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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

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10,000 Iraqi Civilians Killed in Western Mosul, Half a Million Fled, May Never Come Back to their Destroyed City

July 16, 2017 

Editor's Note:

The coalition which fights the Islamic State and other Sunni groups in Syria consists of US-led NATO forces, Russian forces, Syrian Alewite government forces, Iranian-backed Shi'i militias, and Kurdish peshmerga forces. The coalition's continuous attacks have resulted in the killing of thousands of Iraqi and Syrian Sunni Muslim Arabs and the eviction of millions of them as a result of the destruction of their cities and villages.

The end outcome is going to be the weakening and possible dismantling of Iraqi and Syrian states as well as the eviction (ethnic cleansing of) Sunni Muslim Arabs, particularly from the upper Euphrates region of northwestern Iraq and northeastern Syria. 

The larger context for understanding the Syrian war (and other wars in the Middle East) is that it contributes to the implementation of the Zionist-Israeli plan of destroying the Arab Middle Eastern states in preparation for the establishment of the greater Israeli empire, from the Nile of Egypt to the Euphrates of Iraq.  

For a background, read: 

Zionist Creative Destruction of the Middle East for the Benefit of the Apartheid Israeli Regime


At least 10,000 Iraqi civilians were killed in Western Mosul by Iraqi government forces in June-July 2017 Iraqis leaving Mosul, during NATO-Iraqi government war on their city, in 2017


The following are news stories from the independent Iraqi Arabic news agency, Yaqein ( ):


At least 10,000 Iraqi civilians were killed in Western Mosul by Iraqi government forces (in June-July 2017), according to the Iraqi commander, Abdul Amir Yarallah 

من المسؤول عن مقتل 10 الاف مدني في ايمن الموصل ؟

16 يوليو 2017 ،  المصدر:وكالة يقين 

خلفت العمليات العسكرية التي شنتها القوات المشتركة وميليشياتها على مدينة الموصل بمحافظة نينوى آلاف القتلى والجرحى من المدنيين ، فضلا عن الدمار الذي لحق بالمدينة ، حيث أقر قائد عمليات نينوى “عبد الأمير يار الله” بمقتل 10 آلاف مدني في معارك الجانب الأيمن من الموصل.

وقال يار الله في تصريح صحفي إن “العمليات العسكرية التي خاضتها قواتنا في الجانب الأيمن غربي الموصل أسفرت عن مقتل 10 آلاف شخص”.

وأضاف يار الله أن “المعارك خلفت دمارا كبيرا في المدينة ، والقوات المشتركة مستمرة في تمشيط مناطق غربي الموصل”.


Ethnic Cleansing of Sunni Muslim Arabs from towns the Baghdad Belt Continues, Says Iraqi Association of Muslim Scholars 

هيئة علماء المسلمين: السياسة الممنهجة لتغيير ديمغرافية مناطق حزام بغداد مستمرة

16 يوليو 2017  ،  المصدر:وكالة يقين

أكدت هيئة علماء المسلمين في العراق في بيانها الذي حمل الرقم (1274) وأصدرته ، اليوم الأحد ، أن الممارسات والإجراءات الإجرامية بحق أهالي مناطق حزام بغداد ؛ تؤكد استمرار السياسة الممنهجة المتبعة من ميليشيات الحشد برعاية حكومية؛ الهادفة إلى الضغط على أهالي تلك المناطق لتغيير التركيبة السكانية لمناطق حزام بغداد، بقصد خلخلتها ومن ثم تصفيتها ، مشيرة إلى أن ما يجري في مناطق حزام بغداد، ينفذ بارتياح شديد؛ لثقة المجرم بعجز المجتمع الدولي عن اتخاذ خطوات رادعة له؛ رضوخًا للهيمنة الأمريكية.

وجاء في نص البيان الذي تلقت وكالة يقين للانباء نسخة منه إنه “فقد منعت قيادة عمليات بغداد، وبدفع مباشر من ميليشيات الحشد المسيطرة على أجهزة الدولة الأمنية؛ العائلات المهجرة قسرًا من منطقتي: (الرضوانية الغربية) في قضاء أبي غريب، و(الحركاوي الشمالي) في قضاء اليوسفية، جنوب غرب بغداد؛ من العودة إلى منازلهم وأراضيهم الزراعية، وممارسة حياتهم الطبيعية على الرغم من مضي (33) شهرًا على سيطرة القوات الأمنية على تلك المناطق”.

وأضاف البيان أن “القوات الحكومية ، وميليشيا (عصائب أهل الحق) في منطقة (الحركاوي) بقيادة النقيب (رسول مهدي موات)؛ تنتهج سياسات وإجراءات تعسفية شديدة الوطأة في هذه المناطق؛ حيث قامت في وقت سابق بتفجير منازل المواطنين المهجرين بعد سرقة ما فيها من أثاث وممتلكات، في خطوة بائسة لمنعهم من العودة، على الرغم من كل المحاولات والمخاطبات والطلبات، التي قدمها أهالي تلك المناطق لعدد من الجهات لتسهيل عودتهم، ولكنها باءت بالفشل جميعًا”.

وتابع البيان أن “هذه الأحداث تأتي متزامنة مع التصعيد الذي تمارسه ميليشيات (الحشد الشعبي) في مناطق شمال محافظة بابل؛ من عمليات خطف، واعتقال وتغييب قسري، طالت النازحين والسكان المحليين، وكان آخرها التهديدات التي وجهتها تلك الميليشيات السبت (15/7/2017) لأهالي عدد من القرى بالتصفية الجسدية مالم يغادروها خلال (24) ساعة”.

وأشار البيان إلى أن “هذه الممارسات والإجراءات الإجرامية؛ تؤكد استمرار السياسة الممنهجة المتبعة من ميليشيات الحشد برعاية حكومية؛ الهادفة إلى الضغط على أهالي تلك المناطق لتغيير التركيبة السكانية لمناطق حزام بغداد، بقصد خلخلتها ومن ثم تصفيتها، عبر مخططات نفذت في عهود حكومات الاحتلال السابقة، وقامت على زج الرجال والشباب في سجونها الظالمة، أو تصفيتهم جسديًا بعمليات الاغتيال، أو تهديدهم بالقتل، أو التضييق على سكنة مناطق الحزام في مناحي الحياة”.

وفي ختام البيان أكدت الهيئة أن “ما يجري في حزام بغداد، ينفذ بارتياح شديد؛ لثقة المجرم بعجز المجتمع الدولي عن اتخاذ خطوات رادعة لها؛ رضوخًا للهيمنة الأمريكية، وغياب الوعي العربي الرسمي عما يجري في العراق، والمخططات التي تعصف به، من أجل فصله التام عن محيطه، والإجهاز عليه وعلى المنطقة جميعًا. فضلًا عن انشغال من يدّعون تمثيل هذه المناطق وغيرها بالفصول الهزلية للعملية السياسية، التي أضاعت حقوقهم، وزادها ضياعًا تفريط هؤلاء وتخبطهم بين: جهل حقيقي، وجهل متعمد، ووعي بالمصالح سياسية بعيدًا عن الوعي بالمصالح الحقيقية العامة والشاملة”.

اتحاد القوى يقر بوجود تغيير ديمغرافي في مناطق حزام بغداد الغربية والجنوبيةسبتمبر 22, 2016في "سياسة وأمنية"

جرائم منظمة واجراءات تعسفية ضد أهالي مناطق حزام بغدادمايو 6, 2017في "سياسة وأمنية"

حملات دهم واعتقال واسعة للقوات المشتركة غربي بغدادأبريل 23, 2017في "سياسة وأمنية"


One Million Iraqi Families Forced Out of Mosul and Other Ninawa Cities, Half a Million of them from Western Mosul


ما مصير أكثر من مليون عائلة نازحة من نينوى غير مسجلة؟

 16 يوليو 2017  ،  المصدر:وكالة يقين

يعاني النازحون من محافظة نينوى لاسيما غير المسجلين لدى وزارة الهجرة ، أوضاعا مأساوية نتيجة الإهمال الحكومي لظروفهم الصعبة ، حيث أقر عضو لجنة الهجرة والمهجرين البرلمانية “زاهد الخاتوني” بوجود أكثر من مليون عائلة نازحة من نينوى غير مسجلين لحد الان في القوائم الرسمية لدى وزارة الهجرة ولم يحصلوا على حقوقهم كنازحين.

وقال الخاتوني في تصريح صحفي إن “اعداد كبيرة من العوائل التي نزحت من مناطق القتال في مدينة الموصل ومناطق غرب نينوى وتوجهت الى مخيمات النزوح في المناطق المقتحمة لم يتم تسجيلهم لحد الان في سجلات الهجرة وبذلك لن يحصلوا على حقوقهم كنازحين”.

وأضاف الخاتوني أن “عملية تسجيل العوائل وتزويدهم ببطاقة (الكي كارد) الخاصة بمنحة النزوح ستخفف من معاناتهم وتضمن حقوقهم التي اقرها البرلمان”.

وتابع الخاتوني أن “وزارة الهجرة عليها بالإسراع بتسجيل جميع العوائل النازحة من مناطق محافظة نينوى والمناطق الاخرى في سجلات الوزارة وضمان عدم ضياع حقوقهم المشروعة”.

اقرار برلماني بضعف الخدمات والاجراءات الحكومية تجاه نازحي نينوىنوفمبر 9, 2016في "أزمة النازحين في العراق"

أعداد النازحين من أيمن الموصل ترتفع إلى أكثر من 526 ألف مدنيمايو 19, 2017في "أزمة النازحين في العراق"

الهجرة الحالية : ارتفاع أعداد النازحين من الموصل إلى نحو 100 ألف شخصديسمبر 10, 2016في "أزمة النازحين في العراق"



The following are news stories from a pro-Iraqi government website (, which usually reports those who are killed by Iraqi government attacks as Islamic State fighters, implying no civilians were killed by bombing residential neighborhoods:


Iraqi command: 25.000 IS fighters killed throughout Mosul operations

by Mohamed Mostafa Jul 16, 2017, 8:59 am

Baghdad (

Security operations against the Islamic State militants in Mosul left 25.000 militants killed, according to the Iraqi command that led the war to retake Iraq’s second largest city.

Lt. Gen. Abdul-Amir Yarallah, head of the Nineveh Operations at the Joint Operations Command, said in a briefing on Saturday that more than 25.000 militants were killed over the nine months of battles, including more than 450 suicide bombers.

Iraqi forces destroyed 1247 booby-trapped cars and shot down 130 drones belonging to the group besides more than 1500 diverse vehicles, Yarallah said.

The JOC fought the battle with more than 100.000 government and paramilitary troops, Yarallah added. “The Iraqi army fought a battle that no army in the world had fought,” the commander said.

Only the regions of Mahalabiya, Ayyadia and Tal Afar still witness an Islamic State existence, and with their recapture, the province becomes fully liberated, according to the commander.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared victory over IS in Mosul on July 9th after Iraqi forces took over western Mosul’s Old City, the birthplace of the Islamic State where the group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, made a sermon proclaiming control over a third of Iraq and Syria.

In a separate statement, Iyad al-Assali, an Iraqi police lieutenant, told Turkish agency Anadolu that security arrested 245 suspected IS militants in western Mosul’s Old City since Iraqi troops took over the medieval area.

Eighteen IS militants killed in U.S.-led coalition airstrike, south of Mosul

by Nehal Mostafa Jul 15, 2017, 4:15 pm

Qayyarah (

Eighteen Islamic State militants were killed in an airstrike launched by the international coalition in southern Nineveh, a local source said.

“The U.S.-led coalition jets shelled sites at Imam Gharbi village in Qayyarah town, south of Mosul city, which left eighteen IS fighters killed,” the source told AlSumaria News on Saturday.

“Iraqi troops seek retaking the village, of which some parts are still held by IS after the militants sneaked into it last week,” the source, who preferred anonymity, added.

Earlier this month, two Iraqi journalists and a policeman were killed in an attack by IS against the village, whiletwenty-five tribal forces personnel were killed and injured in a previous attack by the militants after infiltration from Shirqat town, in north of Salahuddin province.

Iraqi troops had liberated Qayyarh in August.

Security source said later that joint military units have managed to liberate 40%, while the remaining 60 percent are still held by IS.

Last week, another source said the militants stormed a number of houses in the village and arrested a number of civilians on charges of cooperation with government troops. The group also executed three fighters of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) in front of their families.

Dozens of IS militants killed, injured in coalition, army airstrikes, west of Anbar

by Nehal Mostafa Jul 16, 2017, 4:45 pm

Anbar (

Dozens of Islamic State militants were killed and injured in an airstrikes launched by the Iraqi army and U.S.-led coalition in western Anbar, sources said.

Speaking to the Russian Sputnik news agency, the source said “the coalition jets shelled IS locations in Hasiba region in Qaim town, western Anbar, leaving more than 15 members killed.”

The shelling, which occured early on Sunday, left some members injured, the source added. Most of the members killed were from al-Tash and Ankour, west of Ramadi.

In related news, twelve militants were killed on Sunday as army jets targeted an IS convoy in westof Ramadi.

A source from Anbar Operations Command told Al-Ikhbariya news website that an airstrike by army targeted IS convoy as the militants were attempting an attack against troops deployed in al-Malha region, north of Haditha town, which left more than twelve militants killed.

Haditha city is fully controlled by security forces and tribal fighters, however, IS launches attacks there every now and then. The regions in the north of the lake are desert ones with a number of houses that are used by IS militants as hideouts.

Iraqi troops were able to return life back to normal in the biggest cities of Anbar including Fallujah, Ramadi and others after recapturing them. However, Anbar’s western towns of Annah, Qaim and Rawa are still held by the extremist group since 2014, when it emerged to proclaim a self-styled Islamic Caliphate.

Fighter jets from the Iraqi army and the international coalition have also regularly pounded IS locations in the province.

Ethnic Cleansing of Sunni Muslim Arabs:

Iraqi authorities deport IS fighters families from Shirqat

by Elwy Elmanzalawy Jul 16, 2017, 5:10 pm

Salahuddin (

The local administration of Shirqat, Salahuddin Governorate, has decided to deport the families of Islamic State (IS) fighters from the town, Anadolu Agency reported on Sunday citing an Iraqi military source.

“The local council of Shirqat has issued a decision to deport the families of the IS fighters from the town and called for an immediate implementation of the decision,” Army Major Yasser al-Tamimi told Anadolu Agency.

Al-Tamimi noted that there is great dissatisfaction inside the council of Shirqat with the presence of the families of Islamic State (IS) fighters inside the town. The deportation decision aims at maintaining the security.

Earlier in June, Mosul city council decided to deport the families of IS fighters and to relocate them to special camps in order to rehabilitate them mentally. It added that it would no longer allow receiving migrant IS fighters families arriving from other provinces and the existing families are to be deported and sheltered in camps where they will be psychologically and ideologically rehabilitated and integrated with society once they prove responsive to that process.

The IS terror group has a grip on key areas that link Diyala, Salahuddin and Kirkuk governorates.

The eastern coast of Shirqat, which lies on the west bank of the Tigris river in Salahuddin province, is still under the IS control, after liberating the western coast few months ago.

In September, Iraqi army said its forces recaptured the town, located south of Mosul, after being surrounded for months by Iraqi troops and the pro-government Shi’ite militias.

coalition strikes killed up to 744 civilians in Iraq, Syria

by Mohamed Mostafa Jul 13, 2017, 10:34 am

Baghdad (

Strikes by the United States-led coalition against Islamic State killed up to 744 civilians in the group’s epicenters in Iraq and Syria, an independent organization has said.

“Across Iraq and Syria, Airwars tracked a record 223 alleged Coalition casualty events during June, likely killing a minimum of between 529 and 744 civilians – a rise of 52% on May’s estimated totals,” said the London-based independent think-tank of journalists and researchers.

“June was the second deadliest month for civilians in Iraq and Syria since the start of Coalition actions in August 2014,” according to the report.

The organization said it detected a 21% rise in munitions dropped on western Mosul during that month as operations successfully liberated the heartland of the Islamic State in the Old City area.

It, did not, however, mention an exact number of civilian casualties in Mosul.

“In Syria, the sharp increase in munitions fired had a devastating impact on civilians. Likely deaths among civilians from Coalition actions rose by 47% from May, to an all time high,” said Airwars. “At least 415 non-combatants were likely killed, most of them in Raqqa governorate” .

U.S.-backed, Syria Kurdish paramilitaries launched an offensive early June to retake Raqqa, Islamic State’s largest haven in Syria, after months of  airstrikes and bombing.

According to Airwars, the civilian tolls resulted from 3,049 air and artillery strikes in Iraq and 9,971 in Syria.


The following are news stories from the US Department of Defense website ( :


US-Led Air Strikes Continue Against ISIS in Syria, Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA, July 16, 2017 —

U.S. and coalition military forces continued to attack the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria yesterday, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported.

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 22 strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three oil stills and a vehicle.

-- Near Shadaddi, two strikes destroyed an ISIS staging area and an artillery system.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, eight strikes destroyed 44 ISIS oil storage tanks, 22 oil stills, five cranes, a vehicle and a wellhead.

-- Near Raqqa, nine strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units and destroyed 14 fighting positions, two anti-air artillery systems and a vehicle bomb.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 22 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Qaim, a strike destroyed a vehicle.

-- Near Beiji, a strike destroyed a vehicle bomb and a vehicle bomb-making facility.

-- Near Mosul, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions.

-- Near Qayyarah, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed seven boats, an ISIS-held building and a fighting position.

-- Near Rawah, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

July 13-14 Strikes

Additionally, 10 strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on July 13-14 that closed within the last 24 hours:

-- On July 13 near Raqqa, Syria, two strikes damaged nine fighting positions and suppressed five mortar teams.

-- On July 14 near Raqqa, Syria, five strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units, destroyed two fighting positions and two ISIS communications towers, and damaged four fighting positions.

-- On July 14 near Kisik, Iraq, a strike damaged eight ISIS supply routes.

-- On July 14 near Mosul, Iraq, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 11 tunnel entrances.

-- On July 14 near Qayyarah, Iraq, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed four boats, an ISIS-held building and a fighting position.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, July 15, 2017 —

U.S. and coalition military forces continued to attack the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported.

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 22 strikes consisting of 35 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, 10 strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 12 oil refinement stills, eight oil storage tanks, four oil separation tanks and four wellheads.

-- Near Shadaddi, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two command-and-control nodes and an ISIS-held building.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed an ISIS oil refinery and a vehicle bomb-making factory.

-- Near Raqqa, eight strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions, a vehicle bomb-making factory, a tunnel, a mortar system and a heavy machine gun.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 10 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Beiji, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed six vehicles, two ISIS-held buildings and a tractor.

-- Near Hit, two strikes destroyed two ISIS trailers and a fuel point.

-- Near Kirkuk, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions and an ISIS-held building.

-- Near Mosul, three strikes destroyed two ISIS vehicles and a vehicle bomb-making facility.

July 13 Strikes

Additionally, 11 strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on July 13 that closed within the last 24 hours:

-- Near Abu Kamal, Syria, a strike destroyed 10 ISIS oil storage tanks, two oil trucks and two oil refinement stills.

-- Near Raqqa, Syria, eight strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed five ISIS communication towers.

-- Near Kisik, Iraq, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit: destroyed a fighting position; and suppressed a fighting position and a supply route.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, July 14, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes consisting of 28 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 50 oil barrels, 12 oil refinement stills and one vehicle.

-- Near Shadaddi, two strikes destroyed three ISIS-held buildings, a weapons cache, a storage area and a vehicle bomb.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed five oil tanks, a front-end loader and a wellhead.

-- Near Raqqa, nine strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed three ISIS communication towers, three fighting positions, a command-and-control node, a front-end loader and an artillery system; and damaged three supply routes.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 20 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Beiji, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two ISIS-held buildings, a bunker and a vehicle.

-- Near Kirkuk, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a supply cache.

-- Near Mosul, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units, destroyed 22 fighting positions and a tunnel, and damaged three fighting positions.

July 10-12 Strikes

Additionally, 21 strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on July 10-12 that closed within the last 24 hours:

-- On July 10, near Raqqa, Syria, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit: destroyed a fighting position: and suppressed 21 fighting positions.

-- On July 11, near Raqqa, Syria, a strike destroyed an ISIS vehicle bomb and a command-and-control node; and suppressed six fighting positions.

-- On July 12, near Abu Kamal, Syria, a strike destroyed two ISIS oil trucks.

-- On July 12, near Shadaddi, Syria, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed three ISIS-held buildings and two command-and-control nodes.

-- On July 12, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, two strikes destroyed two ISIS bomb-making factories.

-- On July 12, near Mosul, Iraq, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed a fighting position.

-- On July 12, near Raqqa, Syria, 12 strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions, four IEDs, three ISIS communication towers, a vehicle bomb and a vehicle bomb-making factory.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, July 13, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed two ISIS oil tanks and an oil refinery building.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes destroyed 16 ISIS oil stills, 10 oil barrels, six oil trucks and two wellheads.

-- Near Raqqa, 12 strikes engaged 10 ISIS tactical units and destroyed nine fighting positions, a command-and-control node, an anti-air artillery system, a vehicle bomb and a tunnel.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 38 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Beiji, a strike destroyed two tactical vehicles and a vehicle.

-- Near Hit, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

-- Near Mosul, a strike engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed 19 fighting positions, four medium machine guns and a rocket-propelled grenade system; and damaged five fighting positions.

-- Near Tal Afar, a strike destroyed two ISIS bunker systems.

-- Near Rawah, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

July 11 Strikes

Additionally, 15 strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on July 11 that closed within the last 24 hours:

-- Near Raqqa, Syria, 12 strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units and destroyed five improvised bombs, three fighting positions, two vehicle bombs, three ISIS communications towers, two command-and control-nodes, an anti-air artillery system and a communications repeater.

-- Near Shadaddi, Syria, two strikes destroyed two ISIS command-and-control nodes.

-- Near Mosul, Iraq, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed four medium machine guns and a rocket-propelled grenade system.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, July 12, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 18 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, five strikes destroyed 19 ISIS oil refinement stills, four weapon caches, four wellheads, three separator tanks and a storage tank.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 25 ISIS oil refinement stills, five oil tanks and 10 oil tankers.

-- Near Raqqa, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units, destroyed a fighting position and a mortar tube, and suppressed a fighting position.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 45 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Mosul, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed 18 fighting positions, seven medium machine guns and two rocket-propelled grenade systems; and damaged 12 fighting positions.

-- Near Qayyarah, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two mortar systems and two vehicles.

July 10 Strikes

Officials also reported today the results of July 10 strikes in Syria and Iraq for which details were unavailable at the time of yesterday's update:

-- Near Raqqa, Syria, 15 strikes engaged 12 ISIS tactical units; destroyed nine ISIS-held buildings, six fighting positions, two improvised bombs, a command-and-control node, a tunnel entrance and an ISIS communication tower; and damaged a command-and-control node.

-- Near Mosul, Iraq, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed 21 fighting positions and two medium machine guns, and damaged a fighting position.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, July 11, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes consisting of 23 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed six ISIS wellheads and four oil storage tanks.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, five strikes destroyed 39 ISIS oil barrels, 28 oil storage tanks, 16 oil stills and five oil trucks.

-- Near Raqqa, 12 strikes engaged 11 ISIS tactical units and destroyed eight fighting positions, two mortar systems, an improvised bomb and an ISIS communications tower.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of 46 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Mosul, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed 28 fighting positions, 11 medium machine guns, an improvised bomb and a vehicle bomb-making facility; and damaged a fighting position.

-- Near Tal Afar, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a bunker.

July 9 Strikes

Officials also reported today the results of July 9 strikes in Syria and Iraq for which details were unavailable at the time of yesterday's update:

-- Near Raqqa, Syria, nine strikes engaged seven ISIS tactical units and destroyed 11 fighting positions.

-- Near Mosul, Iraq, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, July 10, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes consisting of 23 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed an ISIS oil storage tank.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed 30 ISIS oil stills, four oil caches and a wellhead.

-- Near Raqqa, 11 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units and destroyed seven fighting positions, a weapons cache, a supply cache, an anti-air artillery system, a tunnel and an ISIS communications tower.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 36 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Beiji, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two vehicles and a staging area.

-- Near Fallujah, a strike destroyed an ISIS logistics center.

-- Near Kisik, a strike suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

-- Near Mosul, a strike engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed 11 fighting positions, 10 medium machine guns, a rocket-propelled-grenade system and a supply cache; and damaged a fighting position.

-- Near Rawah, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

July 8 Strikes

Officials also reported today the results of July 8 strikes for which details were unavailable at the time of yesterday's update:

-- Near Raqqa, eight strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions, an anti-air artillery system, an ISIS radio tower and communication equipment and damaged an unmanned-aerial-system facility.

-- Near Mosul, a strike engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed a heavy machine gun, a fighting position, a medium machine gun and a sniper position.


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