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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

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Genocidal Attacks on Mosul Residential Neighborhoods, 900,000 Refugees, as NATO-Iraqi Government Attacks Continue

July 2, 2017 

Editor's Note:

The coalition which fights the Islamic State and other Sunni groups in Syria consists of US-led NATO forces, Russian forces, Syrian Alewite government forces, Iranian-backed Shi'i militias, and Kurdish peshmerga forces. The coalition's continuous attacks have resulted in the killing of thousands of Iraqi and Syrian Sunni Muslim Arabs and the eviction of millions of them as a result of the destruction of their cities and villages.

The end outcome is going to be the weakening and possible dismantling of Iraqi and Syrian states as well as the eviction (ethnic cleansing of) Sunni Muslim Arabs, particularly from the upper Euphrates region of northwestern Iraq and northeastern Syria. 

The larger context for understanding the Syrian war (and other wars in the Middle East) is that it contributes to the implementation of the Zionist-Israeli plan of destroying the Arab Middle Eastern states in preparation for the establishment of the greater Israeli empire, from the Nile of Egypt to the Euphrates of Iraq.  

For a background, read: 

Zionist Creative Destruction of the Middle East for the Benefit of the Apartheid Israeli Regime


Mosul old city resident after years of continuous attacks by NATO-Iraqi government forces, June 29, 2017 Iraqi government army officers walk on the ruins of Al-Nouri Mosque, which was destroyed in NATO-Iraqi government attacks, June 29, 2017
The Mosul famous minaret was destroyed by the NATO-Iraqi government attacks on the city, yaqein report, July 1, 2017  



The following are news stories from the independent Iraqi Arabic news agency, Yaqein ( ):


The Genocidal Attacks on Mosul by NATO-Iraqi government forces in two Yaqein reports (in Arabic):


كيف تبدو الموصل الحدباء بعدما فقدت منارتها الشامخة لقرون؟

Continued attacks on Mosul residents

01 يوليو 2017

غبار المعركة لم ينقشع بعد ، مازالت الدبابات تطلق قذائفها والطائرات تلقي قنابلها والمدافع تدك  مختلف مناطق الموصل بلا رحمة ، فاعداد القتلى لا تمثل رقما يعتد به في نظر المهاجمين وتهجير الآلاف من دورهم ووضعهم في مخيمات غير انسانية لا يحرك ضمير العالم والجرائم الطائفية تتم تحت أعين قوات التحالف الدولي ومباركتها ومشاركتها اما المنظمات الدولية فلا تتحرك الا عبر تقارير خجولة تعترف بالجرائم لكنها لا تغير من المعادلة شيئا.

اقتحام أحياء الموصل القديمة المكتضة بالسكان

عمليات القوات المشتركة وصلت الى المدينة القديمة في الجانب الأيمن من الموصل حيث اقتحمت منطقة السرجخانه وشارع نينوى المؤدي الى الجسر القديم الا انها تواجه صعوبة في التقدم لاسيما في المدينة القديمة ذات الأزقة الضيقة ، فيما اقتحمت قوات مكافحة الإرهاب مناطق واحياء الفاروق الثانية وحضرة السادة والاحمدية وجامع النوري ومنارته ، وجامع عمر الأسود ، ومستشفى البتول ، ومبنى رعاية القاصرين ، والكورنيش ، وسوق الأربعاء ، والسرجخانة، مع استمرار العمليات التي تستهدف اقتحام مناطق اخرى لا تزال تحت سيطرة مسلحي (تنظيم الدولة)، كرأس الكور ، والخاتونية ، وعبد خوب ، والشهوان ، والميدان ، والنبي جرجيس ، القليعات ، الإمام إبراهيم ، شارع النجفي ، وأجزاء من منطقة باب الطوب.

 الموصل.. إبادة جماعية وجرائم حرب (ملف)

Genocide and war crimes in Mosul

07 مايو 2017 14

ما خلفته العمليات العسكرية على الموصل بمحافظة نينوى ، من دماء ودمار وخراب ، لهو دليل قاطع على أن الهدف الرئيس من هذه العمليات ، هو الإبادة الجماعية لأهل هذه المدينة الأبية ، لغايات خبيثة باتت مفضوحة للقاصي والداني ، تقف وراءها إيران بمشروعها التوسعي.

الانتهاكات الصارخة التي ارتكبتها القوات المشتركة وميليشياتها الطائفية بحق أهالي الموصل خلال نحو سبعة أشهر من هذه العمليات ترقى لجرائم حرب ، لبشاعتها ووحشيتها ، جرائم تضاف إلى سجل الحكومة الأسود الملئ بالقتل على الهوية والتهجير والخطف ، وليست الرمادي والفلوجة منا ببعيد.

وفي هذا الملف نحاول ان نرصد ونوثق حجم الجرائم والابادة الجماعية في الموصل، وما جرى فيها من دمار شامل، نتيجة العدوان الحكومي عليها. لزيارة الملف إضغط هنا


The following are news stories from a pro-Iraqi government website (, which usually reports those who are killed by Iraqi government attacks as Islamic State fighters, implying no civilians were killed by bombing residential neighborhoods:


U.N. urges Iraq to halt “forced evictions” from Mosul

by Mohamed Mostafa Jun 30, 2017, 3:04 pm

(Reuters/ --

 The United Nations called on the Iraqi government on Friday to intervene to halt “imminent” forced evictions of many people suspected of having ties to Islamic State from the city of Mosul.

Hundreds of families have received threatening letters laying down a deadline for leaving, mainly under tribal agreements, which amount to “acts of vengeance”, U.N. human rights spokesmman Rupert Colville said.

“We urge the Iraqi Government to take action to halt such imminent evictions or any type of collective punishment, and to reinforce the formal justice system to bring perpetrators to justice,” he told a Geneva news briefing.

On June 20th, Mosul city council decided to deport the families of Islamic State fighters and to relocate them to special camps in order to rehabilitate them mentally.

In a statement, the council said it would no longer allow receiving migrant Islamic State fighters families arriving from other provinces. The existing families are to be deported and sheltered in camps where they will be “psychologically and ideologically rehabilitated and integrated with society once they prove responsive to that process.”

The council’s plan also involved a ban on internal migration in Mosul, and to ensure that migrant families are returned to the very same residences they occupied before June 2014 except those who had lost their dwelling.

Iraqi security forces are currently cornering IS militants in the Old City in western Mosul. Forces recaptured eastern Mosul in January, and have been screening the population there in search for IS-linked individuals and arresting suspects. Security forces have regularly caught IS-affiliated militants sneaking in the middle of displaced civilians.

The war against Islamic State militants in Mosul has displaced at least 900.000 civilians since their launch in October 2016.

600 militants killed, 900 families survived as Mosul’s Old City freed from IS

by Mohamed Mostafa Jun 29, 2017, 6:49 pm

Mosul ( --

 More than 600 Islamic State fighters had been killed and 900 families (survived the Iraqi government and NATO attacks) in western Mosul’s Old City as Iraqi forces took over the group’s birthplace mosque on Thursday.

Abdul-Ghani al-Assadi, commander of the army’s elite Counter-Terrorism Service, was quoted by Rudaw network saying Iraqi forces killed more than 600 Islamic State militants as they took over Nouri al-Kabir mosque, the place where the group’s founder, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, declared the establishment of the group’s rule in 2014. “Daesh (Islamic State) fighters are fighting ferociously, but have failed to stop advances by Iraqi troops,” he said.

According to Assadi, IS is still in control over al-Maydan, Serjkhana and Ras al-Khour, all areas in the Old City, and forces are attempting to drive them out of those areas. His remarks came at odds with a statement by the Defense Ministry confirming that no areas were under IS control anymore in western Mosul.

Sabah al-Noaman, a spokesperson of the CTS, also said only a few groups of IS were hiding at some areas of the Old City while trying to find a way out. He said forces freed more than 900 families from the district.

“The return of al-Nouri Mosque and al-Hadba minaret to the fold of the nation marks the end of the Daesh state of falsehood,” Iraqi premier Haider al-Abadi said in a statement earlier on Thursday.


The following are news stories from the US Department of Defense website ( :


Counter-ISIS Strikes Continue in Syria, Iraq

From a Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve News Release

SOUTHWEST ASIA, June 30, 2017 —

U.S. and coalition military forces continued to attack the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria yesterday, conducting 34 strikes consisting of 90 engagements, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.

Operation Inherent Resolve - Targeted Operations Against ISIS U.S. Central Command continues to work with partner nations to conduct targeted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria as part of the comprehensive strategy to degrade and defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. Download Image Image details page

Officials reported details of yesterday's strikes, noting that assessments of results are based on initial reports.

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 30 strikes consisting of 46 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed seven ISIS oil trucks, five oil separators, a front-end loader, an oil tank and a wellhead.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, five strikes destroyed four ISIS oil stills, four oil storage tanks, a modular oil refiner and a wellhead.

-- Near Raqqa, 20 strikes engaged 15 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 18 fighting positions, three vehicles, three front-end loaders, two tactical vehicles and a mortar system.

-- Near Shadaddi, a strike destroyed a mortar system and a tunnel.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of 44 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Beiji, a strike destroyed an ISIS vehicle, a staging area, a tactical vehicle, a storage facility and a vehicle-borne bomb.

-- Near Mosul, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed 14 fighting positions, four supply caches, two tunnels and a mortar system; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

June 28 Strikes

Additionally, seven strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 28 that closed within the last 24 hours.

-- Near Shadaddi, Syria, six strikes destroyed an ISIS headquarters, three weapons caches, a staging area and a mortar system.

-- Near Mosul, Iraq, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed four fighting positions, three medium machine guns, a supply cache, a mortar system, a staging area and a heavy machine gun; damaged two fighting positions and two ISIS supply routes; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, June 29, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed nine ISIS oil trucks, four oil storage tanks, an excavator and a piece of oil processing equipment.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, five strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 10 oil storage tanks, six oil trucks, two fuel trailers, a wellhead, a piece of oil processing equipment and an ISIS headquarters.

-- Near Raqqa, 13 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units; destroyed 10 fighting positions, two vehicles and an unmanned aerial system; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of 25 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Beiji, a strike destroyed a tactical vehicle.

-- Near Mosul, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed 13 fighting positions, two weapons caches and a mortar system; and suppressed three fighting positions.

-- Near Tal Afar, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a staging area.

June 27 Strikes

Officials also provided details today on 13 strikes conducted June 27 in Syria and Iraq for which the information was unavailable in time for yesterday's report:

-- Near Shadaddi, Syria, eight strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed five ISIS-held buildings, two vehicles, two fighting positions, two command-and-control nodes, a staging facility and an ISIS headquarters.

-- Near Raqqa, four strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units, destroyed two vehicle-bomb factories and a belt rigged with explosives, and damaged eight fighting positions.

-- Near Mosul, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed four medium machine guns, a rocket-propelled-grenade system and an ISIS headquarters.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, June 27, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes consisting of 39 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed two ISIS wellheads.

-- Near Shadaddi, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

-- Near Dawr Az Zawr, seven strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three vehicles, a tactical vehicle, two bunkers, two pumpjacks, a front-end loader, an improvised explosive device factory, an ISIS financial facility and an ISIS headquarters.

-- Near Raqqa, 18 strikes engaged 15 ISIS tactical units; destroyed 13 fighting positions, two vehicles, a vehicle bomb, an IED factory and an ISIS headquarters; and damaged two fighting positions.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of six engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Beiji, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a tactical vehicle storage facility, a tactical vehicle and an ISIS fuel tanker.

-- Near Tikrit, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

June 25 Strikes

Additionally, 12 strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 25 that closed within the last 24 hours:

-- Near Shadaddi, Syria, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed five ISIS-held buildings, three command-and-control nodes, a mortar system and a fighting position; and damaged an ISIS-held building.

-- Near Dayr az Zawr, a strike destroyed an ISIS-held building.

-- Near Raqqa, Syria, four strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions and an ISIS headquarters.

-- Near Mosul, Iraq, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed 14 fighting positions, five weapons systems, three medium machine guns, three rocket-propelled grenade systems, two mortar systems and a command-and-control node; and suppressed five mortar teams.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, June 25, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 34 strikes consisting of 50 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed 15 ISIS oil storage tanks, eight ISIS oil barrels, six ISIS oil stills and a vehicle.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed three ISIS-held buildings, two command-and-control nodes, an ISIS staging area, a mortar system, a tactical vehicle and an ISIS oil refinery.

-- Near Raqqa, 25 strikes engaged 17 ISIS tactical units; destroyed 16 fighting positions, five vehicles, two ammo caches, a recoilless rifle, a supply cache and an unmanned aerial system launch site; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of 29 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Mosul, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed 11 fighting positons, a medium machine gun, a heavy machine gun and a mortar system; damaged two fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit and a sniper team.

June 22-23 Strikes

Additionally, 13 strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 22-23 that closed within the last 24 hours.

-- On June 22, near Raqqa, Syria, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed two fighting positions, two vehicles, a weapons cache and an ISIS staging area; and damaged 14 fighting positions.

-- On June 23, near Abu Kamal, Syria, a strike destroyed 29 vehicle-borne bombs and damaged a front-end loader.

-- On June 23, near Raqqa, Syria, seven strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and suppressed two ISIS tactical units.

-- On June 23, near Mosul, Iraq, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed three fighting positions, two medium machine guns, a sniper position and a rocket-propelled grenade system; and suppressed four mortar teams and a sniper position.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, June 25, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 34 strikes consisting of 50 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed 15 ISIS oil storage tanks, eight ISIS oil barrels, six ISIS oil stills and a vehicle.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed three ISIS-held buildings, two command-and-control nodes, an ISIS staging area, a mortar system, a tactical vehicle and an ISIS oil refinery.

-- Near Raqqa, 25 strikes engaged 17 ISIS tactical units; destroyed 16 fighting positions, five vehicles, two ammo caches, a recoilless rifle, a supply cache and an unmanned aerial system launch site; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of 29 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Mosul, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed 11 fighting positons, a medium machine gun, a heavy machine gun and a mortar system; damaged two fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit and a sniper team.

June 22-23 Strikes

Additionally, 13 strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 22-23 that closed within the last 24 hours.

-- On June 22, near Raqqa, Syria, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed two fighting positions, two vehicles, a weapons cache and an ISIS staging area; and damaged 14 fighting positions.

-- On June 23, near Abu Kamal, Syria, a strike destroyed 29 vehicle-borne bombs and damaged a front-end loader.

-- On June 23, near Raqqa, Syria, seven strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and suppressed two ISIS tactical units.

-- On June 23, near Mosul, Iraq, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed three fighting positions, two medium machine guns, a sniper position and a rocket-propelled grenade system; and suppressed four mortar teams and a sniper position.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, June 23, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 28 strikes consisting of 49 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, seven strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed nine ISIS oil stills, four dump trucks, three cement mixers, three vehicles, three tactical vehicles, two cranes, a weapons cache, a pumpjack and a manifold.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike destroyed six ISIS oil stills.

-- Near Palmyra, a strike destroyed four ISIS tunnel entrances.

-- Near Raqqa, 19 strikes engaged 14 ISIS tactical units; destroyed 12 fighting positions, two vehicles and an improvised explosive device cache; and damaged an ISIS supply route.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of 54 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Beiji, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed six tactical vehicles and four ISIS staging areas.

-- Near Mosul, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and a sniper; destroyed 16 fighting positions, eight medium machine guns, three mortar systems, an artillery system, an ISIS-held building and a rocket-propelled grenade system; damaged a fighting position; and suppressed two mortar teams and an ISIS tactical unit.

June 21 Strikes

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 21 that closed within the last 24 hours.

-- Near Mosul, Iraq, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.


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