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Palestinian Children Under Occupation
By Stephen Lendman
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, July 27, 2010
The Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations is a
Beirut, Lebanon-based organization engaged in "strategic and futuristic
studies on the Arab and Muslim worlds, (emphasizing) the Palestinian issue."
In July 2010, it published the latest in its "Am I Not a Human?" series
titled, "The Suffering of the Palestinian Child under the Israeli
Occupation," saying: Palestinian children grow up "under the Israeli
occupation, surrounded by cruelty, oppression, killing, starvation and
destruction." Yet, like all children, they dream of playing and living
normally and safely. Instead, their father may be dead or in prison, their
brother killed, their home destroyed, and their mother forced to give birth
at an Israeli checkpoint, risking her and the newborn. Palestinian
children grow up differently from most others, their development "distorted
by an occupation," destroying their innocence, dreams and well-being. They
live in constant fear, forced to grow up while still a child. "Actually
(they are) grown up, for (they challenge) the toughest circumstances,"
helping their families, replacing a parent when lost, and confronting
Israeli incursions. "Amazingly....Palestinian child(ren set) the example to
mature people," even when very young. They live when "we think that
the world has become (more) civilized" without cruel colonizations, when
global leaders defend human rights, dignity, democratic freedoms, and peace
rhetorically, yet are indifferent to oppressed Palestinians, children always
the most vulnerable, yet they persist and endure despite enormous hardships
and obstacles, what Western children can't imagine. From September
2000 (the start of the second Intifada) through 2007 alone, 1,400 children
were killed, 230 under age 12. What about others under occupation, with
no father, injured or handicapped, hungry, impoverished or in prison? Still
more who've lost friends and relatives, who live in fear and can't sleep,
who feel helpless when Israelis attack, and unprotected under a ruthless
occupation, ongoing for over 43 years, affecting them physically,
emotionally, and economically, making them feel isolated, helpless, and
unaided, world leaders indifferent to their plight and their families.
Demographics Palestine is a young society, children comprising the
majority. In its June 2007 annual report, the Palestinian Central Bureau of
Statistics (PCBS) said 2.1 million are under age 18, representing 52.2% of
the West Bank and Gaza, distributed as follows: -- 17% below age
five; -- 15.4% from five - nine; -- 13% from 10 - 14; and
-- 6.8% from 15 - 17. They're Palestine's future, their
development and regeneration hope for liberation, pursued courageously until
achieved, but at a huge price. From September 29, 2000 - December
31, 2008, children witnessed around 5,900 killings, over 35,000 injured,
about 7,500 of their parents and relatives imprisoned, and the destruction
of nearly 78,000 buildings through April 30, 2007. A British study
found that Palestinian children during the Intifada displayed higher
political awareness levels. They know names of destroyed villages,
especially where their parents were born, are knowledgeable about the
conflict, and show commitment to resist it. A separate report on
Lebanese refugee children reveals extreme hardships under poor conditions in
crowded homes without clean water, air, electricity, playgrounds, or job
opportunities for their parents. In addition, children under age three
experience a high rate of birth defects and respiratory diseases. In
northern Lebanon, it's 44.5%. Yet their Lebanese Baccalaureate passing rate
is 73.9%, showing a commitment to achieve. Palestinian Children:
Their Rights and Violations Israel repudiates children's rights and
welfare, treating them harshly like adults, in violation of the UN
Declaration of the Rights of the Child, its Principle 1 saying:
"Every child, without exception whatsoever, shall be entitled to
(fundamental human and civil) rights, without distinction or discrimination
on account of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, whether
of himself or of his family." They're entitled to special
protections and opportunities to develop physically, mentally, morally,
spiritually, and socially in a healthy normal way under conditions of
freedom and dignity - including their right to life, an adequate standard of
living, healthcare, education, leisure, safety and peace, what Israel has
denied them for over four decades. Wounded and Killed Children
Aya Fayyad's story reflects others, her death a tragedy other parents
face, her mother Fatima saying her daughter's loss on August 31, 2003, the
eve of her school year, left her dazed and unable to imagine her nine-year
old was dead. She'd gone out to play, riding her bike when tank
shells exploded. Other children escaped, but not Aya, struck by bomb
shrapnel and killed. On June 10, 2004, Iman al-Hams, a 13-year old
girl, headed for school with two of her classmates. Nearing the Girit
military post, they heard shooting. Iman ran to escape it and was shot dead
by 20 "machine gun bullets that settled in her tiny body." Not satisfied,
three soldiers and their commander approached her, shot her multiples times
to be sure, claiming her school bag contained explosives, later admitting
there were only books. Hundreds of similar incidents claimed other
lives and thousands wounded or disabled. PCBS' April 2008 annual report
cited 959 deaths from September 29, 2000 - February 2, 2008 - 384 in the
West Bank, another 573 in Gaza and two in Israel, the number injured
(including many seriously) totaling 28,822, the total disabled about 2,660,
according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health (PMH). PMH also
reported that 31.4% of killed children were shot in the head, another 32.5%
in the chest, showing intent to kill, soldiers often firing at close range
and committing murder - part of their training and indoctrination from
kindergarten to be warriors and Arab-haters, Amnesty International (AI)
responding in a press release saying: "The majority of Palestinian
children have been killed in the Occupied Territories when members of the
IDF responded to demonstrations and stone throwing incidents with unlawful
and excessive use of lethal force. Eighty Palestinian children were killed
by the IDF in the first three months of the Intifada alone." AI also
mentioned Sami Fathi Abu Jazzar, shot in the head by Israeli soldiers on the
eve of his 12th birthday in the aftermath of a stone-throwing demonstration,
injuring six other children with live fire, AI representatives witnessed it
firsthand, concluding soldiers' lives weren't endangered. In 2001,
AI reported that Palestinian children were killed by "random" IDF firing,
shelling or bombarding residential neighborhoods "when there was no exchange
of fire and in circumstances in which the lives" of soldiers weren't at
risk. "Others were killed by (targeted) assassinations when the IDF
destroyed Palestinian houses without warning, and by flechette shells and
booby traps used (in) densely populated areas." Other children were
killed at checkpoints, by settlers, and by being prevented from reaching
hospitals when their lives were in danger - cold-blooded murder by other
means. Children in Detention and Custody In its April 2008
report, the Palestinian Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs said
over 7,000 children had been arrested since the start of the second
Intifada, 360 still in detention, some as young as 10, treated harshly like
adults, in violation of international law requiring special treatment for
children. Of these, 145 have been sentenced, 200 still await trial,
and 15 are administratively held without charge. The report also explained
that about 500 other prisoners were arrested as youths, turning 18 in
prison. Other data confirmed around 75 children ill, not being
treated, nearly all tortured by being beaten, hooded, painfully shackled and
deprived of sleep for several days in the shabeh position - hands and legs
bound to a small chair, at times from behind to a pipe affixed to the wall,
painfully slanted forward, hooded with a filthy sack, and played loud music
nonstop through loudspeakers. Most children were arrested at home
(77%), some at play, others at demonstrations. Most are students, some
waiting over two years for a trial, becoming ill from poor food, hygiene,
and lack of healthcare. The Ministry's 2007 report said about 220
were arrested, many still detained "under very bad conditions, receiving
harsh treatment and prevented from pursuing their education or having any
prospect of a prosperous future." One 16-year old youth was arrested
heading to school for failing to have his ID card. Afterward, he was beaten,
sent to Etzion detention camp, handcuffed, blindfolded, and beaten again
brutally to get him to confess to stone-throwing and reveal names of other
children with him at the time. During interrogation, his head was immersed
in cold water, then hot, then the toilet. Later moved to Adorim camp, he was
again beaten, tortured, held in solitary confinement for 34 days, then
judicially-ordered held on "restrictive order" and transferred to Telmond
Prison, in violation of Article 37 of the Convention on the Rights of the
Child (CRC) stating: "No child shall be subjected to torture or
other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.... No
child shall be deprived of his or her liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily....
Every child deprived of liberty shall be treated with humanity and
respect.... (and) Every child deprived of his or her liberty shall
have the right to prompt access to legal and other appropriate
assistance...." CRC also mandates detention as a last resort for the
shortest possible time. Israel does it preemptively, repressively, and
irresponsibly to harass, abuse, inflict bodily and emotional harm, torture
or kill - legalized by authorities decades ago, including harming children
with: -- bad food and unsafe water; -- poor healthcare or
lack of it; -- bad sanitation and hygiene; -- insect
infested cells; -- cramped and crowded conditions; --
inadequate air and light; -- insufficient clothing, blankets and
other protections; -- no play or recreation; -- isolation
from the outside world; -- no family visits; -- the absence
of counselors and specialists; -- detention with adults, some
violent; -- solitary confinement; -- verbal, physical and
sexual abuse; and -- no education. Torture is official
Israeli policy, explained in this writer's August 2008 article, accessed
through the link below:
Nothing is too brutal or extreme, including against women and children,
one 15-year old saying he was stripped naked, forced into an extremely
painful position, then burned by lit cigarettes to make him confess. Others
are tortured to collaborate. A 10-year old said "They beat me on various
parts of my body with plastic hoses. I had to have a surgical operation to
have a platinum transplant in my arm. They kept me naked for a whole night,
handcuffed and blindfolded; and I was not allowed to go to the toilet for
two days!" The Palestinian Prisoners Club reported that 95% of
children are tortured, 85% to confess under duress and sign Hebrew documents
they can't read or understand. Health Status Harsh
occupation causes health problems, physical and psychological from
witnessing violence, mainly against loved ones and friends. "These
conditions raise the death rate among children," soldiers often obstructing
ambulances and medical workers from reaching casualties and the sick, and
they prevent deliveries of vital equipment and materials, especially to
Gaza. Even seriously ill adults and children can't access proper
medical care abroad or in East Jerusalem in hospitals equipped to help them.
They've also been isolated and denied proper nutrition, 64% of children
becoming anemic from lack of sufficient sustenance. UNICEF reported
that one baby in three risks death because of Gazan medical shortages, and
the Separation Wall and checkpoints cause a 20% West Bank death rate - 61
births from 2000 - 2004 occurring at them because soldiers obstructed
passage, 36 dying immediately. Israel also prohibited the
distribution of special nutritional meals to about 20,000 Gazan children
under age five, most never having had them in their lives, and suffer
anemia, stunted growth, and general body weakness from malnutrition and
extreme poverty - compounded by the siege. Mental health is also
impacted, a 2004 PCBS survey showing 8.8% of children experience horrible
accidents firsthand, most are intimidated by air raids, bombings, shellings,
incursions, and the constant threat of more. UNICEF said about
one-fifth of children are exposed to family violence from daily pressure,
including poverty, unemployment, and lack of essential services and support
networks. A Gaza Community Mental Health Program study found 94.6%
of children witnessed bombings and killings. Another Israeli Adler Research
Center one showed 70% of West Bank children suffer from post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD). As a result, the National Plan of Action for
Palestinian Children said 93% of children are insecure, living in fear of
being attacked, and 52% believe their parents can't help. As a result, they
experience an array of psychological symptoms, including: -- panic,
fear and stress; -- anxiety, sadness and depression; --
forgetfulness and poor memory; -- hyperactivity and violence;
-- fainting; -- digestive disorders and loss of appetite; --
involuntary urination and headaches; -- insomnia or excessive sleep;
-- disturbed sleep or nightmares; -- feelings of helplessness
with no safe haven, even at home; and -- hatred toward their
occupier, instilling a spirit to resist. The Socio-Economic
Situation "Child rights agreements state that every child has a
right to special care and assistance, and a right to a proper environment
that fosters his growth, well-being, self-respect and dignity in a good
family environment." Palestinian children, however, are impeded
under occupation, and an environment designed to be threatening and unsafe.
This reality "denies them the joy of living an innocent childhood," and for
some, the inability to become adults. Yet Fourth Geneva's Article 27
states: "Protected persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to
respect for their persons, their honour, their family rights, their
religious convictions and practices, and their manners and customs. They
shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially
against all acts of violence or threats thereof and against insults and
public curiosity." CRC's Article 16 states: "No child shall
be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy,
family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his or her honour
and reputation." For decades, Israel has spurned international law
and dozens of UN resolutions condemning or censuring its actions, deploring
it for committing them, or demanding, calling on, or urging it to end them.
Israel never did and continues defying the rule of law, even its own,
including High Court rulings authorities won't accept, and actions like the
following: An Israeli military court ordered a seven-year old girl
named Farah, whose father was assassinated five years earlier, to pay an
1,850 shekel fine in one month, without explanation, saying appropriate
legal measures would be taken for refusing. Another ruling prevented
the parents of two-and-a-half year old Ahmad and nine-and-a-half year old
Sawsan from accompanying their children through the Erez crossing for two
urgently needed heart operations. They had to go alone on foot, Haaretz
calling it "one of the most horrible and cruel scenes broadcast daily (and)
a shameful stigma to Israel." Other socio-economic negatives include
deteriorated home environments, lost homes, jobs, and mass
impoverishment - 56.1% in the West Bank, 82% in Gaza, and 24% of children
living in abject poverty, according to PCBS figures. As a result,
they have to leave school to help out, tilling fields, selling miscellaneous
items on streets, anything for a few shekels, especially in fatherless
households, a situation not conducive to proper development.
Education "Israel works on hindering the education of Palestinians."
Besides violating their basic right, it jeopardizes a new generation, UNRWA
commissioner-general, Peter Hansen, saying: "Imagine the political
fallout if every schoolchild in London had missed a month's schooling last
year because teachers could not get to their classes," or if children,
heading to and from school, were endangered by tanks, checkpoints, and
soldiers - a daily reality in Occupied Palestine, under the harshest
conditions facing unimaginable obstacles and disadvantages, impacting
education like everything else, affecting a proper environment for teaching
and learning. Yet Palestinians consider education vital to protect
and sustain, the 2007-08 UN Development Program Report showing the Occupied
Palestine Education Index at 0.891, the highest of all Arab states, followed
by Libya at 0.875, Lebanon at 0.871 and Kuwait at 0.868 - the Index
measuring the rate of children who attend school. The overall Arab average
is 0.687. Final Comments For over six decades, over four
under occupation, Israel has pursued a ruthless, violent, racist policy of
slow-motion genocide against millions of Palestinians, especially children,
to cripple new generations physically and emotionally, to crush their spirit
to resist, to harden a ruthless colonial agenda in violation of fundamental
international humanitarian law with respect to basic human freedoms,
self-determination, and the right of people to live freely on their own land
in peace. The "parties involved in this cause, including the
Palestinian Authority, the media, (global activists) and human rights
organizations, (must) work hard to expose (Israel's)
international forums, in particular the UN General Assembly, to condemn
(its) occupation to the world community, to accuse and prosecute it in
international judicial institutions for committing the most horrific and
inhumane crimes," especially against children, representing hope and
regeneration. Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at
[email protected].
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