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Burning the Quran and the Satanic Verses:
Is there a difference?
By Yamin Zakaria
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, September 13, 2010
Whilst some Muslims around the world demonstrate with rage,
others find this cheap media stunt by the US Pastor, Terry Jones, rather
amusing; he appears like the typical ignorant rugged hillbilly with a tiny
band of followers. From his interviews, he fits the profile of those
ignorant Americans raised on a diet of Zionist Fox News and baseball, who
would struggle to comment on the US history and geography, let alone the
rest of the world. His interview on CNN bought a smile to my
face, as it did to the CNN Presenter who was trying to clarify the
justification for burning the Quran; it is obvious that he lacks ability
to articulate his case, compounded by the fact that he has not even read
the Quran or any scholarly literature that elaborates on the subject.
Indeed, he sounds like a man who does not read much. His
allegations that Quran advocates violence is laughable, as the same
teachings can be found in the Bible, some of the laws derived from the Old
Testament are much harsher than the Quranic laws. It seems the pastor is
also unfamiliar with the Bible. If we talk about the actions or reactions
of some Muslims, that needs to be assessed against the actions of violent
Christian-America. I am not talking about the daily shootings at schools
and shopping malls, rape, bombings, and the high level crime rate inside
America, but the killing of innocent people in distant land. This
is the nation that dropped the Atom bombs and chemical weapons on innocent
civilians; over last century it has killed millions for profit, and
continues to do so in the Middle East. Allegedly, their ‘loving’ Christian
god commanded George Bush to carry out the slaughter of innocent people.
Numerous videos depict the cruelty of US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan,
who are often killing civilians for sheer enjoyment, true to their
sadistic nature. The Pastor needs to take closer look at his nation with
its awful history. The Muslims should have ignored Terry Jones,
and by the usual emotional reaction of some it has only given him far
greater media attention than he deserves. I guess for sensitive issues
like this, the hearts and emotions rule over the mind. It’s
ironic that a ‘Christian’ pastor, whose flock constantly peddles the
message of ‘love’ and ‘forgiveness’ can demonstrate so much blanket hate
towards another community. Such hypocrisy is not surprising, as many
prominent US-based preachers have consistently demonstrated this over the
years. How many have swindled money from their docile flocks? How many
TV-Evangelists have been caught with their pants down after lecturing
about sexual morality? What bout the numerous claims about healing, later
exposed as fraudulent. Not to mention the recent revelation of those
celibate Priests sexually molesting children. Far from the
central Christian message of ‘love’, this pastor represents a new breed of
extremists: Christian-Zionist, who has anything but love; these people are
simply evil. Incidentally, why is the Pope silent on this issue? Where are
the prominent Christian Priests issuing condemnations? Had this been
Muslims burning the Bible, the entire Muslim community would have been put
on the docks. For the actions of few Muslims, we are all frequently held
accountable; the same principle should also apply here with Terry Jones.
Let us leave aside the religious dimension, most of us live in a
secular society; thus, let us examine the secular arguments of free speech
which underpins this issue. This has resurfaced the old debate of the
right of freedom of speech against ‘selective’ curbing of it, to prevent
incitement to hate and violence. In defence of Terry Jones, the issue of
freedom of expression is pointed out, along with the example of the
Muslims burning the Satanic Verses of Salman Rushdie, in the past. The
obliging media selectively pushes the arguments of incitement to hate and
violence to the back, and the argument of the right of free speech for
Terry Jones is brought to the front. It works in reverse for the Muslim
action and reaction, as it is always measured against the principle of
incitement to hate and violence, rather than a right to express their
viewpoint. Both, the Satanic Verses and the
actions of Terry Jones are provocation, and not a reaction; one can also
include the Danish Cartoon in this category. Rather, the Muslims will
point out, if the media opposed the book burning of Satanic Verses, why
did they not demonstrate the same level of opposition to the burning of
the Quran. Moreover, the ‘Satanic Verses’ is not a sacred scripture with
millions of followers around the world. Thus, if anything, the response to
curtail free speech of Terry Jones should have been greater. This merely
confirms that media consistency is the exception, and media-hypocrisy is
the norm. Most Islamophobes are overt racists or closet racists.
It is the culture of war on terror that has encouraged them come out and
target Islam and Muslims, which has been fanned by the mainstream media
for decades, significantly increased post 9/11; the racist Islamophobes
are enjoying the free ride. Since racism has become unacceptable, the
overt racists are quick to deny their racist motive, and make the
technical argument that targeting religious group is not a racist action;
however, when you prod under their white skin by examining the behaviour
and track record of its prominent members, the racist agenda becomes
clear. For example, the disparity in response to the decades of IRA
bombings in the UK to the single incident of 7/7 makes it obvious. The
entire Irish community was not put on the dock, they were not viewed with
the same level of disdain, and the response was confined to the
perpetrators, nor were there any calls for repatriation or curbing
immigration from Republic and Northern Ireland. The National Front never
marched into the areas populated by the Irish community. In
the UK, the EDL (English Defence League) fits this profile of being over
racists using the cloak of opposing radical Islam. I think it would be
more accurate to call it ‘reactionary’ Islam to the ongoing oppression in
the Islamic world. If you oppose radical Islam, then why is the basis of
your organisation a racial one? Surely, being English has nothing to do
with opposing radical Islam? Even their name gives the game away. The EDL
and their ilk of racists are adopting a more politically correct slogan,
and concealing their racist agenda behind targeting Islam and Muslims. To
support their claim of being non-racist, the EDL present the likes of
Gurmit Singh, but the core organisation is simply an unofficial branch of
the BNP (British National Party). A partial solution to this
problem is to engage them intellectually. It’s unlikely the majority of
the followers of EDL or Terry Jones know the issues in depth; they do need
educating. In the UK, I am sure, many Muslims would happily engage with
the EDL followers when they are sober, over the nation’s favourite food:
the Indian curry! From the days of the Civil Rights
movement to the LA riots of Rodney King shows line of progression,
protests can and will eventually turn violent. The oppressed ones will
rise in revolt eventually. If you demonise a racial group, you will get a
violent reaction eventually, and why that should be any different for a
religious group. Soon, such a reaction might take place in a large scale,
and gradually the targeting of a religious group might become as
unacceptable, like racism is at present. Yamin
Zakaria ([email protected])