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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

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19 Iraqis Killed in Attacks, 45,000 Children in Northern Provinces Deprived of Citizenship Rights

May, 2019

Editor's Note:

The following are just examples of news stories about the continuous Iraqi government war to subjugate the northern provinces, using the pretext of fighting ISIS, or responding to alleged ISIS attacks, which no longer exists, according to the announcements of the Iraqi government itself.

Daily news stories can be accessed from the news sources listed below and others in the internet. Most likely, the available news stories are biased, as these do not include reports from the two sides.


Mosul children after the destruction of their city, file, March 4, 2019 Iraqi government militiamen, PMF, file, 2018


The following are news stories from the independent Iraqi Arabic news agency, Yaqein ( ):


45,000 of Iraqi children are without birth documents or identity cards, as a result of being born during the years of the Islamic State control over northern Iraqi provinces.

This situation threatens them not to receive their rights as citizens, in education, health care, ownership of property, employment in government jobs, or even getting marriage documents. 

أطفال بلا حقوق في مخيمات العراق

20 مايو 2019  ، يقين

لا يزال عشرات الآلاف من الأطفال الذين وُلدوا في خلال فترة سيطرة تنظيم الدولة “داعش” على مناطق عدّة في العراق من دون أوراق ثبوتية أو هويات، الأمر الذي يُهددهم بالحرمان من الدراسة والمعاملات الحكومية، بالإضافة إلى الاستجوابات الدائمة في مخيّمات النزوح حيث يوجدون، هذا ما تشير إليه منظمات إنسانية وحقوقية دولية وكذلك جهات عراقية، في حين يصف المجلس النرويجي للاجئين الأمر بأنّه “قنبلة موقوتة” في مدن شمال البلاد وغربها.

ويفيد تقرير أصدره المجلس النرويجي للاجئين أخيراً بأنّ 45 ألف طفل عراقي يعيشون في مخيمات النزوح ويفتقدون إلى الوثائق الرسمية التي تُثبت تاريخ ولادتهم ومكانها، وهذا الرقم يؤكّده أعضاء في مجلس محافظة نينوى (شمال)، فيما تُتّهم وزارة الداخلية العراقية بعدم تبنّيها الملف، بالإضافة إلى عملها بـ”رتابة” لا تتناسب مع حجم تلك الكارثة الإنسانية.

تجدر الإشارة إلى أنّ المجلس النرويجي للاجئين أوضح في تقريره الأخير أنّ شروط الالتحاق بالمدارس تشمل امتلاك التلميذ أوراقاً ثبوتية (وثائق مدنية) ومن دونها لا يمكنه التسجيل أو إجراء الامتحانات أو الحصول على شهادات التخرّج، وأضاف المجلس أنّه مع بلوغ هؤلاء الأطفال سنّ الرشد فإنّهم سوف يُحرَمون من حقهم في امتلاك وثائق ملكية خاصة أو التعيينات الحكومية أو وثائق الزواج الرسمية، كذلك توقّع المجلس في تقريره نفسه أن تشهد الأسابيع المقبلة ارتفاعاً كبيراً في عدد الأطفال غير المسجلين، وذلك بالتزامن مع عودة أكثر من 30 ألف عراقي من سورية، 90 في المائة منهم زوجات وأطفال المشتبه في تعاملهم مع تنظيم  الدولة “داعش”.


The following are news stories from a pro-Iraqi government website (, which usually reports those who are killed by Iraqi government attacks as Islamic State fighters, implying no civilians were killed by bombing residential neighborhoods:


Iraqi troops kill 3 Islamic State fighters in Salahuddin

by Mohammed Ebraheem May 20, 2019, 2:50 pm

Salahuddin ( –

Three (alleged) Islamic State militants were killed Monday during a military operation in Salahuddin province, north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

Safaa al-Saadi, the commander of Salahuddin Operations at al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces), said that the pro-government fighters, backed by security forces, launched a military operation to hunt for Islamic State remnants in Salahuddin province.

The troops killed three (alleged members of the) Islamic State during the operation, al-Saadi said, adding that the operation will go on “until all planned targets are totally secured.”

The Islamic State group appeared on the international scene in 2014 when it seized large swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria, declaring the establishment of an Islamic “caliphate” from Mosul city.

Bomb explosion kills seven PMF personnel in Diyala

by Mohammed Ebraheem May 19, 2019, 6:42 pm

Diyala ( –

Seven personnel of the paramilitary Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) were killed Sunday when a bomb hit their patrol in Diyala province.

“A bus carrying personnel of the 20th brigade of the Popular Mobilization Forces was hit by a roadside bomb in eastern Diyala, leaving seven fighters killed,” Alsumaria News quoted the Shia-led paramilitary force as saying in a press statement.

“The explosion also left 26 other fighters wounded,” the statement read, adding that the terrorist attack will not affect their determination to eliminate remnants of the Islamic State militant group.

Iraqi military destroys Islamic State camp in Anbar

by Mohammed Ebraheem May 18, 2019, 3:50 pm

Baghdad ( –

The Iraqi Defense Ministry announced on Saturday that a camp of the Islamic State group was destroyed in Anbar province.

The camp was used by Islamic State militants for the purposes of training and storing ammunition and explosive charges, Ayn Al Iraq news website quoted the ministry as saying in a press statement.

The army troops also destroyed several hotbeds and seized a large cache of ammunition there, the statement read.

Iraq declared the collapse of Islamic State’s territorial influence in Iraq in November 2017 with the recapture of Rawa, a city on Anbar’s western borders with Syria, which was the group’s last bastion in Iraq.

Despite the group’s crushing defeat at its main havens across Iraq, Islamic State continues to launch sporadic attacks against troops with security reports warning that the militant group still poses a threat against stability in the country.

Iraqi security kill 9 Islamic State fighters in Anbar

by Mohammed Ebraheem May 15, 2019

Anbar ( –

 Iraqi security forces killed on Wednesday nine (alleged) members of the Islamic State militant group during a preemptive operation in Anbar province, a security source was quoted as saying.

Speaking to Almaalomah news website, the source said that forces in Anbar killed nine (alleged members of the) Islamic State, who were planning to launch attacks against security forces deployed in Ar-Rutbah district in western Anbar.

The troops, according to the source, also destroyed several Islamic State tunnels and seized a large cache of the group’s ammunition.


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