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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

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Thousands Killed in Coalition Attacks on Mosul, Sunni Muslim Arabs in the Iraqi  City and Refugee Camps Face Great Disaster

January 7, 2017 

Editor's Note:

The coalition which fights the Islamic State and other Sunni groups in Syria consists of US-led NATO forces, Russian forces, Syrian Alewite government forces, Iranian-backed Shi'i militias, and Kurdish peshmerga forces. The coalition's continuous attacks have resulted in the killing of thousands of Iraqi and Syrian Sunni Muslim Arabs and the eviction of millions of them as a result of the destruction of their cities and villages.

The end outcome is going to be the weakening and possible dismantling of Iraqi and Syrian states as well as the eviction (ethnic cleansing of) Sunni Muslim Arabs, particularly from the upper Euphrates region of northwestern Iraq and northeastern Syria. 

The larger context for understanding the Syrian war (and other wars in the Middle East) is that it contributes to the implementation of the Zionist-Israeli plan of destroying the Arab Middle Eastern states in preparation for the establishment of the greater Israeli empire, from the Nile of Egypt to the Euphrates of Iraq.  

For a background, read: 

Zionist Creative Destruction of the Middle East for the Benefit of the Apartheid Israeli Regime


A great disaster facing Mosul residents and refugees who left it after 70 days of continuous vengeful attacks, December 23, 2016 Iraqi governemnt and Kurdish forces participating in the attacks on the city of Mosul, January 6, 2017
3 Islamic State drones were shot down, 35 fighters were killed in Mosul by Iraqi government forces, January 5, 2017 A French artillery unit participate in attacks on the Iraqi city of Mosul, January 7, 2017



France deploys two Kaizer artillery units near Mosul, in participation of the coalition attacks on the Iraqi city

فرنسا تنشر قوات مزودة بمدفعية قرب الموصل لدعم القوات الحكومية وميليشاتها

تاريخ النشر : السبت | 07-01-2017 | 13:17

أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الفرنسية ، اليوم السبت ، نشرها لمدفعين من طراز كايزر لدعم القوات الحكومية وميليشياتها في العملية الانتقامية التي تشنها على مدينة الموصل وأهلها

وقالت مصادر صحفية  ان "المدفعين تم نقلهما نهاية عام الفين وستة عشر المنصرم من قاعدة القيارة إلى نقطة تبعد عشرين كيلومتر شمالي مدينة الموصل لدعم القوات المشتركة  في العراق في  اقتحامها مركز محافظة نينوى".

وأوضح المصدر انه  " تم الإبقاء على مدفعين فرنسيين اخرين في القيارة لحماية الخطوط الخلفية للقوات المشتركة والقاعدة الجوية نفسها التي تشكل مقرا عاما".

يقين نت

The second stage of the coalition attacks on the Iraqi city of Mosul started on Thursday, January 5, 2017

المرحلة الثانية من العدوان على الموصل تبدأ بمساندة الاحتلال وميليشيا الحشد للتغطية على الهزيمة السابقة

تاريخ النشر : الجمعة | 30-12-2016 | يقين نت

لم يفلح العدوان الانتقامي الغاشم على مدينة الموصل بمحافظة نينوى في مرحلته الأولى التي استمرت أكثر من شهرين ، في تحقيق هدفه الرئيس باقتحام مركز المدينة رغم فارق العدد والعدة ، فجعلوا له مرحلة ثانية بعد أن تجرع المعتدين كأس الهزيمة ومرارته وعادوا جارين أذيال الذل والهوان.

مرحلة ثانية من العدوان على الموصل أرادها المعتدون ، لتعويض خسائرهم الفادحة وخيبة أملهم في المرحلة الأولى التي لم تشهد سوى سيطرة القوات الحكومية وميليشياتها الطائفية المدعومة جويا من طيران التحالف الدولي والطيران الحكومي ، على ربع مساحة مدينة الموصل ، على خلاف ما تروجه الأبواق الإعلامية الحكومية من اقتراب تلك القوات والميليشيات بشكل كبير من مركز الموصل.

القوات الحكومية أعلنت بدء المرحلة الثانية من العدوان على الموصل ، يوم أمس الخميس ، بالهجوم على ثلاثة محاور ، هي المحور الشمالي والمحور الشرقي ، والمحور الجنوبي الشرقي باتجاه وسط مدينة الموصل ، من أجل اقتحام الأحياء التي فشلت في اقتحامها سابقا في المرحلة الأولى.

A great disaster facing Mosul residents and refugees who left it after 70 days of continuous vengeful attacks

كارثة كبرى وموت محقق يواجه نازحي الموصل ومحاصريها بعد نحو 70 يوما من العدوان الانتقامي عليها

تاريخ النشر : الجمعة | 23-12-2016 | يقين نت

قتل وتجويع لمن بداخلها وتشريد وإهمال لمن فر منها ، كلمات تلخص وضع أهالي مدينة الموصل الحدباء بمحافظة نينوى ، بعد قرابة شهرين ونصف من العدوان الانتقامي الغاشم عليها ، فبين محاصرين تحت القصف والنيران ، ونازحين تقطعت بهم السبل يفترشون الأرض ويلتحفون السماء في أجواء شديدة البرودة ، توزع أهالي الموصل بعد هذه الحملة العدوانية ، التي لا هدف منها سوى تدمير المدينة وتشريد أهلها.

من سئ إلى أسوء ينحدر الوضع الإنساني لأهالي مدينة الموصل المحاصرين داخلها والذين لم يتمكنوا من الفرار منها جراء القصف الانتقامي المتواصل ، حيث اعترف عضو مجلس محافظة نينوى الحالي "محمد نوري عبد ربه" بأن أهالي أحياء (السكر والمثنى ودوميز وسومر وفلسطين والوحدة) ، في الساحل الأيسر من المدينة يعيشون أوضاعا مأساوية ، في ظل انعدام تام للخدمات وفقدان مستمر لمسلتزمات الحياة الضرورية.

النقص الشديد في المواد الغذائية والأدوية داخل الموصل ، أقر به كذلك عبد ربه ، الذي اعترف بإغلاق الأسواق والصيدليات التي تخدم أهالي أحياء الساحل الأيسر في المدينة ، وأن المواد الغذائية لدى بعض العوائل بدأت بالنفاذ ، كما أن المصابين بأمراض مزمنة بحاجة لعلاجات وأدوية جديدة وغير منتهية الصلاحية ، مؤكدا أن تلك المناطق تشهد اشتباكات وقصف متبادل بين القوات المشتركة ومسلحي (تنظيم الدولة) ، ما جعلها في مرمى النيران ولا يستطيع أهلها التحرك من منازلهم خوفا على حياتهم.


The following are news stories from a pro-Iraqi government website ( :


Army recaptures eastern Mosul district as anti-IS operations proceed

by Mohamed Mostafa

Jan 7, 2017, 10:44 am

Nineveh (

Iraqi army forces recaptured on Saturday one more district in eastern Mosul as a second phase of security operations continue to clear the region from Islamic State militants.

Abdul-Amir Yarallah, the top commander of the joint forces operations in Nineveh, said in a statement that elite Counter-Terrorism Service forces have retaken al-Ghofran district, southeast of the city, raising Iraqi flags above its buildings.

Marking the 96th anniversary of the establishment of the Iraqi army, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said forces had, so far, recaptured two thirds of Nineveh, the province embedding Mosul. Military officials were quoted recently as saying that government troops became in control of 70 percent of the city’s eastern section. Advances made on Friday put the forces one more step closer to the Tigris River, which bisects the city.

Iraq’s defense ministry media has put the number of Islamic State fighters killed this week at 1757 since a second phase of operations kicked off after weeks of recess.

IS remains in control over most of the western side of the city, which is close to its strongholds in Syria.

The conflict in Mosul has forced at least 160.000 to flee homes to refugee camps since October, when operations launched to liberate the city.

3 Islamic State drones shot down, 35 militants killed in Mosul

by Mohamed Mostafa

Jan 5, 2017, 1:15 pm

Nineveh (

Three drones guided by Islamic State militants were brought down and 35 group members were killed in Mosul on Thursday, Iraqi police and paramilitary forces said as operations continue to recapture the city from militants.

Federal Police services said three drones were brought down before they attacked security locations in the eastern section of the city.

In western Mosul, a local source told Alsumaria News that al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) had killed 35 Islamic State combatants who waged an attack on a PMU location near the strategic town of Tal Afar.

The deaths included an IS senior recruitment agent, nicknamed Abu Qaswara al-Shami.

Iraqi commanders said earlier this week they had recaptured 60 percent of the city’s eastern section. IS still maintains hideouts in the west close to its strongholds in Syria, but Iraqi generals and allied militia leaders say the group has become isolated from Syria and Iraq.

Security officials estimate the number of remaining IS combatants by 6000. But those are fighting against at least 100.000 government and militia soldiers.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said in December the battle for Mosul was entering a “decisive” stage, and predicted that the operations could realize final victory within two months. Liberating Mosul, IS last outstanding stronghold in Iraq, could deal a final fatal blow to group’s influence in the country.


The following are news stories from the US Department of Defense website ( :


Military Strikes Continue Against ISIL in Syria, Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Jan. 6, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 23 strikes in Syria:

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes destroyed five oil and gas refinement buildings and a refinement still.

-- Near Raqqah, 17 strikes engaged 11 ISIL tactical units; destroyed 10 fighting positions, five oil pumpjacks, four oil refinement stills, two oil tanker trucks, an oil storage tank, a tunnel system, a vehicle bomb storage facility and a vehicle.

Strikes in Iraq

Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery conducted six strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

-- Near Haditha, a strike destroyed an artillery system.

-- Near Huwayjah, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL-held building and a vehicle.

-- Near Mosul, three strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units; destroyed three ISIL-held buildings, three supply caches, two mortar systems, a fighting position and a vehicle bomb; damaged 24 supply routes; and suppressed two mortar teams.

DoD Spokesman: U.S. Airstrikes Weaken Al-Qaida, ISIL

By Karen Parrish DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Jan. 5, 2017 —

A series of precision U.S. airstrikes against al-Qaida operatives this week in northwestern Syria’s Idlib province killed more than 20 militants and destroyed eight vehicles and nine structures, Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook told reporters today.

A U.S. strike on Jan. 1 hit two al-Qaida vehicles that had departed a large al-Qaida headquarters near Sarmada, Syria, Cook said.

And, a Jan. 3 U.S. strike hit the headquarters compound itself, he added.

Military Strikes Target ISIL in Syria, Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Jan. 5, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 15 strikes in Syria:

-- Near Ayn Isa, a strike destroyed three ISIL tunnels.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, five strikes destroyed six oil pumpjacks and an oil tanker truck.

-- Near Raqqa, nine strikes engaged five ISIL tactical units; destroyed six fighting positions, four oil tanker trucks, an oil pumpjack, an artillery system and a command and control node; and damaged two supply routes.

Strikes in Iraq

Attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 10 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

-- Near Haditha, a strike destroyed a bridge.

-- Near Huwayjah, a strike destroyed an ISIL headquarters building.

-- Near Mosul, seven strikes engaged four ISIL tactical units; destroyed five ISIL-held buildings, four fighting positions, four mortar systems, two weapons caches, a supply cache, a communications tower, a vehicle, a command and control node and a rocket and unmanned aerial vehicle factory; damaged 27 supply routes; and suppressed two mortar teams.

-- Near Tal Afar, a strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle bomb factory.

Coalition Strikes Continue Against ISIL in Syria, Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Jan. 4, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 21 strikes in Syria:

-- Near Shadaddi, three strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units; destroyed a vehicle bomb, a vehicle bomb storage facility and a fighting position; and damaged a repeater box and communications tower.

-- Near Ayn Isa, three strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units, destroyed a fighting position and disabled an ISIL armored vehicle.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, seven strikes destroyed two excavators, one bulldozer, two oil wellheads, 13 oil construction vehicles, four cranes, a piece of engineering equipment and seven front-end loaders.

-- Near Raqqah, seven strikes engaged five ISIL tactical units; destroyed a vehicle bomb, a vehicle bomb storage facility, a weapons cache and 11 fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIL tactical unit.

-- Near Tanf, a strike destroyed an ISIL repeater box, two repeater antennas and two solar panels.

Strikes in Iraq

Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery conducted six strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

-- Near Beiji, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.

-- Near Huwayjah, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed a pickup truck and a vehicle bomb storage facility.

-- Near Mosul, three strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units; destroyed two mortars, a tactical vehicle and two command and control nodes; damaged two supply routes, and suppressed nine mortar teams and an ISIL tactical unit.

Coalition Targets ISIL in Syria, Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Jan. 3, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

Attack, bomber, fighter, remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery conducted 14 strikes in Syria:

-- Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed three oil wellheads.

-- Near Shadaddi, four strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL-held building, a fighting position, a weapons cache, a vehicle bomb and a vehicle bomb storage facility.

-- Near Raqqah, five strikes engaged four ISIL tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions, a weapons cache and an ISIL-held building.

-- Near Ayn Isa, a strike destroyed a vehicle bomb.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike destroyed four oil refinement tanks and an oil tanker truck.

-- Near Manbij, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions.

Strikes in Iraq

Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery conducted 10 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

-- Near Beiji, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three tactical vehicles, an ISIL-held building and an armored front-end loader.

-- Near Haditha, a strike destroyed an ISIL-held building, a heavy machine gun and a mortar system.

-- Near Huwayjah, three strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a weapons cache, a piece of engineering equipment and an improvised weapons factory.

-- Near Qaim, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a checkpoint.

Military Strikes Target ISIL in Syria, Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Jan. 2, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 17 strikes in Syria:

-- Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed an oil wellhead and a crane.

-- Near Raqqah, 12 strikes engaged five ISIL tactical units; destroyed six fighting positions, two oil storage tanks and an ISIL checkpoint; and damaged five supply routes, a bridge and a trench.

-- Near Ayn Isa, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a mortar system.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike destroyed an oil wellhead, a drilling truck, a dump truck, and two oil tanker trucks.

-- Near Idlib, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two tactical vehicles.

Strikes in Iraq

Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery conducted nine strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

-- Near Haditha, a strike destroyed an ISIL bunker.

-- Near Kisik, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an observation post and a weapons cache.

-- Near Mosul, six strikes engaged four ISIL tactical units; destroyed four mortars, five vehicle bombs, a heavy machine gun, a vehicle, an ISIL-held building, a pontoon bridge, and three vehicle bomb factories; disabled two bridges; damaged 31 supply routes; and suppressed six mortar teams.

-- Near Rawah, a strike destroyed two weapons storage facilities.

Coalition Strikes Continue Against ISIL in Syria, Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Jan. 1, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

Attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 19 strikes in Syria:

-- Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed an oil tanker truck.

-- Near Shadaddi, a strike destroyed a vehicle bomb.

-- Near Raqqah, 15 strikes engaged nine ISIL tactical units; destroyed four vehicle bombs, eight fighting positions, two heavy machine guns and a supply route; and damaged an ISIL tactical vehicle.

-- Near Ayn Isa, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position and an anti-air artillery piece.

Strikes in Iraq

Attack, bomber, fighter, remotely piloted and rotary wing aircraft conducted nine strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

-- Near Beiji, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a rocket rail.

-- Near Haditha, two strikes damaged four ISIL defensive berms.

-- Near Kisik, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL tactical vehicle.

-- Near Mosul, three strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units; destroyed three front-end loaders, a bulldozer, five mortars, two supply caches, a truck, inoperable coalition equipment, two vehicle bombs and a barge; suppressed three ISIL mortar teams; and damaged 19 ISIL supply routes and a defensive berm.

-- Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed an ISIL highway checkpoint and a vehicle bomb factory.

Military Strikes Target ISIL in Syria, Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Dec. 31, 2016 —

Strikes in Syria

Attack, bomber and fighter aircraft conducted 21 strikes in Syria:

-- Near Raqqah, 17 strikes engaged 14 ISIL tactical units; destroyed 12 fighting positions, three oil storage tanks, a vehicle bomb and an oil wellhead; damaged two supply routes; and suppressed a tactical unit.

-- Near Tanf, four strikes destroyed two vehicle bombs.

Strikes in Iraq

Attack, bomber, fighter, remotely piloted and rotary wing aircraft and rocket artillery conducted seven strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

-- Near Huwayjah, a strike destroyed an ISIL-held building.

-- Near Haditha, a strike damaged a fighting position.

-- Near Mosul, four strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units; destroyed five fighting positions, three mortar systems, three ISIL-held buildings, a vehicle, a crane, a weapons factory, a vehicle bomb and a mortar position; damaged 12 supply routes; and suppressed four mortar positions.

-- Near Qayyarah, a strike destroyed an ISIL weapons storage facility.


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