Human price of maintaining the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, Revised


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     According to the Palestinian News Agency (wafa), the number of Palestinians who have been  killed by the Israeli occupation forces since the beginning of the Palestinian Uprising (Al-Intifadha), on September 29, 2000, was 1,675, at the end of August 2002. According to Palestine Red Crescent Society, that figure was 1,726 deaths and 20,174 injuries. Palestinians who have been arrested by August 1, 2002 were estimated at 10,000. By the end of August 2002, they were 11,612. Statistics concerning other Israeli occupation atrocities, such as demolished houses and uprooted trees, can be found at the Palestinian President's website.*  Also about 527 Israelis were killed and about 2,105 were injured.

The following is an attempt by Al-Jazeerah Information Center to document the number of victims of the Israeli military occupation during September  2002 (Note: For Palestinian figures, there may be some differences between the total figures provided by the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, Wafa, and President Arafat's Office).


September 2002


Day of the siege 


Palestinians killed Palestinians injured Palestinians arrested Israelis killed    Israelis injured
459 1 7 22 16 - -
460 2 2 21 23
461 3 3 29 37
462 4 - 21 10
463 5 1 22 54
464 6 2 17 23 2 3
465 7 - 21 20
467 8 17 26
468 9 2 29 19
469 10 1 35 23
470 11 - 33 43
471 12 1 33 35 4
472 13 4 37 46 3
473 14 - 20 17
474 15 - 20 12
475 16 1 15 9
476 17 1 25 33
477 18 3 30 28 3 1
478 19 1 28 37 5 66
479 20 3 34 21
480 21 1 30 90
481 22 5 72 35
482 23 1 45 52
483 24 9 101 49
484 25 63 37
485 26 6 70 32 1 5
486 27 1 36 19
487 28 2 43 24
488 29 2 42 16
489 30 3 235 62
   Total 62 1,246 948 11 82

Important Note: The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced in the 2nd anniversary of the Intifadha that the total number of Palestinian killed by Israelis or died as a result of Israeli occupation practices were 2,520. The Israeli Foreign Ministry announced that the number of Israelis killed since 9/26/2000 were 624. These figures differ from the ones above because Palestinian figures included Palestinians who die because they are prevented from reaching hospitals as a result of curfews or closures. See the following article: Border closure hits Palestinians - WHO

* The official website for the Palestinian Red Crescent Society can be found at: 

   The Palestine News Agency (Wafa) website can be found at:

    The Palestinian President's website can be found at:

-- No data available, particularly Palestinians wounded by Israeli occupation forces, on daily basis.

Note: Only the Israeli government knows the exact number of  Palestinians who have been arrested since March 29, 2002. Nobody except Israel knows what has happened to them, whether released, kept, tortured, or killed. However, the office of the Palestinian President provides a daily account about Palestinians arrested by Israeli occupation forces. 


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