The Muslim Association of Britain

The Million's Petition against British Policy in Palestine and Iraq


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Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

'In the name of Allah and all praise is for Allah and blessings and peace upon the Messenger of Allah'.

We need everyone to please email us @ [email protected]  if you are coming in a coach to the March. It is important we get the exact number of Coaches and people coming down for the March to ensure the Media give us fair reporting.


* Coaches need to drop people off @ Blackfriars bridge (A201) or Waterloo Bridge (A301)

* Collection Point will be Hyde Park

* Start 1230 Finish 1700

* For more info contact MAB Head Steward on [email protected] or Amjad (MAB) 07941 008738


 * Prepare Coach Packs, for everyone on your coach* These can contain information regarding the March and leaflets about Palestine / Iraq and Islam.

* Appoint Coach Stewards to ensure no one from your coach is lost.

* Small contact cards can be given to people on your coach with the coach stewards

* contact numbers - in case people may get lost.

* Include details regarding the nearest tube/train station - so that those that get lost can make their way home

* Prepare standard Letters to local MP's regarding Iraq/Palestine - these can be signed on the coach by people and can then be sent direct to your local MP or sent to MAB for forward submission

* Inform people about the next surgery for your local MP - so that they meet and discuss with your MP why we want Palestine to be Free and not to attack Iraq.

Download the MAB petition - from Make copies and get people in coach to sign it. This should be passed on the MAB Media Stall @ the March or posted to us @ MAB Petition / MP letters Muslim Association of Britain, 233 Seven Sisters Road, London N4 - UK

Thursday 26th September

Maghrib (around 7pm) in the Muslim Welfare House, 233 Seven Sisters Road (nearest tube Finsbury Park)

We have vacancies in the following areas of work:

  • Distribution of flyers on Friday

  • Distribution of material on the 28th eg literature, t-shirts etc

  • Stewarding

This is your opportunity to play a part in the biggest ever mobilisation for Palestine in this country ever insha Allah. The march is taking place on the 2nd anniversary of the Al-Aqsa intifada.

If you have any other expertise to offer, then please do get in touch. Everyone has a part to play in this cause.


Sign the Million's Petition


War on Iraq? Don't leave it to the politicians. As Britain debates "War on Iraq", we want you to join in. On Channel 4 news all week and in live debate into the night on Sunday, there will be a discussion about the issues and also an airing of the views from the public.


E Mail your views on the war to [email protected] .. Remember to mention your fears for the civilian population and also your lack of confidence in the American military and their ability to conduct a humane war. Another point to highlight is: if we have a war with Iraq because of UN resolutions or weapons of mass destruction why are we not looking at "Israel" with theirs; bearing in mind that another resolution was passed today telling "Israel" to cease hostilities and withdraw from the occupied territories   You can also text Channel 4. Type VIEW then write your message and send it to 83188 (texts cost 25p).


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