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Opinion Editorials, June 2010 |
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Give History a Chance to Save the World from Horrors of Zionism By Gila Atzmon Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, July 20, 2010 A talk given at the "Debunking the War on Terror" Symposium on July 14th The War on Terror Within 1 The more pain we inflict on others the more we become familiar with evil, aggression and brutality. 1.1 The more cruel we are towards others, the more devastated we are by the possibility that the subjects of our brutality may also be as nasty as we happen to be. 1.2 According to Freud this is what projection is all about. 1.2.1 Otto Weininger refines it, ‘we hate in others, that which we don’t like in ourselves’ he says. 1.3 As it happens, the dynamic of projection is amplified once the subject of our terror is hopeless and defenseless. 1.3.1 The reason is obvious. The more hopeless the subject of our terror is, the more we are inclined to face our relentless viciousness first hand. 2 Israeli treatment of the Palestinians is a devastating example of the above. The more hopeless and defenseless the Palestinians are, the more vicious the Israeli becomes. 2.1 And yet, the more vicious the Israeli is, the more he or she is horrified by ‘terror’. 3 In reality, the Israelis are actually horrified by their own cruelty which they project onto others. 4 The recent cold-blooded murder of 11 peace activists in the high seas by Israeli Navy commandos was nothing but a shocking exposure of that lethal dynamic. The more ethically transparent, innocent and harmless the humanitarian mission to Gaza is, the more lethal the Israeli becomes.
The English Speaking Empire 5. In fact, Israel is just a micro-cosmos of this kind of brutal vicious circle. 6. The so-called ‘War Against Terror’ is in fact a war against the terror within. 6.1 We attack, rob and plunder innocent people and innocent nations. Yet, the more pain we inflict on them the more terrorised we become by our own endless brutality.
Jesus Christ Super Star 7. Jesus taught us how to dismantle our vindictive projection. ‘Turn the other cheek’, he preached, in opposition to the infamous Old Testament’s ‘eye for an eye’. 7.1 Turning the other cheek, is commonly realised as a means to counter an aggressor. However, it maybe the only possible measure to dismantle the ‘terror within’, that same aggression that brews inside us as we become vindictive. 7.1.1 By turning the other cheek we may manage to defuse the violence within us. We replace it with acceptance, we disarm ourselves. We give peace a chance.
From Promised Land to Promised Planet 8. Zionism presented itself initially as a Jewish nationalist patriotic movement aimed at becoming both a homecoming and a dwelling. 8.1 Zionism vowed initially to collect Jews from around the world and to bring them to Palestine. It was inspired by the idea of a national home in a ‘promised land.’ 8.2 This is definitely not the case anymore. Zionism took a different route. It actually expects the Diaspora Jews to mount pressure on Western governments and media. Wolfowitz was very productive in shaping America’s interests and desires, as was David Aaronovitch in championing ‘moral interventionist’ wars in The Times, David Miliband fulfilled his duty fighting to amend British Universal Jurisdiction within the British cabinet to allow Israeli war criminals to visit this Kingdom. Alan Dershowitz managed to transform the American academic world into a Yeshiva. Haim Saban, the Israeli American tycoon, bankrolls the Democratic party when he isn’t buying American media outlets or funding a new think tank. 8.3 The Israelis realised a long time ago that it is far cheaper to buy the entire Western political system than buy a single tank. 8.4 Zionism has become a global movement with global interests. 8.4.1 It drifted from the discourse of ‘promised land’ into the politics of ‘promised planet’ 8.5 Consequently, British and American soldiers are dying in growing numbers fighting Zionist wars. 8.6 More concerning is the fact that British and American people have been made complicit in a genocide driven by Zionists. 8.7 However, the most troubling issue here is the fact that Brits and Americans are driven by an Old Testament vindictive ideology, namely an ‘eye for an eye’. One would have expected that considering the Christian foundation of Britain and the USA these countries would be inspired by compassionate Christian ideas such as ‘love your neighbour’ and ‘turn the other cheek.’ The Open Society and Its Enemies 9 Historians will have to find out at what point in time British and American political power and media gave up on compassion and peace. 9.1 Yet, in order to do so, historians must be free to think and to say what they think. 9.1.1 We must, therefore, restore the respected notion of history and the notion of historical research. We have to make sure that every chapter in our past is academically accessible. We also must reinstate freedom of thought, speech and expression. These crucial and elementary human rights have been jeopardised in the name of political correctness and legislation. 9.2 History is founded on the belief that a deeper understanding of the past may help us to shape our future. 9.3 Such an idea is transparent enough to support the realisation that history can lead to peace and reconciliation. We can simply try to amend the horror of the past by adopting a peaceful thinking. 9.3.1 To turn the other cheek is to some extent a product of proper historical realisation. It suggests that violence leads to more violence, yet, endurance and self control bring peace about. 10 Devastatingly enough, Britain and America implement the opposite lesson. Rather than aim towards peace and reconciliation, we are actually committing more and more crimes in the name of the past. Like the Israelis who kill in the name of the Shoa, we kill in the name of ‘democracy’, ‘moral interventionism’ and even ‘coca-cola’. As if this is not enough, when we run out of reasons, like the Israelis we kill in the name of Jewish suffering. 11 It doesn’t take a genius to gather that the proponent of these precepts in our midsts are devoted Zionists. It doesn’t take a genius to gather that Wolfowitz’s Doctrine lead to the war in Iraq. It is literally transparent that the ‘moral interventionism’ that is advocated by David Miliband, Aaronovitch and Nick Cohen is a pretext for violence. It is not exactly a secret that when Britain was taken into illegal Iraq war, Lord Levy, a Zionist by admission, was Labour's No 1 fund raiser. Give History a Chance 12 Our vision and re-vision of the past can shape our future, and yet, our vision of the future can also shape our past. 12.1 I will try to enlighten this complicated idea through a simple yet devastating hypothetical and imaginary lethal war scenario: We, for instance, can envisage a horrific situation created by an imaginary hypothetical Israeli nuclear attack on Iran in which millions of innocent people die every day. I guess that amongst the few survivors of such a horrific reality, some may be so bold to insist that ‘the history of Jewish suffering might make sense after all.’ Again the above scenario is a product of the imagination, it by no means justifies Jewish suffering, and yet, such a vision of a ‘possible’ horrific development should ideally stop Zionist enthusiasts from advocating a war against Iran or anyone else. However, the above fictional scenario should help us to grasp how a vision of the future can also amend or transform our comprehension of the past. 12.2 At the moment our history books are sealed and cemented. We cannot engage in a real study of our most relevant past and we are therefore denied the right to consider its meaning. 12.3 Consequently, we have failed to encompass the real ethical meaning of world war II and the holocaust in particular. Similarly, we are silenced when it comes to the events that led towards the 2nd Iraq War. We are supposed to wait for the current Iraq Inquiry with the almost absurd hope that rabid Zionist Martin Gilbert will be kind enough to show us the truth. 13. With history being squashed it is hardly surprising that the same people who flattened Hamburg, Pforzheim, Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki continued to do the same in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. 14. Similarly, the same lobbies that pushed Britain and America to a deadly confrontation with the Muslim world are now pushing us to flatten Iran. 15. To save the world and to bring peace about, we must learn our past and we must be free to so. Revisionism is the means towards a better future. |
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