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Hal Lindsey and Company Rejoicing for Targeting Iran:

More Death and Destruction for "Jesus"

By Mark Dankof

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, July 5, 2010

Octogenarian Christian Zionist Hal Lindsey and Company are rejoicing.  Lindsey’s web page today is more than happy to link its main story to the Israeli intelligence-connected web page, DEBKA, which tells us that the United States naval buildup inspired by Israel and aimed at Iran, is proceeding apace. DEBKA’s story is entitled, “3rd Carrier, 4000 Marines Join U.S. Armada Opposite Iranian Shore.”

The latest version of Israeli-inspired mass murder, carried out in tandem with American neo-conservative lapdogs in our national security apparatus, media, Congress, and Executive Branch, will be supported by most of American Jewry, which constitutes only 2% of the national population of the United States.  More significantly, an estimated 60 million Christian Zionists led by Lindsey, John Hagee, and other handsomely-paid Turds for Jesus, will join the Tea Party Turds, in bringing the latest repudiation of Jesus Christ and the ethics of the Kingdom of God to fruition.

Philip Giraldi’s “Punishing Turkey,” is that fine conservative gentlemen’s latest essay, trying to warn the American public generally, and the American Right specifically, about the ramifications of following Lindsey, Hagee, and their ilk into the Lake of Fire. The CIA’s former station chief in Turkey recently let the rest of us in on this August as the probable deadline for an American-Israeli assault on Iran.  Hillary Clinton’s scheduled July 1st visit to Georgia and Azerbaijan, reportedly the covert hosts of the American and Israeli military package to be employed against Iran from the north, suggests that Giraldi’s well-connected crystal ball is working perfectly again.

Uncle Sam Wants You to Die for Amerikka, or is it Israel?

I urge any reading, thinking person in America (probably less than 1% of the population), to read all of Giraldi’s archival posts.  Mr. Giraldi isn’t running for Prophet, but compared to Lindsey and Hagee, he ought to be.  His piece reminds us that:

.. .. Hitlerization is the price one inevitably pays for criticizing Israel or opposing its policies. Whenever Israel discovers that yet another foreign nation has turned Nazi and is intent on recreating the Holocaust, the American lap dog soon picks up the scent .. .. But now it [Turkey] must be punished because it has crossed the line by opposing the kleptocracy Israel. And it will be punished, first pilloried in the US media, a process which is underway right now, and then by the US Congress and White House, which will together find some subtle and not-so-subtle ways to bring Ankara to heel. And the loser in all of this will be the American people, who will alienate a good and staunch friend in the Middle East and make another unnecessary enemy.

Item two for the literate is Alison Weir’s post at If Americans Knew, entitled The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict and provided by Jews for Justice in the Middle East.

Items three and four for the interested are Pat Buchanan’s “America’s Becoming a Babylon Tower,” posted ironically by Russia Today, and Dr. Lasha Darkmoon’s “Goodbye, America!,” on the Occidental Observer web page.  American nationalists may well nigh be well served by noting the previous national declines of Russia and Germany as predictive models–and who it is that gladly precipitated the decline and demise of the fortunes of both.

In summarizing the Buchanan essay, Russia Today notes that:

America is breaking down into ethnic, religious, political and even racial enclaves and risks the same thing that happened to the Soviet Union in 1991, according to political commentator and author Pat Buchanan. “Native born Americans of European descent are the ones who are really angriest at the enormous numbers of illegal aliens marching into the country, many if not most of them from the third world, changing the character and composition of their country and eventually voting them out of power,” states Buchanan .. .. Today he says that America is “developing a society of a war of all against all”.

The Darkmoon essay also ventures into historical and ideological territory suppressed by a Zionist-owned and controlled American news media:

Kevin MacDonald’s review of Wilhelm Marr’s 1879 pamphlet, Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum (“The Victory of Judaism over Germanism“), is a fascinating compendium of pessimistic quotations in which German political pundit Marr concludes gloomily that there was no hope left for Germany. It was finished – yes, as early as the 1870s. The Jews, he lamented, were simply too formidable a foe .. .. Conclusion: the situation facing America is a grim one. An epidemic of escalating severity threatens us all. In the course of time, this epidemic of evil is likely to infect Eurasia and spread to other parts of the world. The future looks unimaginably bleak.

That future, indeed, looks bleak.

In that bleakness, one thing looks tragically assured.  The Zionist dream of destroying Iran will soon make its attempt at the achievement of that dream as I predicted in late 2005 in my essay entitled, “Before the War With Iran Begins.”

I predict two other outcomes. As stated in “The American ‘Church’ and ‘Republic’ Join Netanyahu’s Psychiatrist in Suicide,” Julian the Apostate’s attempted invasion of Shahpur II’s Sassanid Iran in AD 363 to capture Ctesiphon may well be a predictive precursor for the fortunes of the American-Zionist enterprise.  Dilip Hiro’s pivotal work on the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War provides a more contemporary example of Iranian resilience under fire.  In short, Iran’s response to the coming attack upon it, will be massive.  Guaranteed. Can anyone say and spell, “Asymmetrical warfare?“

My third, and final prediction.  A war between the American Empire, its Zionist ally, and the Islamic Republic of Iran may well pale in comparison to the fight the American Elite will have in this country, when the victims of Lindsey, Hagee, AIPAC and Company connect-the-dots regarding who their real adversary is.

(Join Mark Dankof and Mark Glenn for a conversation with Victor Thorn at The Ugly Truth.)




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