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US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)







Scores of Iraqis Killed in US-Led, Iraqi Government Air Strikes, Million and a Half Refugees Fled Mosul, July 26, 2016 Hundreds of Syrian Civilians Killed in US-Led, Russian, Regime Air Strikes, July 24, 2016 Scores of Yemenis Killed in Attacks by Government Forces, Houthi Rebels, and Saudi Air Strikes, July 31, 2016 French Forces Actively Involved in Libya Fighting, Clashes in Sirte, Hundreds of Immigrants Drown, July 31, 2016.




Syrian Observatory for Human Rights's photo.
Turkish People Defeated the Military Coup, Erdogan Urges Obama to Extradite Coup Plotter Fetullah Gulen, July 17, 2016 Hundreds of People Killed in France, Syria, and Iraq, Mostly Civilians, July 15, 2016 American Holocaust: 3 Police Officers Shot Dead in Baton Rouge shooting, Increasing Gun Violence Deaths to 7,449, So Far in 2016 Muslims to Challenge GOP Hate Speech, Particularly Trump's and Gingrich's, Islamophobia in the US, July 11-17, 2016, CAIR Reports




Syrian Observatory for Human Rights's photo.
Hundreds of Syrians Killed in US-Regime Air Strikes, Rebel Attacks, in Just One Day, July 8, 2016 Palestinian Refugees Fleeing Syrian Death and Destruction Stuck on Greece Borders, July 9, 2016 American Holocaust, 54 Americans were killed, 143 were injured in gun violence incidents, in just two days, on July 6-7, 2016 Islamophobia in the US, July 1-8, 2016, CAIR Reports.




Hundreds of Iraqis Killed in US-Iraqi Government Air Strikes and IS Bombings, July 4, 2016 Assad Must Go Before Syria Can Change, Says Yildirim , July 14, 2016 Fighting Continues in Yemen Despite Cease-Fire, Hadi Rejects Unity Government with Rebels, July 11, 2016. Libyan Unity Government Forces Shell Besieged Islamic State Fighters in Sirte, July 14, 2016






Two of Istanbul Airport Suicide Bombers Named as Russian Nationals Rakim Bulgarov and Vadim Osmanov, July 1, 2016 4 Palestinians, 2 Israelis Killed, Scores of Palestinians Injured and Kidnapped by Israeli Occupation Soldiers, July 1, 2016























































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