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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

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Fighting Continues in Yemen, Set Back in Kuwait Talks, US Air Strikes on Al-Qaeda in Ma'rib

June 22, 2016 


Houthi delegate to Yemeni talks in Kuwait, Muhammed Abdul Salam, June 22, 2016  


Houthi Delegation to Kuwait Talks Insists on Discussing the Presidency Before Ending the Coup

Al-Arabiya, June 22, 2016

The UN-brokered talks in Kuwait between the two Yemeni warring parties reached a standstill as the (anti-Saudi) Houthi delegation insisted on the formulation of a national unity government before ending the coup (the armed control of Houthis of the capital and other cities).

The Houthis even intensified the fighting, while the talks go on in Kuwait, by capturing Jabal Jalis, which overlooks Al-Anad strategic military base.


وفد الحوثي يشترط بحث مصير الرئاسة قبل إنهاء الانقلاب

الأربعاء 17 رمضان 1437هـ - 22 يونيو 2016م

دبي - قناة العربية

رد وفد الانقلابيين إلى الكويت على المبعوث الأممي إلى اليمن وتصوره لـلخروج من الأزمة، بـبيان يُعيد المشاورات إلى المربع الأول.

وقد أكد بيان ميليشيات_الحوثي تمسكهم بإعادة النظر في موضوع الرئاسة على خلاف ما تمت مناقشته في مشاورات الكويت ، كما أن بيان وفد الانقلابيين اشترط الاتفاق على حكومة وحدة وسلطة انتقالية ولجنة أمنية وعسكرية ، قبل تنفيذ الانسحاب من المدن وحل ما يسمى اللجنة الثورية ، وتسليم أسلحة الميليشيات إلى الدولة.

وكان المبعوث الدولي إلى اليمن إسماعيل ولد الشيخ أحمد قد أحاط الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون بآخر المستجدات المتعلقة بالمشاورات اليمنية في الكويت، منوها بأن اليمن بات على طريق السلام.

وقدم المبعوث الأممي إلى اليمن تقريره إلى مجلس_الأمن عبر الفيديو، اليوم الثلاثاء.

وقال ولد الشيخ خلال تقديمه للتقرير إنه وضع خارطة طريق للتوصل إلى حل في اليمن ترتكز على تسليم السلاح.

وعرض ولد_الشيخ أحمد الخطوط العريضة لمشروع الاتفاق الذي يعتزم طرحه، على طرفي النزاع خلال الأيام المقبلة، رغم التباعد الذي لا يزال قائماً بين وفدي المفاوضات، وتحديداً فيما يتعلق بتشكيل حكومة وفاق وطني تزامناً مع الانسحابات.

وترافق خطة ولد الشيخ لمواجهة الأزمة اليمنية خطتين ، الأولى حكومية قدمها مندوب اليمن الدائم في الأمم المتحدة أمام المجتمع الدولي ، والأخرى ميدانية ، تحاول الميليشيات ترجمتها في فتح جبهات قتال مباغته على الرغم من الجلوس على طاولة السلام.

ثلاث خرائط طرق لا واحدة ، تعكس حجم التحديات التي يواجهها اليمن ، الأولى كشف عنها المبعوث الدولي إلى اليمن إسماعيل ولد الشيخ أحمد في إحاطته الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون بآخر المستجدات المتعلقة بالمشاورات اليمنية في الكويت، والتي حملت الكثير من التفاؤل.

إحاطة ولد الشيخ ، تناولت خارطة طريق لإنهاء النزاع في اليمن ، متضمنة إجراء ترتيبات أمنية تعتمد على القرار الدولي 2216، فضلا عن تشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية تتولى مسؤولية الإعداد لحوار سياسي يحدد الخطوات الضرورية للتوصل الى حل سياسي شامل.

الخارطة الثانية كشف عنها المندوب اليمني في الأمم المتحدة، خالد اليماني، إذ قدم خارطة طريق حكومية للخروج من الأزمة اليمنية ، ركزت على خروج ميليشيات الحوثي وتسليم السلاح في كافة المحافظات اليمنية ، إلى جانب إلغاء الإعلان الدستوري.

أما ثالث الخرائط ، فجاءت الميليشيات بلغة تصعيدية ، حيث التعنّت بالرأي والتركيز على ضرورة حسم قضية الرئاسة قبل أي حل سياسي ، إلى جانب تصعيد عسكري مباغت ضد مواقع الجيش والمقاومة الشعبية في جبهات تعز ومأرب والجوف.

كان الأبرز فيها تصعيد أعمالها العدائية شمال محافظة لحج ، حيث تمكنت الميليشيات من السيطرة على جبل جالس المطل على قاعدة العند العسكرية ، دافعة بتعزيزات عسكرية وبشرية في محاولة للتقدم نحو معسكر لبوزة الواقع على بعد نحو عشرين كيلومترا شمال القاعدة العسكرية الاستراتيجية.

وإلى حين انتظار الخارطة التي سيكتب لها رسم حدود مستقبل اليمن ، يتوجه الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون إلى الكويت الاثنين المقبل، في خطوة يؤمل منها ترجيح خارطة العقل والسلام على حساب أي مغامرات أخرى قد تعيد الأزمة اليمنية إلى المربع الأول.


The following news stories about fighting in Yemen are from the anti-Saudi Al-Motamar website (, which refers to the pro-Saudi forces as "hirelings":   

Saudi war jets launch two raids in Sana’a

Tuesday, 21-June-2016

The Saudi-led war jets waged two raids on Harib Nehm area in Sana’a province, a military official said late Monday. The Saudi aggression warplanes continued flying during the past few hours in the skies of Mareb, Jawf, Amran and Taiz provinces, as well as in the sky of Nehm district in Sana’a province, in repeated breaches to the UN-backed ceasefire, the official added. On another hand, the aggression’s hirelings bombed with artillery and missiles toward Bareq and Malh areas and attacked Malh area in Nehm district of Sana’a province with machine guns, according to a military official.

Saudi aggression, hirelings continue to violate ceasefire in Yemen

Monday, 20-June-2016

The Saudi aggression and its mercenaries continued to breach the ceasefire during the past hours in several province, a military official said Monday. The Saudi warplanes waged an air raid on al-Makhdra area in Serwah district of Mareb province, two raids on Yam area in Nehm district of Sana'a province and two raids on Khab and al-Sha'af district of Jawf province. The Riyadh's hirelings targeted al-Hawl area in Nehm in Sana'a and pounded al-Ghail district in Jawf with different kinds of weapons. In Lahj province, they targeted

Saudi jets launches raids on al-Aqaba

Monday, 20-June-2016 The Saudi fighter jets waged on Monday two air raids on al-Aqaba area in Khab and al-Sha'af district of Jawf province, a local official said. The official added the Riyadh's hirelings continued to target houses and agricultural farms in al-Ghail and al-Moton district

Army targets hirelings on Kawfal camp

Monday, 20-June-2016

The missile force of the army and popular committees targeted on Monday hireling gatherings on Kawfal military camp in Serwah district of Mareb province. A military official said the missiles hit targets accurately, adding that many of the hirelings were killed or injured.

Saudi aggression breaches in Yemen continue

Sunday, 19-June-2016

The Saudi aggression and its mercenaries continued to breach the ceasefire during the past hours in several province, a military official said Sunday. The Riyadh's hirelings pounded al-Ghail and al-Moton districts in Jawf province with artillery shells. Meanwhile, the army and popular committees repulsed an attempt of the hirelings to advance towards Waqaz area in al-Masloub district in Jawf, killing or injuring tens of them. The hirelings targeted many areas in Serwah district of Mareb province with shells. They also hit a house in al-Noqob area in Usailan district of Shabwa province, the official said.

Missile attack kills 30 hirelings in al-Hazm

Sunday, 19-June-2016

Around 30 hirelings were killed in the missile attack carried out on Saturday on 115th military Brigade camp in Jawf province, a military official said Sunday. The missile force of the army and popular committees fired on Saturday a ballistic missile on 115th military Brigade camp in al-Hazm city, the capital of Jawf province.

Warplanes launch raid on al-Makhdra

Sunday, 19-June-2016

The Saudi warplanes waged on Sunday an air raid on al-Makhdra zone in Jeda'an area of Mareb province, a local official said. The Riyadh's hirelings continued to target houses in Serwah district in Mareb with artillery shells and Katyusha rockets.

Hireling leader killed in Mareb

Sunday, 19-June-2016 A hireling leader in Mareb province was killed on Sunday, a military official said. The army and popular committees pounded Atees military site in Mareb, killing the leader called "Abu-Alqa'aqa". Abu-Alqa'aqa was a prominent military leader and appointed by the Saudi-led coalition in the province, he said.

Army missile force targets hirelings in Jawf

Saturday, 18-June-2016

The missile force of the army and popular committees fired on Saturday a ballistic missile on a gathering of the Saudi aggression mercenaries in Jawf province. A military official explained that the ballistic missile targeted the mercenaries gathering at the 115th Brigade Camp in al-Hazm city of Jawf province.

Hirelings kill woman in Taiz, injure three in Jawf

Saturday, 18-June-2016

 A woman was shot dead by Riyadh's hirelings in Oqbah zone in al-Jahmalia area of Taiz province, a security official said Saturday. Oqbah zone was also bombed by the hirelings where many houses were damaged, according to the official. Three people were critically injured when the hirelings targeted a mosque in al-Moton district of Jawf province. The Saudi warplanes waged an air raid on al-Majram area in Haidan district of Sa'ada province, an air raid on al-Matar area in Serwah district of Mareb province, three raids on al-Masloub and al-Matmah district of Jawf province. The warplanes dropped flash bombs on the sky of Bani Seham area in Khawlan al-Teyal district of Sana'a province.  


Centcom Officials Announce Counterterrorism Strikes in Yemen

U.S. Central Command News Release

TAMPA, Fla., June 17, 2016 —

The U.S. military conducted three counterterrorism strikes June 8-12 against al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula in central Yemen, killing six al-Qaida operatives and injuring one, U.S. Central Command officials announced today.   

A strike, on June 8 in Badya governorate, resulted in the deaths of two al-Qaida operatives along with the destruction of their vehicle loaded with weapons, officials said. Another strike, conducted on June 10 in Marib governorate, killed two al-Qaida operatives. A June 12 strike in Shabwah governorate killed two more al-Qaida operatives, injured another, and destroyed the vehicle they were traveling in.

Significant Regional Threat

Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula remains a significant threat to the region, the United States and beyond, Centcom officials said in a statement announcing the strikes. Al-Qaida’s presence has a destabilizing effect on Yemen, they said, and the organization is using the unrest in Yemen to provide a haven from which to plan future attacks against U.S. allies, as well as against the United States and its interests.

“The U.S. will not relent in its mission to degrade, disrupt and destroy al-Qaida and its remnants,” the statement said. “We remain committed to defeating [al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula] and denying it safe haven regardless of its location.

U.S. strikes in Yemen continue to diminish the organization’s presence in the region, officials added.


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