have had a change of heart, an injection of social
justice and idealism; no, unfortunately that is not the case. Those
days are gone, forever gone, for one simple reason: the United States of
America is broke; broke, broke, broke: irremediably broke. Whether
the Saudi royals are seeking a new protector, or simply trying to exact a
bit of blackmail from the US, is yet to emerge. Regardless what the
end game is for the ruling family, they may get better long-term results
by seeking accommodation with their Shiite cousins than by substituting
protectors outside of the Islamic family. Here I am writing this
column, on this Friday evening, less than two hours from the deadline for
a government shutdown if no compromise on the budget is reached by the two
parties in Congress. What makes it laughable is that the amount
where there is disagreement represents less than 1 percent of the total
budget. The funding issues involving this relatively tiny
percentage, however, have major political resonance for politicians who
know where the votes are; and deceptive whores they are, they want to
appear before their political base as faithful to the principles – often
ignorant prejudices – that got them elected. Congress will find the
way to get a budget passed, the mood of the nation demands it. In
fact the news just broke that a deal had been reached less than one hour
from the midnight deadline. Politicians are truly consummated
actors! One cannot help but think how Saudi Arabia, regardless who
rules the nation, and the United States, with its celebrated democratic
capitalism compare as they face the future. Saudi Arabia can easily
prepare an economic plan that can realistically forecast the well-being of
its citizens in a post oil-depleted future… while America can only offer
future generations a debt that will keep them enslaved. We in
America should be asking not just our government and leaders, but
ourselves… just what kind of “exceptionalism” will help us get out of the
hole we’re in? Is our empire’s implosion just the catalyst for
change we need? Maybe a gravitational collapse is the best
thing that can happen to the United States. Perhaps, after giving up
that false pride in a stupid and amoral empire, we, with a little luck,
can become in a few years a smaller and denser nation – density in this
case implying an inner concern for our people, a society where greed
becomes once again, after thirty-plus years of economic Reagan-paganism, a
vice instead of a virtue.
Ben Tanosborn
[email protected]